Common Lumbar Surgical Procedures Flashcards
Describe the degernative cascade
- phase 1: circumferntial tears
- phase 2: radial/HNP tears
- phase 3: spondlyosis/stenosis
Microdisectomy incidence of procedure
- removal of bulging portion
- 90% of all spinal surgeries involved DDD
- 90% of all lumbar Herniated Nucleus pulpus occur at L4-5 and L5-S1 level
- microdisectomy is gold standard for HNP with radicular symptoms
What are strong indications for having a microdisectomy
- bowel and bladder invovlement
- progressive neurological deficits
What are the relative indiciations for
a microdisectomy
- more of an elective procedure
- failure to respond to an active rehab program for 6 weeks
- severe, incapaciting pain that eludes pain control
- recurrent episodes of sciatica
- significant neural deficits (+SLR less than 30)
Cross over SLR => go to uninvolved side and do a SLR (sciatic neural tension) and a positive result is symptoms down the other leg
What is the goal of a microdiscectomy
- decompress nerve root
- minimize scar formation that could bind down the nerve
- avoid iatrogenic nerve damage
- typically discharged same down/next day
Microdiscectomy procedure
- goes down to the lamina
- ligamentum flava is cut
What is an annulus repair with a microdiscectomy
- reduced reoccurrence rate with sutured repair
- concern is suture may now irritating the nerve root
Bone Anchored ACD
Annular Closure Device
- plugs the breech of annulus
- prevents reoccurance of disc bulging
Post op rehab overal goals with microdiscectomy
- reduce pain (happens almost immediately)
- prevent reoccurence
- Controled motion with avoiding end range flexion
- maintain dural mobility (dont want to scar down the nerve)
- improve function
- safe, early return to functional activities
Microdiscectomy outcomes
- 90-95% success rate
- smaller incision does not reduce hospital stay
- 25% persistent pain with repeat surgery
- better short term outcomes
keep in mind that in most people the disc couldve reaborbed over time
Potential complications of microdiscectomy
- inadequate decompression
- iatrogenic injuries
- post op infections
- reoccurence of herniation
- impaired multifidii recovery
Percutaneous Endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD)
- newer procedure
- smaller incision
- less muscule trauma
- less post-op soreness
- better outcomes
- surgeon’s visual of herniation is more difficult
- more expensive tools, increase cost of procedure
Lumbar fusions incidence
- 137% increase in lumbar fusions performed
- typically with stage 3 patients
- average age is 52
- male = female
- 2-3 days average hospital length of stay
lumbar fusions indications
- severe disabiling back or leg pain (2nd pahse of DDD)
- post-traumatic instability
- spondylolesthesis
Goals of
a lumbar fusion
- successful unions of two or more segments
- preserve lordosis