Barbarian Flashcards
What hit point die does the Barbarian use?
What saving throw proficiencies does a Barbarian get?
Strength and Constitution.
What skill 6 proficiencies does a Barbarian choose from? How many do they choose?
Choose two: Animal handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival.
Which weapon proficiencies does a Barbarian start with?
Simple and Martial.
What armor training does a Barbarian start with?
Light and Medium armor, plus shields.
Rage: what type of action does a Barbarian use to enter Rage?
Bonus action.
Rage: what equipment prevents a Barbarian from entering Rage?
A barbarian cannot enter rage if wearing Heavy armor.
Rage: How many times per day can a Barbarian enter a Rage?
Listed on the table in the PHB.
Level 1-2: 2 uses
Level 3-5: 3 uses
Level 6-11: 4 uses
Level 12-16: 5 uses
Level 17-20: 6 uses
Note: this does not scale at the same rate as proficiency bonus.
A Barbarian regains one expended use of Rage on a short rest, and all uses on a long rest.
Rage: how are Rage charges regained?
One expended use recovered on a short rest, and all expended uses recovered on a long rest.
Rage: What three features does a Barbarian gain while raging?
Damage resistance to Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing damage.
Rage Damage: extra damage which applies to both Unarmed and Weapon attacks, and scales with Barbarian level.
Advantage on Strength saving throws and Strength ability checks.
Rage: How does casting spells work while a Barbarian is Raging? How is concentration handled?
A barbarian can neither cast nor concentrate on spells while Raging.
Effectively, Barbarian-caster multiclasses are no longer possible in 5e 2024.
Rage: How long does Rage last?
Which two conditions end Rage?
What three actions can a Barbarian take to extend their Rage?
Rage lasts until the end of their next turn.
Rage also ends if the character dons heavy armor, or becomes incapacitated.
Rage can be extended by making an attack roll against an enemy, forcing an enemy to make a saving throw, or taking a bonus action to extend their rage.
Rage: How does Rage bonus scale with level?
1-8: +2
9-15: +3
16-20: +4
Barbarian level 1: Unarmored Defense
While you aren’t wearing any armor, your base Armor Class equals 10 plus your Dexterity and Constitution modifiers. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Unarmored Defense: Does this ability stack with any other AC calculation? For example, could certain builds of Warforged Barbarians add their proficiency bonus to their AC calculation?
No. No matter how many “alternate” AC calculations a player has access to, they must choose only one to use.
Barbarian Level 1: Weapon Mastery
You can use the mastery properties of two kinds of Simple or Martial melee weapons of your choice. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can change one of these weapon choices.
Barbarian Level 2: Danger Sense
You have Advantage on Dexterity saving throws unless you have the Incapacitated condition.
Barbarian Level 2: Reckless Attack
When you make your first attack roll on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you Advantage on attack rolls using Strength until the start of you next turn, but attack rolls against you have Advantage during that time.
Barbarian Level 3: Barbarian subclass.
Like all classes, Barbarians gain a subclass at 3rd level. In the 2024 PHB, you will choose between:
Path of the Berserker
Path of the Wild Heart
Path of the World Tree
Path of the Zealot
Barbarian Level 3: Primal Knowledge
You gain proficiency in another skill of your choice from the Barbarian skill list.
In addition, while your Rage is active, whenever you make an ability check using one of the following skills, you can make it as a Strength check instead: Acrobatics, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, or Survival.
Barbarian Level 4: Ability Score Improvement.
As with all classes, a Barbarian can either choose to take the Ability Score Improvement feat, or another feat of their choice for which they qualify.
Barbarian Level 5: Extra Attack.
You can attack twice instead of once when you take the Attack action in your turn.
Barbarian Level 5: Fast Movement
Your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren’t wearing Heavy armor.
Barbarian Level 7: Feral Instinct
Your instincts are so honed that you have Advantage on Initiative rolls.
Barbarian Level 7: Instinctive Pounce
As part of the Bonus action you take to enter your Rage, you can move up to half of your speed.
Barbarian Level 9: Brutal Strike
If you use Reckless Attack, you can forgo any Advantage on one Strength-based attack roll of your choice on your turn. You must not have Disadvantage on the chosen attack. If this attack hits, you target takes an extra 1d10 damage of the same type dealt by the weapon attack or unarmed strike
Barbarian - Path of the Berserker
Level 3: Frenzy
If you use Reckless Attack while your Rage is active, you deal extra damage to the first target you hit on your turn with a Strength-based attack. To determine the extra damage, roll a number of d6s equal to your Rage damage bonus, and add them together. The damage has the same type as the weapon or Unarmed strike used for the attack.
Barbarian - Path of the Berserker
Level 6: Mindless Rage
You have Immunity to the Charmed and Frightened conditions while your Rage is active. If you’re Charmed or Frightened when you enter your Rage, the condition ends on you.
Barbarian - Path of the Berserker
Level 10: Retaliation
When you take damage from a creature within 5 feet of you, you can take a Reaction to make one melee attack against that creature, using a weapon or an Unarmed Strike.
Barbarian - Path of the Berserker
Level 14: Intimidating Presence
As a Bonus Action, you can strike terror into others with your menacing presence and primal power. When you do so, each creature in a 30-foot Emanation originating from you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 plus your Strength modifier and Proficiency Bonus). On a failed save, a creature has the Frightened condition for 1 minute. At the end of each of the Frightened creature’s turns, the creature repeats the save, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Long Rest unless you expend a use of your Rage (no action required) to restore your use of it.
