Comm Theory Midterm Review Flashcards
What is “Theory”?
A set of systematic, informed hunches about the way things work; systematic and self-conscious discussion and analysis of communication phenomena
A Researcher’s Standpoint
self-reflexivity is the means by which you acknowledge your particular point of view
Used for prediction; Something to test
The means by which you acknowledge your particular point of view; Standpoint
The study of the origin ,nature, method, and limits of knowledge
The assumption that behaviour is caused by heredity and environment
Collecting data through direct observation; whatever we can prove through our senses
A theory about theory; the stated or inherent assumptions made when creating a theory
Theory + Value + Action
Falsifiability; The requirement that a scientific theory be stated in such a way that it can be tested and disproved if it is indeed wrong
Aesthetic Appeal
Requirement that a theory be presented with clarity and artistry; style of presentation; one of the ways to measure an interpretive (humanistic) theory.
Social Reform
Requirement that a theory generate change; one of the ways to measure an interpretive theory; common with critical theorists
Categorical Imperative (EVT)
Duty without exception - Immanuel Kant
Expectancy Violations Theory; Burgoon
Social Penetration (SPT)
developing deeper intimacy with another person through mutual self-disclosure;
Social Penetration Theory; Altman & Taylor
Relational Outcomes (SPT)
Perceived rewards minus the costs of interpersonal interaction;
Social Penetration Theory; Altman & Taylor
Theorem (URT)
A proposition that logically and necessarily follows from two axioms;
Uncertainty Reduction Theory; Berger
Plans (URT)
Mental representations (map) of action sequences that may be used to achieve goals; Uncertainty Reduction Theory; Berger
Warranting Value (SIP)
Reason to believe information is accurate;
Social Information Processing Theory; Joseph Walther
Social Information Processing Theory
Parties who meet online can develop relationships that are just as close as those formed face to face, although it takes longer; Joseph Walther
Hyper-personal Atrribution (SIP)
Claim that online relationships are often more intimate than those developed when partners are physically together;
Social Information Processing Theory; Joseph Walther
Relational Dialectics (RDT)
The dynamic and unceasing struggle (TENSIONS) between discourses about interpersonal relationships;
Relational Dialectics Theory; Baxter & Bakhtin
Dialectical Flux (RDT)
The ongoing unpredictable, indeterminate nature of personal relationships; spiraling & segmentation;
Relational Dialectics Theory; Baxter & Bakhtin
Spiraling Inversion
Switching back and forth between two discursive struggles, voicing one and then the other; VOICE SWITCHING; switching povs or conversations; Relational Dialectics Theory; Baxter & Bakhtin
Compartmentalizing; different discourses speak to different aspects of the relationship; Relational Dialectics Theory; Baxter & Bakhtin
Privacy (CPM)
The feeling that one has the right to own private information;
Communication Privacy Management Theory; Petronio
Privacy Boundaries (CPM)
The borders between private and public information;
Communication Privacy Management Theory; Petronio
Privacy Turbulence (CPM)
Turmoil when privacy rules are broken;
Communication Privacy Management Theory; Petronio
Strong Tie (MMT)
A relationship involving a large investment of time and emotional energy;
Media Multiplexity Theory; Haythornthwaite
Bridging Ties (MMT)
Weak tie relationships that enable information and resources to pass between groups of people;
Media Multiplexity Theory; Haythornthwaite
Ego Involvement (SJT)
How important an issue is in a person’s life (centrality);
Social Judgement Theory; Sherif & Sherif
Reference Groups (SJT)
Groups that members use to define their identity;
Social Judgement Theory; Sherif & Sherif
Lattitude of Acceptance (SJT)
The range of ideas that a person sees as reasonable or worthy of consideration; Social Judgement Theory; Sherif & Sherif
Central Route (ELM)
The path of cognitive processing that involves scrutiny of message content; Elaboration Likelihood Model; Petty & Cacioppo
Peripheral Route (ELM)
Message-irrelevant, produces fragile shifts in attitude; accepts or rejects a message based on irrelevant cutes as opposed to actively thinking about the issue;
Elaboration Likelihood Model; Petty & Cacioppo
Message Elaboration (ELM)
Thinking about issue-relevant arguments contained in a persuasive communication;
Elaboration Likelihood Model; Petty & Cacioppo
Strong Message Arguments (ELM)
Claims that generate favourable thoughts when examined; Takes central route, backed up with facts; Elaboration Likelihood Model; Petty & Cacioppo
Cognitive Dissonance
The distressing mental state caused by inconsistency between a person’s two beliefs or a belief and an action; Cognitive Dissonance Theory; Leon Festinger
Functional Perspective
A prescriptive approach that describes and predicts task-group performance when four communication functions are filled; Hirokawa & Gouran
Functional Utterance
Statement that performs a specific function; Functional Group Decision-Making; Hirokawa & Gouran
Discourse Ethics (Habermas)
consensus on universal ethical standards;
Habermas; Functional Perspective on Group Decision-Making; Hirokawa & Gouran
Replication; common in objective/scientific research; does your research give you enough information to predict what might happen in the future?
