What are six good tool habits?
Proper storage, Keep in good condition, Keep a complete set, use properly, Keep within reach and don’t use damaged tools
What are the two definitions of FOD?
Foregin object damage and Foreign object debris
How are FOD and FOD related?
Foreign object debris CAUSES Foreign object damage
What are the four types of screwdrivers?
Straight slot, Phillips, Reed and Prince, Offset
What is the difference between the Phillips and Reed and Prince screwdrivers?
The phillips head has a 30 degree angle with a blunt tip while the Reed and Prince has a 45 degree angle point tip
What are the five common wrenches?
Open, Box end, Combination, adjustable, Allen
What are the four socket handles?
Ratchet, Hinged, Sliding “T”, Speed
Which two socket handles should not be used to loosen tight hardware?
Ratchet and Speed handles
What are the three types of socket accessories?
Universal joints, Adapters, Extensions
What are the main purposes of Pliers?
Cutting wire and cotter pins, Holding and gripping, Holding and bending
What are the eight types of Pliers?
Slip joint, Adjustable, Diagonal, Cannon, Duckbill, Needle nose, Locking, Safety wire