Command SORM and Organization Flashcards
What is the basic function of the commanding officer?
Charged with the absolute responsibility for the safety, well being, and efficiency of his command
Except when received by competent authority
The duties and responsibilities of the commanding officer are established by what?
US Navy Regulations
General orders
Customs and traditions
The authority of the the commanding officer is commensurate with his/her ___________?
Responsibility, subject to law and US Navy Regulations
The executive officer is the direct representative of who?
Commanding officer
True or false.
All orders issued by The executive officer will have the same force and if act as though issued by the commanding officer?
The executive officer will conform to and carry out the policies in orders of who?
Commanding officer
The executive officer is primarily responsible for what?
organization, performance of duty,
good order and discipline of the entire command
Officers, temporarily acting as the executive officer, Will have the same authority and responsibility except?
He/she will make no change in the existing organization, unless order to do so
The executive officer will ensure the commanding officer is advised of what?
Difficulties that may affect operational readiness and administrative efficiency of the command
How do executive officers make frequent inspections?
In company,
when practicable,
With subordinates concerned,
Take remedial action to correct defects
Who duty is to maintain high morale within the command?
Executive officer
What are the chief concerns of the executive officer?
privileges of the individuals
Who keeps the command advised of the status of the ships damage control readiness?
Executive officer
What does 3M stand for?
Maintenance and material management system
Who supervises the organization and operation of the 3M program?
Executive officer
The executive officer is responsible to direct investigation of what?
Alleged violations of the UCMJ, military regulations and laws; and recommends appropriate disciplinary action to the CO
Whose duty is to prepare and maintain the bills in orders for the organization and administration of the command?
Executive officer
It is the executive officers responsibility to supervise and coordinate what?
- Work,exercises, training and education of the personnel command of the command
- operational plans and schedules of the command
Who regulates liberty and leave?
Executive Officer
The Executive Officer serves as the senior member of what?
- The planning board for training
- the safety Council
What does CMC stand for?
Command Master chief
Who is the enlisted advisor to the command?
Command Master chief
Command Master chief is responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies pertinent to what?
Morale welfare job satisfaction discipline utilization and training of all enlisted personnel -has direct access to the CO
It is the command Master chief’s responsibility to maintain and promote what?
Effectiveness and efficiency of the chain of command
The command Master chief assists _______ in all matters pertaining to enlisted personnel in order to promote______________________?
- CO
- traditional standards of good order and discipline
The command Master chief advises the commanding officer on the formulation and implementation of changes in__________?
Policies pertaining to enlisted members
The command Master chief attends meetings as directed by the commanding officer. Why?
To keep prized of current issues and provide a representative enlisted input
It is the command Master chief’s duty to participate in?
Ceremonies honoring command members
When appropriate, the command Master chief represents or accompanies the commanding officer to ________?
Official functions inspections
It is The command Master chief’s responsibility to participate in the reception and hosting of ________________?
Official visitors to the command
When does the command Master chief represent the command and the Navy at community and civic functions?
Upon invitation and as approved by the commanding officer
What instruction provided additional guidance to the duties and responsibilities of the command Master chief?
The safety officer will be assigned duty directly under who?
The executive officer
Who has direct access to the commanding officer in matters of safety?
Safety officer
The safety officer will be of department head status and seniority in order to coordinate The safety program affectively except when a ___________?
Department head
What is the safety officer responsible for?
- Coordinating and implementing the safety program based on objectives established by the commanding officer
- promoting maximum cooperation in safety matters at all levels
- safety training requirements
The safety officer reports to who for all matters regarding safety?
The commanding officer
The safety officer reports to who for all matters relating to the administration of programs and the correction of deficiencies?
Executive officer
What does CMEO stand for?
Command managed equal opportunity
Who provides briefings on equal opportunity matters?
What does CTT stand for
Command training team
What does CAT stand for
Command assessment team
Who facilitates formal CTT and CAT indoc courses, and various seminars and workshops?
Name the basic functions of the CMEO
- To formulate and revise equal opportunity directives and documents
- assist with inspections
- attend meetings conferences and seminars
- conduct public/community relations work
- Coordinate ethnic observances
Who reports directly to the commander/commanding officer, or orally or by written reports concerning the performance of his/her duties?
The equal opportunity program specialist
What does DAPA stand for
Drug/alcohol program advisor
The DAPA is responsible to the ______ for _________?
- commanding officer
- all drug and alcohol abuse level 1 programs
All navy commands are required to have a minimum of how many members assigned to the collateral duty of DAPA?
Larger commands should assign DAPAs on what ratio?
1 DAPA to 300 personnel attached
Where would you have at least one full-time DAPA?
Commands greater then 1000 personnel
Who made a point as many DAPAs as necessary to satisfy command requirements?
Commanding officer’s
DAPAs report to who regarding assigned duties and all drug and alcohol abuse prevention, control, and enforcement programs?
Executive officer