Commentary Shuffle Flashcards

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Oft him anhaga are gebideð, 
metudes miltse, þeah þe he modcearig 
geond lagulade longe sceolde 
hreran mid hondum hrimcealde sæ, 
wadan wræclastas. Wyrd bið ful aræd! 
Swa cwæð eardstapa, earfeþa gemyndig, 
wraþra wælsleahta, winemæga hryre: 
"Oft ic sceolde ana uhtna gehwylce 
mine ceare cwiþan. Nis nu cwicra nan 
þe ic him modsefan minne durre 
sweotule asecgan. Ic to soþe wat 
þæt biþ in eorle indryhten þeaw, 
þæt he his ferðlocan fæste binde, 
healde his hordcofan, hycge swa he wille.

Start of The wanderer

Images of the heart / Mind

Solitariness and hostile natural world


'oft' can mean 'often' and 'always'
'are' means await or endure
'hrimcealde' is a hapax legomenon
'Swa cwæð' not elsewhere in AS corpus.
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Þæs ne wendon ær witan Scyldinga        
þæt hit a mid gemete manna ænig,
betlic ond banfag,  tobrecan meahte,
listum tolucan,  nymþe liges fæþm
swulge on swaþule.  Sweg up astag
niwe geneahhe;   Norðdenum stod
atelic egesa,   anra gehwylcum
þara þe of wealle   wop gehyrdon,
gryreleoð galan   godes ondsacan,
sigeleasne sang,   sar wanigean
helle hæfton.   Heold hine fæste
se þe manna wæs   mægene strengest
on þæm dæge   þysses lifes.


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Ne mæg werig mod wyrde wiðstondan, 
ne se hreo hyge helpe gefremman. 
Forðon domgeorne dreorigne oft 
in hyra breostcofan bindað fæste; 
swa ic modsefan minne sceolde, 
20oft earmcearig, eðle bidæled, 
freomægum feor feterum sælan, 
siþþan geara iu goldwine minne 
hrusan heolstre biwrah, ond ic hean þonan 
wod wintercearig ofer waþema gebind, 
25sohte sele dreorig sinces bryttan, 
hwær ic feor oþþe neah findan meahte 
þone þe in meoduhealle min mine wisse, 
oþþe mec freondleasne frefran wolde, 
weman mid wynnum. Wat se þe cunnað,

Start of The Wanderer, as he is describing his feelings of Isolation.

Images of the spirit and heart as wandering, and must be kept in breast.

His isolation is shows in contrast to past companionship (golden minne/ he who in meandhall my spirit knows, etc)

‘breostcofan’ is singular- when many people have one thing it is often described in the singular not plural
‘earmcerig’ - unlike other compounds, this one consists of two adjectives
eðle bidæled,- it is common in exile poems to show people being deprived
‘wintercerig’ winter could be a ssad with old age, or sad as winter

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Nolde eorla hleo ænige þinga 
þone cwealmcuman cwicne forlætan, 
ne his lifdagas leoda ænigum 
nytte tealde. Þær genehost brægd 
795 eorl Beowulfes ealde lafe, 
wolde freadrihtnes feorh ealgian, 
mæres þeodnes,  ðær hie meahton swa.
Hie þæt ne wiston,  þa hie gewin drugon, 
heardhicgende  hildemecgas, 
800 ond on healfa gehwone  heawan þohton, 
sawle secan:  þone synscaðan
ænig ofer eorþan irenna cyst, 
guðbilla nan,  gretan nolde, 
ac he sigewæpnum forsworen hæfde, 
805 ecga gehwylcre.  Scolde his aldorgedal 
on ðæm dæge  þysses lifes
earmlic wurðan,  ond se ellorgast 
on feonda geweald  feor siðian.

‘cwealmcuman’- Hapax legomenon meaning ‘murderous visitor’ emphasises his ‘otherness’, irony that he enders as hungry guest and leave a different kind of guest

freadrihtnes- Tautological poetic compound meaning lord lord

heardhicgende hildemecgas- only found in beowulf

irenna- means iron, synecdoche for sword

forsworen- either means that Beowulf had foresworn it, or that Grendel had bewitched it.

