Comm Flashcards
Distress Call - Mayday
Mayday Mayday Mayday
Cessna 172 Ident x 3
Souls on Board
Airplane Marking
Ident x 3
Urgency Call - Pan-Pan
Pan-Pan Pan-Pan Pan-Pan
Cessna 172 Ident x 3
Souls on Board
Airplane Marking
Ident x 3
Emergency Landing Passenger Briefing
Engine Difficulties
Emergency Landing at Location
Fasten Seatbelts
Seats Full Back
Remove Sharp Objects
First Aid Kit & Fire Extinguisher Location
Unlatch Doors in Open Position before Touchdown
Meet 10’ behind Airplane after Touchdown
Take-Off Briefing
In the event of a problem affecting safety on the take-off roll, I will reject the take-off and call “reject”.
In the event of an engine failure or fire below circuit altitude 1200’ ASL, I will land the aircraft straight ahead.
In the event of an engine failure or fire above circuit altitude 1200’ ASL, I will turn back to the airport surface.
This will be a VFR departure off Runway XX, Abbotsford.
Winds are XX at XX knots.
We will fly the XX departure, restricted to XX feet.
The Go & No-Go point is Bravo. If I cannot take-off by Bravo, I will abort the take-off.
Calls on the roll will be: Gauges Green, Power Full, Airspeed Alive.