Comm midterm 2 Flashcards
Discuss ways in which media effects your viewing and news habits
Media has a way of shaping public opinion
Gatekeepers and algorithmic people
News organization (who sets the agenda), emerging media stories, partisan media (political talk media), danidate and office holders (mayors, etc), press releases and repackages the news
Media can make you believe you live in a cruel world, depending on which news source you’re subscribed to, you’re likely to receive media based off of their bias
What is cultivation theory?
Exposerto certain media can affect the viewers perception of reality. For example the mean world syndrom
Exaggerated belief we live in a mean and scary world
Watching a lot of news creates an influence of attitude and belief
Mean world syndrome” - (ex. News about murder)
Heavy viewing induces a paradigm about violence
Mainstream (the “norm”) & resonance (how the viewer attaches themselves to a message)
Normalizing media effects such as wealth & violence
Heavy use of viewing trumps other behaviors but light viewers are less likely to believe they will be a victim
“Norm” (social media)
School shooting, kidnap, roofied
Protest (BLM), walking alone/ kidnapped
War awareness, obligation to side
Gun violence
what are the issues of a mean and scary world?
Exaggerated belief we live in a mean and scary world
Watching a lot of news creates an influence of attitude and belief
Heavy viewing of negative media such as war, robberies, and murder can lead the the viewer to believe they live in a mean and scary world
describe media’s dominant ideology
Narrative framing
What narrative approach is used by the journalists, was the story built on conflict or points of agreement?
Product placement
Apple iphone in avengers movie
Immersive advertising
Construct news, shaping what is presented
Explain how you can become more aware and competent with media literacy
BECOME more aware of patterns in media
ASSES: realistically asses medias influence
INTERROGATE: actively interrogate media messages (ask why)
EXPOSE: expose yourself to a range of media sources (Fox -> CNN)
FOCUS ON: focus on motivations for engaging media
what is framing
what narrative approach was used by the journalist composing a story
Resonance and mainstream
how much the audience attaches themselves to the mainstream message
Ex: murders or kidnapping any how much they attach themselves to it
How would you explain perception?
The process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information.
This process can affect our communication because everyone responds to different messages and stimuli differently.
This process helps us perceive people and objects around us.
What is the process of perception?
Select, organize, interpret
what stands out to you and how much it stands out to you
Describe the three step perception checking process
Language & non verbal communication
Focusing our attention on certain incoming information
Out of all the information comes to us, we pay more attention to the vivid (salient) content
Organize information into patterns that provide us with a more complete picture of the situation
Making sense of selected info and organized based on our personal experiences
Affects how we perceive people and objects around us
With regard to the interpretation of perceptions, what are attributions?
How we explain something or someones behavior
How do the internal vs situational differences shape our meaning of an event? what happens when we make attributions?
Internal attributions connect the cause of behavior to personal aspects such as personality traits
-If someone is consistently late, internally attributing this to their identity
External attributions connect the cause of behaviors to situational factors
- If someone is late you may attribute that behavior to traffic
Attributions can be influenced by biases
-She won because she cheated (quiz lady)
discuss what influences our perceptions, such as our expectations, our physiological state.
-Exaggerated images we have on people, places & things
-Easier to predict behavior
to make effective decisions quickly
Explain what a perception check is and when we should use them
Observe, Describe, Alternative
blue eyes vs brown eyes
What is the difference between self, self concept and self awareness?
Self: our understanding of ourselves as a separate entity from others and the world
Self concept: the overall idea of who a person thinks we are, form our self concepts based on how we believe other people see us
Self awareness: recognition of our self as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals, not about comparing yourself to others
The ‘self’ is our individuality, ‘self-concept’ is our understanding of who we are, and ‘self awareness’ is our recognition and understanding of our unique characteristics
Why is the self multidimensional? And how does society shape our self?
Multidimensional because it contains various facets of an individual’s identity and self perception
Facets: academic self-concepts related to different school subjects, social self-concepts related to different social partners
Our culture and our society influence our development as individuals
Our interactions & personal development are shaped by society
Society influences our values- what we consider right and wrong - these societal influences guide our choices
What are the different aspects of identity? What are the different kinds of identities we have?
Identity can be who & what we are (gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity )
People can project what the want you to be
PERSONAL (characterizes you as an individual, ‘I am Kelsey’) & social identities
ME (who they want you to be, what you have to become to fit in, afraid of looking bad)
I (impulsive self, instinctive behavior, most authentic person you can become before shut down by ‘societal me’)
What is the difference between an in and an outgroup?
In group (people who you feel connected to) vs. out group (no connection/ strangers)
How do self fulfilling prophecies work?
an expectation or belief that can influence your behaviors, thus causing the belief to come true
Doing well in a class where a teacher thinks you’re smart, bad when a teacher thinks you aren’t
We internalize others’ perspectives, labeling ourselves as they do and act to fulfill the labels we have internalized
Why does self disclosure relate to our self concept?
Self disclosure is the process of revealing personal information to others
EX: Thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, insecurities, dreams, etc.
Self concept refers to the overall idea of who a person thinks they are
—–Formed through our interactions with others and their reactions to us
—–How we see yourself based off of other people’s opinions and reactions to us then form our self- concept based on how we believe other people see us
EX: You’re so pretty, smart, ugly
Engaging in self-disclosure reveals parts of our self-concept to others.
——-Can lead to deeper interpersonal connection and allows for others to understand us better.
——-Provides and opportunity to gain feedback from others which can help refine our self-concept
Why does the Johari Window relate to the self?
A model that describes different kinds of knowledge & perceptions that are related to self-concept & personal growth
Open area: has info that is known both to ourselves and others (name, major, taste in music)
Blind area: perceptions of us that others have but we don’t (viewing you as a leader even if you don’t see yourself as one)
Hidden area: info that we have about ourselves but choose not to reveal to others (vulnerabilities)
Unknown area: info about ourselves neither we nor others know. Contains info that is unknown to all
4 attachment styles
Confident- secure
Positive self view, positive view of others
-Derived from a secure caregiver
Dismissive- avoidant
Positive self view, negative view of others
-Isolation, emotionally distant
-Caregiver wasn’t around to provide love
Anxious- preoccupied
Negative self view, positive view of others
-Emotional hunger, lack of nurturing, fantasy bond
-Victim of abuse in family, shaped to believe they’re a negative
-Wants to work hard for approval and love
-Caring for other person more than themself
Fearful avoidant
Negative self view, negative view of others
-Internal conflict, dramatic, unpredictable
-Grew up with no caregiver
-Poor view of themselves & others