‘ellorgast’ : hapax legomenon. alien spirit, again he enters- Joyce Tally Lionarons- “[in] hope of full-feasting” (734a), he departs to become a different sort of guest to a different set of hosts’.

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hu sliþen bið sorg to geferan, 
þam þe him lyt hafað leofra geholena. 
Warað hine wræclast, nales wunden gold, 
ferðloca freorig, nalæs foldan blæd. 
Gemon he selesecgas ond sincþege, 
35hu hine on geoguðe his goldwine 
wenede to wiste. Wyn eal gedreas! 
Forþon wat se þe sceal his winedryhtnes 
leofes larcwidum longe forþolian, 
ðonne sorg ond slæp somod ætgædre 
40earmne anhogan oft gebindað. 
þinceð him on mode þæt he his mondryhten 
clyppe ond cysse, ond on cneo lecge 
honda ond heafod, swa he hwilum ær 
in geardagum giefstolas breac.

None of importance

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Ne þearf ðǣr þonne ǣniġ anforht wesan 
þe him ǣr in brēostum bereð bēacna sēlest, 
ac ðurh ðā rōde sceal rīċe ġesēċan 
120of eorðweġe ǣġhwylċ sāwl 
sēo þe mid Wealdende  wunian þenċeð. 
Ġebæd iċ mē þā tō þan bēame blīðe mōde, 
elne myċle, þǣr iċ āna wæs 
mǣte werede. Wæs mōdsefa 
125āfȳsed on forðweġe; feala ealra ġebād 
langunghwīla. Is mē nū līfes hyht 
þæt iċ þone siġebēam sēċan mōte 
āna oftor þonne ealle men, 
well weorþian. Mē is willa tō ðām 
130myċel on mōde, ond mīn mundbyrd is 
ġeriht tō þǣre rōde. Nāh iċ rīċra feala 
frēonda on foldan, ac hīe forð heonon 
ġewiton of worulde drēamum, sōhton him wuldres Cyning,

‘langunghwila’ is a hapax legomenon

‘mundbyrd’ is specific often to religious texts

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Ða þæt onfunde  se þe fela æror 
810 modes myrðe manna cynne, 
fyrene gefremede (he wæs fag wið god), 
þæt him se lichoma læstan nolde, 
ac hine se modega mæg Hygelaces 
hæfde be honda; wæs gehwæþer oðrum 
815 lifigende lað. Licsar gebad 
atol æglæca;  him on eaxle wearð 
syndolh sweotol, seonowe onsprungon, burston banlocan. 
Beowulfe wearð 
guðhreð gyfeþe;  scolde Grendel þonan
820 feorhseoc fleon under fenhleoðu, 
secean wynleas wic; wiste þe geornor 
þæt his aldres wæs  ende gegongen, 
dogera dægrim. Denum eallum wearð 
æfter þam wælræse  willa gelumpen.


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ðonne onwæcneð eft wineleas guma, 
gesihð him biforan fealwe wegas, 
baþian brimfuglas, brædan feþra, 
hreosan hrim ond snaw, hagle gemenged. 
þonne beoð þy hefigran heortan benne, 
50sare æfter swæsne. Sorg bið geniwad, 
þonne maga gemynd mod geondhweorfeð; 
greteð gliwstafum, georne geondsceawað 
secga geseldan. Swimmað eft on weg! 
Fleotendra ferð no þær fela bringeð 
55cuðra cwidegiedda. Cearo bið geniwad 
þam þe sendan sceal swiþe geneahhe 
ofer waþema gebind werigne sefan.

