Coming Of democracy Flashcards
When did Botha give his Rubicon speech.
August 1985
What was the EPG and when did it come about?
1986 Group of 7 commonwealth come to SA to assess prospects of change. Cut short because of air attacks in May
When did Botha declare state of emergency
Explain operation vula and the Harare declaration
Vula was tambo secret plan to send senior ANC members underground to support ANC and mobilize movements
Harare was ANC declaration of intent to negotiate
When was de Klerk put into power
What did de Klerk do in 1990
Announce major reforms
What reforms did de klerk introduce in 1990
Unbanning of political organisations
Release political prisoners
Release NM
Allow political groups
When was NM released
February 1990
Explain the groote schuur accord
May 1990.
Identify and overcome obstacles
Agreement reached most issues
Explain the Pretoria minute
2nd talks August 1990 ANC agree end arm struggle for lift SoE Agreement did not solve kzn violence June 1991 people begin questioning govt sincerity Revealed SA govt funds inkatha
Explain the NPA
National peace accord
Sept 1991
Facilitates negotiation
When was CODESA 1 implemented?
December 1991
Explain CODESA 1
Declaration of intent
Agree interim govt until new constitution drawn
Why did Botha call for whites only referendum
White RW opposed his reforms
referendum showed 68% whites wanted negotiations to continue
March 1992
CODESA 2 began…
In may 1992
After CODESA 1 collapsed.
Tougher stance
Breaks down because of fundamental disagreement - majority vs power sharing
A Multi party conference was needed to….
Draw up interim constitution
What massacre happened in 1992
June 1992.
CODESA 2 broke up….. What happened after
June 1992 after Boipatong.
Record of understanding. Sunset clause = GNU
Explain the GNU and it’s importance
5% would be recognized 5 years
Considered breakthrough in negotiations
Which massacre followed record of understanding
Bisho. Sept 1992
When did CODESA 2 resume
November 1992 response to Bisho. MPNF formed
When was Chris Hani killed
April 1993
When and why did AWB storm WTC
June 1993 to disrupt negotiations
Why did IFP & CP walk out of talks
- IFP objected MPNF. CP because no white interests guarded
What happened in july 1993
St James church massacre
What happened during december 1993
Heidelberg tavern
In early march of 1994…
Mangope refuses to release bophutu of independence
Why did gqozo step down
Afraid of mutiny
28 march 1994 what happened
IFP attack Luthuli house
ANC calls emergency meeting where agree IFP Participate in election
FF created by constand viljoen
April 1994…
First democratic elections
The new constitution was drafted in…
Explain the beginnings of TRC
Tutu and Alex Boraine.
Aims to uncover truth
TRC give full report in
1998 October but ANC Suppress it
What did Botha do in 1985
Offer NM freedom