Comm Manual Chapter 4 Flashcards
CIDS Card = PG
Pre-incident Guideline
CFR Hold
Major Alteration
What is the priority order for information on a CIDS Card?
1) FD Designation – 2) Occupancy – 3) Decription of building (height/dimension/ construction class) – 4) Description of Dangerous/Hazardous/Unusual Condition – 5) MINRESP
A building constructed of metal “C” joist or steel bar joist would be classified as?
A class 3 building renovated or repaired using any type of structural light-weight materials would be classified as?
A wood frame building using wood truss construction or laminated I beams would be classified?
What shall a unit/company do if they discover a potential CIDS entry for buildings not located within their adminstrative district?
Unit/company should immediatley notify the adminstrative unit of the particulars
Can a unit still be dispatchd for an EMS run to a CFRH buildings in the CIDS sytem?
Yes – Segment 1 type calls classified as cardiac arrest or choking (segment 2 and 3 requests will be in effect and no CFRD unit will be dispatched)
What criteria is needed for the company officer to ensure a medical facility can be placed on a CFR Hold?
1) on duty personnel are trained in CPR – 2) Trained personnel are able to provide Oxygen – 3)on duty personnel are trained in defibrillator with all necessary equipment – 4) all equipment and trained personnel are availalbe during all hours of operation
What shall the unit verify each time a CFR Hold facility is inspected?
verify that the facility still meets the required criteria
What is a blank CD-201 card used for?
Immediate entry into the CIDS program of an imminently hazardous condition (completed form shall be faxed via the chain of command with all endorsements)
What action is necssary by the unit officer within the ECIDS application for an “immediate CIDS”
No action is necessary (fill out paper version of CD-201and fax via chain of command)