Hostility of environment, and how nature has replaced human companionship

Swimmað eft on weg’ this applies to the sea birds. Link to Seafarer where bird-song replaces human speech

visions of the mind/heart

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lifiaþ nū on heofenum mid hēahfædere, 
135wuniaþ on wuldre, ond iċ wēne mē 
daga ġehwylċe hwænne mē Dryhtnes rōd 
þe iċ hēr on eorðan ǣr scēawode 
on þysson lǣnan līfe ġefetiġe 
ond mē þonne ġebringe  þǣr is blis myċel, 
140drēam on heofonum, þǣr is Dryhtnes folc 
ġeseted tō symle, þǣr is singal blis, 
ond mē þonne āsette þǣr iċ syþþan mōt 
wunian on wuldre, well mid þām hālgum 
drēames brūcan. Sī mē Dryhten frēond, 
145se ðe hēr on eorþan ǣr þrōwode 
on þām ġealgtrēowe for guman synnum.

‘ġeseted tō symle, þǣr is singal blis’ typical latin formula’

figure of lord/retainer, and visions of the meadhall in heaven
promise and anticipation of joy
transience of life & suffering

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Com on wanre niht
scriðan sceadugenga.  Sceotend swæfon,
þa þæt hornreced  healdan scoldon,
ealle buton anum.   Þæt wæs yldum cuþ
þæt hie ne moste,  þa metod nolde,
se scynscaþa  under sceadu bregdan;
ac he wæccende   wraþum on andan
bad bolgenmod   beadwa geþinges.
Ða com of more   under misthleoþum
Grendel gongan,   godes yrre bær;
mynte se manscaða  manna cynnes
sumne besyrwan   in sele þam hean.

Grendel as ‘other’: described in terms of ‘enemy’. See him as he acts to penetrate the impenetrable meadhall, thus penetrating the heroic values and stability that the hall presents. His ‘otherness’ is set up against plurality of sleeping warriors. (contrast, though, that we see his approach, giving him narrative time, perhaps). enemy of god, too.

Pathetic Fallacy- darkness depicting foreboding


‘Com…scriðan’ (came gliding) is an effect that is repeated three fold (com…gongan / com…siðian), leading to a highly dramatic, bell-like toll announcing his arrival.

‘Sceadugenda’ (shadow-walker) may link to the way he always attacks at night, but also his position as cast out from God’s light.

‘swæfon’ sleeping- how are they asleep? Mitchell and Robinson suggest it shows manly indifference in the face of danger, Klaeber writes that it enhances the bravery of Beowulf.

‘ana’ Beowulf always alone- ‘ana’ said of him seven times, and also of Grendel and Sigmund

‘under sceadu ‘ germanic belief showed underworld as a place of darkness

‘Grendel’- Viewpoint switches from inside to outside the hall

‘godes yrre bær’ - because he is the kin of cain

‘godsele’- contrast of bright hall with surrounding darkness and wasteland dark and full of monsters

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Forþon ic geþencan ne mæg geond þas woruld
for hwan modsefa min ne gesweorce,
60þonne ic eorla lif eal geondþence,
hu hi færlice flet ofgeafon,
modge maguþegnas. Swa þes middangeard
ealra dogra gehwam dreoseð ond fealleþ,
forþon ne mæg weorþan wis wer, ær he age
wintra dæl in woruldrice. Wita sceal geþyldig,
ne sceal no to hatheort ne to hrædwyrde,
ne to wac wiga ne to wanhydig,
ne to forht ne to fægen, ne to feohgifre
ne næfre gielpes to georn, ær he geare cunne.
Beorn sceal gebidan, þonne he beot spriceð,
oþþæt collenferð cunne gearwe
hwider hreþra gehygd hweorfan wille.



‘gesweorce’ unsure whether it ‘cannot grow dark’ or ‘doesn’t grow dark’
‘flet’- ‘Floor’, synecdoche for mead hall.
‘dreoseð ond fealleþ,’ common christian idea about the coming of doomsday, seen also in the Bickling homily
‘ne mæg weorþan wis wer’- again, common in homilies as introduction to a wise man
‘wintra dæl in woruldrice’ hypermetic (three stresses) line, often showing gnomic wisdom

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Hē ūs onlȳsde ond ūs līf forġeaf
heofonlicne hām. Hiht wæs ġenīwad
mid blēdum ond mid blisse þām þe þǣr bryne þolodan.
150Se Sunu wæs sigorfæst on þām sīðfate,
mihtiġ ond spēdiġ þā hē mid maniġeo cōm,
gāsta weorode, on Godes rīċe,
Anwealda ælmihtiġ, enġlum tō blisse
ond eallum ðām hālgum þām þe on heofonum ǣr
155wunedon on wuldre þā heora Wealdend cwōm,
ælmihtiġ God, þǣr his ēðel wæs.


