Command & Control, CIMS, Emergency Management Flashcards
What is the primary responsibility of an Incident Controller/Commander?
Managing risk through TENR
What are the characteristics of command and control?
Unity of command and control - Only one command and control structure at one time
Span of command and control - 2 - 7 direct reports ideally
Continuity of command and control - Ensuing that there are replacements available etc
Obligations of command - Commanders are accountable for decisions made and their consequences
What is the difference between command and control?
Control - refers to being in control of an incident, lead agency
Command - can only command your own agency
Coordination is managing the command and control of multiple agencies through taskings
What are the three command response levels?
- Tactical (when Police resources are applied directly to the community)
- Operational (where multiple tactical level activities occur or complexity of situation requires a higher level of command)
- Strategic (When the scope, consequence, community or political implications of an event require management)
What are the Police operational responses to incidents?
Steady state (BAU Policing)
Rising tide (Starts small, gets big eg Canterbury flooding)
Spontaneous incidents (No warning to develop response eg mosque shooting)
Pre-planned operations (Have the opportunity to develop plan and tactics prior to the operation. This can change into a spontaneous incident depending on what happens during the operation)
What is CIMS?
Framework of consistent principles in response to events. Can be used just Police or inter agency
What are some factors that the Commanders intent should cover during planning?
- Timeline for planning
- Any higher up Commanders guidance
- The lower level Commanders mission, purpose and key tasks
- Any priorities determined by the Commander
- Commanders desired end state
What is a Community Impact Assessment?
Risk assessment identifying considerations to be considered during an operation to minimise harm, increase safety for our community and maintain trust and confidence in Police
What is an op order called under CIMS?
Action plan
What is an “incident” in CIMS?
An event that requires a response from one or more agencies
What is the purpose of CIMS?
To enable personnel to respond effectively to incidents through appropriate coordination, both horizontally and vertically, by establishing common structures across organisations
When is CIMS used?
CIMS is expected to be used for all operations involving hazards and risks and should be used to provide effective management of a wide range of incidents
What is the primary goal of incident and emergency management in NZ?
To protect people and property from all hazards and risks, both natural and man made
What are the 4 “Rs” of emergency management?
- Risk reduction
- Readiness
- Response
- Recovery
What are the key principles of CIMS?
- Responsive to community needs
- Flexibility
- Unity of effort
What are the features and qualities that define CIMS?
- Common structures, roles and responsibilities
- Common terminology
- Interoperability
- Management by objectives
What is the key legislation covering emergencies?
The Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002. Most powers under that Act require a state of emergency to be declared prior to being used
What are the functions that need to be carried out by an IMT?
- Control
- Intelligence
- Planning
- Operations
- Logistics
- Public Information Management
- Welfare
(Also safety, recovery)
When is an EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) activated?
- When there are several incident level responses at different sites
- When off site coordination and support are required
- To coordinate multiagency or multi-incident responses
What is an ICP?
Incident control point. Each ICP will need an Incident Controller and and the EOC, with Local Controller, will sit over the top to coordinate them
What is the Control CIMS function?
Responsible for coordinating and controlling the response element, headed by the Controller
What is the Intelligence CIMS function?
Responsible for the collection and analysis of response infomation
What is the Planning CIMS function?
Responsible for development of Action Plans, including long term plans/contingencies and forecasting medium - long term resourcing requirements
What is the Operations CIMS function?
Responsible for day to day coordination of the response and implementation of the action plan
What is the Logistics CIMS function?
Responsible for providing and tracking resources to support the response
What is the PIM CIMS function?
Public information management is responsible for informing the public about the incident and response. Can also issue warnings and advisories
What is the Welfare CIMS function?
Responsible for managing the consequences of the incident on individuals and communities
What is the inquiry subfunction?
Police are the agency responsible for coordinating inquiries to assist families and next of kin to make contact with one another and to trace missing persons and inform next of kin.
How is the inquiry subfunction implemented?
During the first 72hrs people are encouraged to use their own means of contact. If these are exhausted and there are genuine fears for safety then an inquiry can be made with Police.
NEMA run the CDEM welfare registration system
What is an emergency under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002?
Result of any happening, natural or otherwise, that causes or may cause loss of life or in any way endangers the safety of the public or property in New Zealand and cannot be dealt with by emergency services
Once a state of emergency is declared what powers does a Constable have
- Evacuate or exclude people from a place to preserve life
- Enter any place to save lives, rescue, provide welfare for suffering or distress
- Close roads
- Remove/move vehicles to prevent or limit the extent of the emergency
- Requestion virtually anything to preserve life (must give written statement to owner ASAP)
- Can direct any person to stop any activity or take any action to prevent or limit the emergency
- Can direct building owners to have an assessment done of their building at their cost. Must define the scope of assessment
- Can inspect/mark/destroy/disinfect etc virtually anything to limit emergency
What are the offences under the CDEM Act?
- Failure to comply with a requirement of a Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan
- Obstruction
What is the difference between a forward commander and an incident controller?
Forward Commander is task specific wheras Incident Controller has overall awareness
What are key points when the ECC is exercising Command and Control?
- Authority of Shift Commander is delegated to dispatchers and TLs
- District units must comply with directions of Dispatchers and TLs
- When determining deployment of resources dispatchers and TLs must consider District priorities
- Any queries relating to operational matters must be referred to Field Supervisors or ECC TLs.
- The ECC Shift Commander has the final decision in operational matters
When should control be transferred to Field Units from Comms?
Once the designated incident controller has had time to
- Establish an ICP
- Familiarise themselves with the incident and obtain a briefing
- Formulate a response plan
Can Comms take control back from Field Units?
Yes, the Shift Commander may take it back or assign another Unit as Forward/Incident command
Should you ask the Dispatcher for further info for jobs?
Not early on as info is still coming in and it pisses them right off