Common Fractures Flashcards
Mallet Finger
Disruption of extensor mechanism, avulsion fx
MOI: Forced flexion of extended DIP
Rx: Splint in extension (6 weeks), then initiate AROM
Boxer’s Fracture
Fracture of 4th and/or 5th
MOI: Blow with a clenched fist
Rx: Closed reduction and casting; ORIF if badly displaced
Bennett’s Fracture
Fracture/Dislocation of base of 1st metacarpal
MOI: Axial loading of partially flexed thumb
Rx: Closed reduction with thumb spica or ORIF
Scaphoid Fracture
Adolescents and YA, AVN and non-union (if fx involves proximal pole)
Rx: Closed reduction and casting; ORIF is displaced
Triquetral Fracture
MOI: FOOSH in ulnar deviation; direct blow to dorsum of hand
X-Ray in Lateral View
Rx: Closed reduction and casting
Lunate Dislocation
Displacement and volar rotation of lunate
MOI: high energy hyperextension and ulnar deviation; fall or MVA
Rx: urgent open reduction and surgical repair
Perilunate Dislocation
Dislocation of carpals relative to lunate (w/ scaphoid fx)
MOI: Same as lunate dislocation
Rx: Immediate open reduction and surgical repair
Colle’s Fracture
Transverse fx of distal radius with dorsal/later displacement (osteoporosis)
Rx: Closed reduction and casting if not comminuted; ORIF if comminuted
Smith’s Fracture
Fracture of distal radius with palmar/medial displacement; young men or fall/blow to back of hand
Monteggia Fracture
Fx of proximal or mid 1/3 ulna with radial head dislocation (overlooked)
MOI: FOOSH or direct blow (MVA)
Rx: ORIF and immobilization
Galeazzi Fracture
Fx of distal 1/3 of radius with distal radioulnar joint disruption
MOI: FOOSH or direct blow (MVA)
Rx: ORIF and rigid immobilization
Greenstick Fracture
children, periosteal sleeve intact
MOI: Bending force, fall or blow
Rx: Cast immobilization
Radial Head Fracture
Valgus fore impaction of capitellum onto radial head
MOI: Axial loading on pronated and partially flexed/outstretched arm
Proximal Humeral Fracture
older individuals
MOI: FOOSH or elbow; direct blow
Rx: Closed reduction and immobilization (80%), ORIF
Humeral Shaft (Diaphyseal) Fracture
MOI: direct (transverse) blow; indirect trauma from fall or twisting (oblique or spiral)
Rx: Closed reduction and immobilization, ORIF
Humeral Fracture
Diaphyseal (younger), Proximal (Older), or distal (children)
MOI: FOOSH or elbow; direct blow
Rx: Closed reduction and immobilization (80%), ORIF
Supracondylar Fractures
Extra-articular or intra-articular, 90% in children
MOI: Fall onto hyperextended or flexed (rare) elbow
Rx: Closed reduction and immobilization if minimal displacement; ORIF
Distal Humeral Fractures
epicondyles, trochlea, capitellum and/or metaphysis
MOI: High energy trauma (younger); falls (older)