‘se sunu’- only time he is referred to as the Son, identified specifically as the second person in the trinity
‘eallum ðām hālgu’- WHO ARE THESE SAINTS?!?!?! no one knows but some people have guess. here are some guesses…ENOCH ELIJAH AND THE GOOD THIEF.

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Hwilum heaþorofe hleapan leton, 
865on geflit faran fealwe mearas 
ðær him foldwegas fægere þuhton, 
cystum cuðe.Hwilum cyninges þegn, 
guma gilphlæden, gidda gemyndig, 
se ðe ealfela ealdgesegena 
870worn gemunde, word oþer fand 
soðe gebunden; secg eft ongan 
sið Beowulfes snyttrum styrian 
ond on sped wrecan spel gerade, 
wordum wrixlan. Welhwylc gecwæð 
875þæt he fram Sigemundes secgan hyrde 
ellendædum, uncuþes fela, 
Wælsinges gewin, wide siðas, 
þara þe gumena bearn gearwe ne wiston, 
fæhðe ond fyrena, buton Fitela mid hine, 
880þonne he swulces hwæt secgan wolde, 
eam his nefan, swa hie a wæron 
æt niða gehwam nydgesteallan;

‘Hwilum’- both the stories of bad heremod and good sigemund end with an account of horse racing that ends with this word
‘gilphlæden…gemyndig’… assonance shows the skilful make of this section.
‘word oþer fand
soðe gebunden’ - shows artfulness of creating poetry
uncuþes- used of Grendel
‘fæhðe ond fyrena’- feuds and crimes, used of grendel
‘warm his nefan’ importance of this relationship

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Wod under wolcnum   to þæs þe he winreced
goldsele gumena,   gearwost wisse,
fættum fahne.  Ne wæs þæt forma sið
þæt he Hroþgares   ham gesohte;
næfre he on aldordagum   ær ne siþðan
heardranhæle,  healðegnas fand.
Com þa to recede   rinc siðian,
dreamum bedæled.   Duru sona onarn,
fyrbendum fæst,   syþðan he hire folmum æthran;
onbræd þa bealohydig,   ða he gebolgen wæs,
recedes muþan.   Raþe æfter þon
on fagne flor  feond treddode,
eode yrremod;   him of eagum stod
ligge gelicost   leoht unfæger.

.’rinc’- normally applied to humans but here to Grendel, K O’B O’K says how important this is. In bringing G across more he crosses the threshold of the human. In contrast, Beowulf when he prepares for battle does the opposite
‘dream’ already used 3 times. emphasis of jealousy
‘bealohydig’- used as noun.
‘recedes muþan’- if grendel approaching the building becomes human, then the building becomes monster, in this cannibalistic imagery.

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Sona þæt onfunde   fyrena hyrde
þæt he ne mette   middangeardes,
eorþan sceata,   on elran men
mundgripe maran.   He on mode wearð
forht on ferhðe;   no þy ær fram meahte.
Hyge wæs him hinfus,   wolde on heolster fleon,
secan deofla gedræg;   ne wæs his drohtoð þær
swylce he on ealderdagum  ær gemette.
Gemunde þa se goda,   mæg Higelaces,
æfenspræce,   uplang astod
ond him fæste wiðfeng;   fingras burston.
Eoten wæs utweard;   eorl furþur stop.

battle of will as much as physical strength

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Iū iċ wæs ġeworden wīta heardost, 
lēodum lāðost, ǣr þan iċ him līfes weġ 
rihtne ġerȳmde reordberendum. 
90Hwæt, mē þā ġeweorðode wuldres Ealdor 
ofer holtwudu, heofonriċes Weard, 
swylċe swā hē his mōdor ēac, Marian sylfe, 
ælmihtiġ God for ealle menn 
ġeweorðode ofer eall wīfa cynn. 
95Nū iċ þē hāte, hæleð mīn se lēofa, 
þæt ðū þās ġesyhðe secge mannum, 
onwrēoh wordum  þæt hit is wuldres bēam 
se ðe ælmihtiġ God on þrōwode 
for mancynnes manegum synnum 
100ond Adomes ealdġewyrhtum.