Ideal Speech Situation
a discourse on ethical accountability with full
representation by all stakeholders; Habermas; Functional Perspective on Group Decision-Making; Hirokawa & Gouran
Reflective Thinking (FPGD)
Thinking that favours rational consideration over intuitive hunches or pressure from those with clout;
Dewey; Functional Perspective on Group Decision-Making; Hirokawa & Gouran
- recognize symptoms
- diagnose causes
- establish wellness criteria
- consider remedies
- test for solutions
- implement best solution
Dramatizing Messages (SCT)
Group members’ expressed interpretations of events other than those in the here-and-now; Symbolic Convergence Theory; Ernest Bormann
Group Fantasy Themes (SCT)
Message content that spontaneously
chains out among members; Symbolic Convergence Theory; Ernest Bormann
Rhetorical Vision (SCT)
A composite drama that catches up large groups of people into a COMMON SYMBOLIC REALITY;
Symbolic Convergence Theory; Ernest Bormann
Fantasy Chain(ing)
lively agreement in response to dramatizing message;
Symbolic Convergence Theory; Ernest Bormann
Fantasy Analysis
Identification of dramatic features (fantasy themes and rhetorical vision); Symbolic Convergence Theory; Ernest Bormann
Symbolic Convergence
a group consciousness when 2 or more private symbol worlds converge, cohere; Symbolic Convergence Theory; Ernest Bormann
Symbolic Cues
Help group members return to the fantasy; Symbolic Convergence Theory; Ernest Bormann
Ethical Group Values (SCT)
Enhance common ground, Mutual understanding, Empathic communion; Symbolic Convergence Theory; Ernest Bormann
Critical Approach
Looks at political systems where conflict and power should be negotiated openly
Non-intrusive ethnography
Mapping of social discourse to discover what a people think, what they think they are doing, and to what ends they are doing it, without infringing on the culture in the process; Cultural Approach to Organizations; Geertz & Pacanowsky
Emic Mapping
Ethnography from an insider’s perspective
Dramatism (components) (CAO)
a METAPHORICAL VIEW of people, roles and
values of organizations: includes:
storymaking, and
agent as role;
Cultural Approach to Organizations; Geertz & Pacanowsky
Self-Structuring (CAO)
Adapt ideas to fit into work culture; One of 4 OG Communication Flows; How you orient yourself with the people you work with; Cultural Approach to Organizations; Geertz & Pacanowsky
Stakeholder Participation
the process by which all stakeholders in an
organization negotiate power and openly reach collaborative decisions; Communicative Constitution of Organizations; McPhee
Discursive Closure (CCO)
Suppression of conflict without employees realizing that they are complicit in their own censorship; Communicative Constitution of Organizations; McPhee
Positivism endemic to theory; Communicative Constitution of Organizations; McPhee