Barbarian - Path of the Wild Heart
Level 3: Animal Speaker
You can cast the Beast Sense and Speak with Animals spells but only as Rituals. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for them.
Barbarian - Path of the Wild Heart
Level 3: Rage of the Wilds
Your Rage taps into the primal power of animals. Whenever you activate your Rage, you gain one of the following options of your choice.
Bear. While your Rage is active, you have Resistance to every type of damage except Force, Necrotic, Psychic, and Radiant.
Eagle. When you activate your Rage, you can take the Disengage and Dash actions as part of that Bonus Action. While your Rage is active, you can take a Bonus Action to take both of those actions.
Wolf. While your Rage is active, your allies have Advantage on attack rolls against any enemy of yours within 5 feet of you.
Barbarian - Path of the Wild Heart
Level 6: Aspect of the Wilds
You gain one of the following options of your choice. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can change the choice.
Owl. You have Darkvision within a range of 60 feet. If you already have Darkvision, its range increases by 60 feet.
Panther. You have a Climb Speed equal to your Speed.
Salmon. You have a Swim Speed equal to your Speed.
Barbarian - Path of the Wild Heart
Level 10: Nature Speaker
You can cast the Commune with Nature spell but only as a Ritual. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.
Barbarian - Path of the Wild Heart
Level 14: Power of the Wilds
Whenever you activate your Rage, you gain one of the following options of your choice.
Falcon. While your Rage is active, you have a Fly speed equal to your Speed if you aren’t wearing any armor.
Lion. While your Rage is active, any of your enemies within 5 feet of you have Disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you or another Barbarian who has this option active.
Ram. While your Rage is active, you can cause a Large or smaller creature to have the Prone condition when you hit it with a melee attack.
Barbarian - Path of the World Tree
Level 3: Vitality of the Tree
Your Rage taps into the life force of the World Tree. You gain the following benefits.
Vitality Surge. When you activate your Rage, you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to your Barbarian level.
Life-Giving Force. At the start of each of your turns while your Rage is active, you can choose another creature within 10 feet of yourself to gain Temporary Hit Points. to determine the number of Temporary Hit Points, roll a number of d6s equal to your Rage Damage bonus, and add them together. If any of these Temporary Hit Points remain when your Rage ends, they vanish.
Barbarian - Path of the World Tree
Level 6: Branches of the Tree
Whenever a creature you can see starts its turn within 30 feet of you while your Rage is active, you can take a Reaction to summon spectral branches of the World Tree around it. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 plus your Strength modifier and Proficiency Bonus) or be teleported to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of yourself or in the nearest unoccupied space you can see. After the target teleports, you can reduce its Speed to 0 until the end of the current turn.
Barbarian - Path of the World Tree
Level 10: Battering Roots
During your turn, your reach is 10 feet greater with any Melee weapon that has the Heavy or Versatile property, as tendrils of the World Tree extend from you. When you hit with such a weapon on your turn, you can activate the Push or Topple mastery property in addition to a different mastery property you’re using with that weapon.
Barbarian - Path of the World Tree
Level 14: Travel Along the Tree
When you activate your Rage and as a Bonus Action while your Rage is active, you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
In addition, once per Rage, you can increase the range of that teleport to 150 feet. When you do so, you can also bring up to six willing creatures who are within 10 feet of you. Each creature teleports to an unoccupied space of your choice within 10 feet of your destination space.
Barbarian - Path of the Zealot
Level 3: Divine Fury
You can channel divine power into your strikes. On each of your turns while your Rage is active, the first creature you hit with a weapon or an Unarmed Strike takes extra damage equal to 1d6 plus half your Barbarian level (rounded down). The extra damage is Necrotic or Radiant; you choose the type each time you deal the damage.
Barbarian - Path of the Zealot
Level 3: Warrior of the Gods
A divine entity helps ensure you can continue the fight. You have a pool of four d12s that you can spend to heal yourself. As a Bonus Action, you can expend dice from the pool, rolls them, and regain a number of Hit Points equal to the roll’s total.
Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a Long Rest.
The pool’s maximum number of dice increases by one when you reach Barbarian levels 6 (5 dice), 12 (6 dice), and 17 (7 dice)
Barbarian - Path of the Zealot
Level 6: Fanatical Focus
Once per active Rage, if you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it with a bonus equal to your Rage Damage bonus, and you must use the new roll.
Barbarian - Path of the Zealot
Level 10: Zealous Presence
As a Bonus Action, you unleash a battle cry infused with divine energy. Up to ten other creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you gain Advantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Long Rest unless you expend a use of your Rage (no action required) to restore your use of it.
Barbarian - Path of the Zealot
Level 14: Rage of the Gods
When you activate your Rage, you can assume the form of a divine warrior. This form lasts for 1 minute or until you frop to 0 Hit Points. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.
While in this form, you can the benefits below.
Flight. You have a Fly Speed equal to your Speed and can hover.
Resistance. You have resistance to Necrotic, Psychic, and Radiant Damage.
Revivification. When a creature within 30 feet of you would drop to 0 Hit Points, you can take a Reaction to expend a use of your Rage to instead change the target’s Hit Points to a number equal to your Barbarian Level.