Mynte se mæra,   þær he meahte swa,
widre gewindan   ond on weg þanon
fleon on fenhopu;  wiste his fingra geweald
on grames grapum.   Þæt wæs geocor sið
þæt se hearmscaþa to Heorute ateah.
Dryhtsele dynede;  Denum eallum wearð,
ceasterbuendum, cenra gehwylcum,
eorlum ealuscerwen.  Yrre wæron begen,
reþe renweardas.   Reced hlynsode.
Þa wæs wundor micel   þæt se winsele
wiðhæfde heaþodeorum,  þæt he on hrusan ne feol,
fæger foldbold;  ac he þæs fæste wæs
innan ond utan   irenbendum
searoþoncum besmiþod.   Þær fram sylle abeag
medubenc monig,  mine gefræge,  
golde geregnad,  þær þa graman wunnon.

‘ealuscerwen’ - terror, HAPAX LEGOMENON. ealu- ale / scerwen- pouring away. can mean taking away of ale/ or good luck
‘renweardas’ - HAPAX LEGOMENON, hall guardians. maybe used ironically
‘Dryhtsele dynede’ ; Reced hlynsode’ : hall resound. envelope patterning
‘feol’- intrusion of the ‘othe’r (grendel) into the hall is echoed in the way that Grendel threatens the very structure of the hall, a symbol of retainers and men.
‘meducence’- seat of treasure giving, peace weaving, etc. Thus disturbance of mead bench echoes disturbance of society


Hwæt, iċ swefna cyst secgan wylle,
hwæt mē ġemǣtte tō midre nihte
syðþan reordberend reste wunedon.
Þūhte mē þæt iċ ġesāwe syllicre trēow
5on lyft lǣdan, lēohte bewunden,
bēama beorhtost. Eall þæt bēacen wæs
begoten mid golde; ġimmas stōdon
fæġere æt foldan scēatum swylċe þǣr fīfe wǣron
uppe on þām eaxleġespanne. Behēoldon þǣr enġel Dryhtnes ealle
10fæġere þurh forðġesceaft. Ne wæs ðǣr hūru fracodes ġealga,
ac hine þǣr behēoldon hāliġe gāstas,
men ofer moldan, ond eall þēos mǣre ġesceaft.
Sylliċ wæs se siġebēam ond iċ synnum fāh,
forwunded mid wommum. Ġeseah iċ wuldres trēow
15wǣdum ġeweorðode, wynnum scīnan,
ġeġyred mid golde; ġimmas hæfdon
bewriġene weorðlīċe Wealdendes trēow.


L.1. “Hwæt”: characteristic hypermetric opening of AS poetry; call for attention. Used in Andreas, Beowulf, Exodus, so both religious and heroic texts
L.2. “hwæt me geætte”: introduces dream vision; cultural belief that dreams ‘happen’ to a passive person (‘vision came to me, I was not the agent of the vision); aligns the dreamer with Christians such as Mary and Gabriel
MS actually reads haet or hat but this makes no sense, so editors have amended to hwaet to make it the introduction to a clause which is the parallel object of secgan. VB scribe often exchanges hw- for h- eg Andreas 1478. Either way, as Blake notes, the consonant pair hw- is frequently contracted to h- in later MSs
L.3. “reordberend” – ‘speech bearers’. Kenning for men, concept is similar to the Latin linguae used frequently in Vulgate texts to replace nationes or tribus (Rankin 1910). Ironically recalled at 89. reference to oral tradition of poets? Need for passing on message of the poem? Isolates the dreamer, marks him as special.
“at once emphatic both of the silence that surrounds the visionary and the moral carelessness of those asleep”. Like Christ asks three of his apostles (peter, john, james) to stay awake in gethsemane to pray after the last supper
Lines 2-3 echo Daniel 122-3
L.4. “þuhte me þæt ic gesawe syllicre treow” vision of Constantine from the poem Elene
“Constantinian concept of the cross towering in the sky would have been familiar from Invention and Exaltation liturgies”
syllicre – unusual use of the comparative; Cook suggests a missing line (as at Elene 74) or a missing negative
L.5 leohte bewunden – poetic formula? Describes Christ in Christ 1642 and an angel at Elene 733. Brilliance of the Cross paralleled at Elene 88-94, Riddle XXX.2


