Common Cog. Distortions Flashcards
All or nothing thinking
Thinking in black and white, reducing complex outcomes into absolutes.
EX/ Although Lindsey came in second place, she constantly refers to herself as a loser
Using a, or a few, bad outcomes as evidence that nothing will ever go right again.
Making broad interpretations from one or a few events
A form of generalization in which characteristic or event becomes definitive and results in an overly harsh label for one’s self or others.
EX/ I failed the math exam so I am a failure
Mental Filter
Focusing on the negative, event or detail, and allowing it to taint everything else.
EX/ getting a progress report and only focusing on the negative/suggestions
Disqualifying the positive
Mainaing a negative view by rejecting information that supports the positive as being irrelevant, irrational, or accidental.
Jumping to conclusions
Making a negative interpretation despite the fact that there is little/no supporting evidence
Interpreting the thoughts and beliefs of others withoutadequet evidence
Ex/ She wouldn’t go on a date with me. She probably thinks I’m ugly
Fortune-telling error
The expectation that a situation will turn out badly without adequate evidence
Magnification or minimization
Exaggerating or minimizing the importance of events
Ex/Believe their success are unimportant. Or.their mistakes are excessively importance
Seeing only the worst possible outcomes of a situation
Emotional reasoning
The assumption that emotions reflect the way things really are
“Should” and “must” statements
The believe that things should be a different way
Ex/ I should always be friendly
The believe that one is responsible for events outside of their own control
Ex/ My mom is always upset. She would be fine if I did more to help
Magical Thinking
The believe that acts will influence unrelated situations
If you think about it you’ll make it happen
Ex/I am a good person— bad things should happen to me