Combat Flashcards
What does the Dash action do?
For the rest of your turn, you gain extra movement equal to your Speed.
What does the Disengage do?
Your movement doesn’t provoke Opportunity Attacks for the rest of your turn.
What does the Dodge action do?
Until the start of your next turn, attack rolls against you have Disadvantage, and you make Dexterity saving throws with Advantage.
You lose this benefit if you have the Incapacitated condition, or if your Speed is 0.
What two factors prevent a creature from benefiting from the Dodge action?
A creature cannot benefit from the Dodge action if their Speed is 0, or if they are Incapacitated.
What two ways can the Help action be used?
Assist an Ability Check – Choose one of your skill or tool proficiencies and an ally who is near enough that you can verbally or physically assist them. The ally has Advantage on their next check made with the chosen skill or tool. This benefit expires if not used before the start of your next turn. The DM has the final say on whether your assistance is possible.
Assist an Attack Roll – You momentarily distract an enemy within 5 feet of you, giving Advantage to the next attack roll by one of your allies against that enemy. This benefit expires at the start of your next turn.
In order to Help an ally with an attack roll, where should you be positioned?
You must be within 5 feet of an enemy in order to grant Advantage on an Attack roll with the Help action.
In order to Help an ally with an ability check or tool proficiency, where should you be positioned?
Near enough that you can either verbally or physically assist. (No limitation in feet listed)
Tthe DM will determine whether you can Help with a given check.
In order to successfully take the Hide action, what three conditions must you fulfill?
- You must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
- You must either be Heavily Obscured, or behind Three-Quarters Cover or Total Cover.
- You must be you of any enemy’s line of sight (if you can see a creature, you can discern whether it can see you).
What is the DC to find a creature that used the Hide action?
The DC is the initial Dexterity (Stealth) check that the creature made when it attempted to Hide.
Note: in order to Hide successfully, the initial Dexterity (Stealth) check must have been greater than 15.
When you Ready an action, on what part of your turn do you use it?
Readied actions are prepared on your turn, but are used as your Reaction.
In other words, in order to Ready an action, you must use both your Action and Reaction.
What kinds of spells can you cast with a Readied action?
Only spells with a casting time of one Action may be Readied.
In other words, you cannot Ready an action in order to cast Misty Step, as that spell is cast with a Bonus action.
When you Ready an action to cast a spell, what should you keep in mind?
A Readied spell requires Concentration. If your concentration is broken before you use the readied spell, it dissipates without taking effect.
Additionally, this means that a creature that is already concentrating on a spell cannot Ready an action to cast another without dropping concentration on the first.
When a creature uses its Reaction, when may it take another?
A creature regains its reaction at the start of its own turn.
Can a Reaction interrupt another creature’s turn?
Yes. The creature’s turn continues as normal after the Reaction interrupts it.
Can all creatures take Bonus actions?
No. Unless you specifically have a class feature (like a Rogue’s Cunning Action), or access to a spell with a casting time of one Bonus action, you may not take a Bonus action.