Ongietan sceal gleaw hæle hu gæstlic bið,
þonne ealre þisse worulde wela weste stondeð,
75swa nu missenlice geond þisne middangeard
winde biwaune weallas stondaþ,
hrime bihrorene, hryðge þa ederas.
Woriað þa winsalo, waldend licgað
dreame bidrorene, duguþ eal gecrong,
80wlonc bi wealle. Sume wig fornom,
ferede in forðwege, sumne fugel oþbær
ofer heanne holm, sumne se hara wulf
deaðe gedælde, sumne dreorighleor
in eorðscræfe eorl gehydde.
85Yþde swa þisne eardgeard ælda scyppend
oþþæt burgwara breahtma lease
eald enta geweorc idlu stodon.


‘dreame bidrorene’ - common refrain in elegiac poetry
‘eald enta geweorc’- refers to roman buildings. Seen in The Wanderer

hæfdon ealfela eotena cynnes 
sweordum gesæged.Sigemunde gesprong 
885æfter deaðdæge dom unlytel, 
syþðan wiges heard wyrm acwealde, 
hordes hyrde. He under harne stan, 
æþelinges bearn, ana geneðde 
frecne dæde, ne wæs him Fitela mid.
890Hwæþre him gesælde ðæt þæt swurd þurhwod 
wrætlicne wyrm, þæt hit on wealle ætstod, 
dryhtlic iren; draca morðre swealt.
Hæfde aglæca elne gegongen 
þæt he beahhordes brucan moste 
895selfes dome; sæbat gehleod, 
bær on bearm scipes beorhte frætwa, 
Wælses eafera. Wyrm hat gemealt.



Hwæðere wē ðǣr grēotende gōde hwīle
stōdon on staðole syððan stefn ūp ġewāt
hilderinca. Hrǣw cōlode
fæġer feorgbold. Þā ūs man fyllan ongan
ealle tō eorðan. Þæt wæs eġesliċ wyrd!
75Bedealf ūs man on dēopan sēaþe; hwæðre mē þǣr Dryhtnes þeġnas,
frēondas ġefrūnon,
ġyredon mē golde ond seolfre.
Nū ðū miht ġehȳran, hæleð mīn se lēofa,
þæt iċ bealuwara weorc ġebiden hæbbe,
80sārra sorga. Is nū sǣl cumen
þæt mē weorðiað wīde ond sīde
menn ofer moldan ond eall þēos mǣre ġesceaft,
ġebiddaþ him tō þyssum bēacne. On mē bearn Godes
þrōwode hwīle; for þan iċ þrymfæst nū
85hlīfiġe under heofenum, ond iċ hǣlan mæġ
ǣġhwylċne ānra þāra þe him bið eġesa tō mē.



Þanon eft gewiton ealdgesiðas, 
swylce geong manig of gomenwaþe 
855fram mere modge mearum ridan, 
beornas on blancum. Ðær wæs Beowulfes 
mærðo mæned; monig oft gecwæð 
þætte suð ne norð be sæm tweonum 
ofer eormengrund oþer nænig 
860under swegles begong selra nære 
rondhæbbendra, rices wyrðra.
Ne hie huru winedrihten wiht ne logon, 
glædne Hroðgar, ac þæt wæs god cyning.



Hwæðre iċ þurh þæt gold onġytan meahte
earmra ǣrġewin, þæt hit ǣrest ongan
20swǣtan on þā swīðran healfe. Eall iċ wæs mid sorgum ġedrēfed;
forht iċ wæs for þǣre fæġran ġesyhðe. Ġeseah iċ þæt fūse bēacen
wendan wǣdum ond blēom; hwīlum hit wæs mid wǣtan bestēmed,
beswyled mid swātes gange, hwīlum mid since ġeġyrwed.
Hwæðre iċ þǣr licgende lange hwīle
25behēold hrēowċeariġ Hǣlendes trēow,
oð ðæt iċ ġehȳrde þæt hit hlēoðrode.
Ongan þā word sprecan wudu sēlesta:
Þæt wæs ġeāra iū (iċ þæt ġȳta ġeman)
þæt iċ wæs āhēawen holtes on ende,
30āstyred of stefne mīnum. Ġenāman mē ðǣr strange fēondas,
ġeworhton him þǣr tō wǣfersȳne, hēton mē heora wergas hebban.


ærgewin is a unique compound meaning former strife
‘swætan’ only instance where it means bleed
‘fuse’- unknown meaning. maybe eager. but also shining. but who knows to be honest i give pretty much zero fucks anyway
only time said to be ‘wood’
‘feondas’ always unidentified

No his lifgedal 
sarlic þuhte secga ænegum 
þara þe tirleases trode sceawode, 
hu he werigmod on weg þanon, 
niða ofercumen, on nicera mere 
fæge ond geflymed feorhlastas bær. 
Ðær wæs on blode brim weallende, 
atol yða geswing eal gemenged 
haton heolfre, heorodreore weol.
850Deaðfæge deog, siððan dreama leas 
in fenfreoðo feorh alegde, 
hæþene sawle; þær him hel onfeng.

.’sceawode’ - 19 times in Beowulf, always to do with monsters
‘nicera’ also word for hippopotamus

Geseah he in recede   rinca manige,
swefan sibbegedriht   samod ætgædere,
magorinca heap.   þa his mod ahlog;
mynte þæt he gedælde,   ærþon dæg cwome,
atol aglæca,   anra gehwylces
lif wið lice,   þa him alumpen wæs
wistfylle wen.   Ne wæs þæt wyrd þa gen
þæt he ma moste  manna cynnes
ðicgean ofer þa niht.   þryðswyð beheold
mæg Higelaces,   hu se manscaða
under færgripum  gefaran wolde.

‘rinca manige’ partitite genitive- for collections of things
‘wistfylle’ - parody of hall, since he will become the dead one ho ho ho\
þryðswyð- interior rhyme


Dēað hē þǣr byriġde; hwæðere eft Dryhten ārās
mid his miċlan mihte mannum tō helpe.
Hē ðā on heofenas āstāg, hider eft fundaþ
on þysne middanġeard mancynn sēċan
105on dōmdæġe Dryhten sylfa,
ælmihtiġ God ond his enġlas mid,
þæt hē þonne wile dēman, se āh dōmes ġeweald,
ānra ġehwylcum swā hē him ǣrur hēr
on þyssum lǣnum līfe ġeearnaþ.
110Ne mæġ þǣr ǣniġ unforht wesan
for þām worde þe se Wealdend cwyð.
Frīneð hē for þǣre mæniġe hwǣr se man sīe,
se ðe for Dryhtnes naman dēaðes wolde
biteres onbyriġan, swā hē ǣr on ðām bēame dyde.
115Ac hīe þonne forhtiað, ond fēa þenċaþ
hwæt hīe tō Criste cweðan onġinnen.




Hwæðere þǣr fūse feorran cwōman
tō þām æðelinge; iċ þæt eall behēold.
Sāre iċ wæs mid sorgum ġedrēfed; hnāg iċ hwæðre þām secgum tō handa,
60ēaðmōd, elne myċle. Ġenāmon hīe þǣr ælmihtiġne God,
āhōfon hine of ðām hefian wīte. Forlēton mē þā hilderincas
standan stēame bedrifenne. Eall iċ wæs mid strǣlum forwundod.
Ālēdon hīe ðǣr limwēriġne, ġestōdon him æt his līċes hēafdum;
behēoldon hīe ðǣr heofenes Dryhten, ond hē hine ðǣr hwīle reste,
65mēðe æfter ðām miċlan ġewinne. Ongunnon him þā moldern wyrċan
beornas on banan ġesyhðe. Curfon hīe ðæt of beorhtan stāne;
ġesetton hīe ðǣron sigora Wealdend. Ongunnon him þā sorhlēoð galan
earme on þā ǣfentīde. Þā hīe woldon eft sīðian
mēðe fram þām mǣran þēodne; reste hē ðǣr mǣte weorode.



Ne þæt se aglæca   yldan þohte,
ac he gefeng hraðe   forman siðe
slæpendne rinc,   slat unwearnum,
bat banlocan,   blod edrum dranc,
synsnædum swealh;   sona hæfde
unlyfigendes  eal gefeormod,
745fet ond folma.   Forð near ætstop,
nam þa mid handa  higeþihtigne
rinc on ræste,  ræhte ongean
feond mid folme;  he onfeng hraþe
inwitþancum ond wið earm gesæt.



Bǣron mē ðǣr beornas on eaxlum oð ðæt hīe mē on beorg āsetton;
ġefæstnodon mē þǣr fēondas ġenōge. Ġeseah iċ þā Frēan mancynnes
efstan elne myċle þæt hē mē wolde on ġestīgan.
35Þǣr iċ þā ne dorste ofer Dryhtnes word
būgan oððe berstan, þā iċ bifian ġeseah
eorðan scēatas. Ealle iċ mihte
fēondas ġefyllan, hwæðre iċ fæste stōd.
Onġyrede hine þā ġeong hæleð - þæt wæs God ælmihtiġ,
40strang ond stīðmōd. Ġestāh hē on ġealgan hēanne,
mōdiġ on maniġra ġesyhðe, þā hē wolde mancyn lȳsan.
Bifode iċ þā mē se beorn ymbclypte. Ne dorste iċ hwæðre būgan tō eorðan,
feallan tō foldan scēatum, ac iċ sceolde fæste standan.



Hæfde þa gefælsod  se þe ær feorran com, 
snotor ond swyðferhð,  sele Hroðgares, 
genered wið niðe;  nihtweorce gefeh, 
ellenmærþum.  Hæfde Eastdenum 
Geatmecga leod  gilp gelæsted, 
830 swylce oncyþðe  ealle gebette, 
inwidsorge,  þe hie ær drugon 
ond for þreanydum þolian scoldon, torn unlytel.  
Þæt wæs tacen sweotol, 
syþðan hildedeor hond alegde, 
835 earm ond eaxle  (þær wæs eal geador 
Grendles grape)  under geapne hrof. 
Ða wæs on morgen mine gefræge
ymb þa gifhealle  guðrinc monig; 
ferdon folctogan  feorran ond nean 
840 geond widwegas  wundor sceawian, laþes lastas.



Rōd wæs iċ ārǣred. Āhōf iċ rīċne Cyning,
45heofona Hlāford, hyldan mē ne dorste.
Þurhdrifan hī mē mid deorcan næġlum. On mē syndon þā dolg ġesīene
opene inwidhlemmas. Ne dorste iċ hira nǣnigum sceððan.
Bysmeredon hīe unc būtū ætgædere. Eall iċ wæs mid blōde bestēmed,
begoten of þæs guman sīdan siððan hē hæfde his gāst onsended.
50Feala iċ on þām beorge ġebiden hæbbe
wrāðra wyrda. Ġeseah iċ weruda God
þearle þenian. Þȳstro hæfdon
bewriġen mid wolcnum Wealdendes hrǣw,
scīrne scīman; sceadu forðēode
55wann under wolcnum. Wēop eal ġesceaft,
cwīðdon Cyninges fyll. Crist wæs on rōde.

