COM 114 basics Flashcards
straw person
misrepresents a person or organization by substituting then with a distorted version
red herring
a method in which an irrelevant topic will be brought into discussion to distract from the real issue
ad hominem
an irrelevant personal attack against a specific person or group rather than their argument
slipper slope
asserts that some action will inevitably lead to a chain of events that end in a certain result. One step will lead to a disastrous outcome.
False analogy
makes a comparison between two objects that seem to have similar characteristics but are actually different in that area (caffeine addicts are no better than alcoholics)
what is inoculation theory
Inoculation protects people against disinformation by teaching them to spot and refute a misleading claim. Inoculation messages can build up people’s resistance or “mental antibodies” to encountering misinformation in the future, the way vaccines create antibodies that fight against future infection.
directional transition
used to move between main points
internal review transition
lie in main points and reiterate what has already been said
internal preview transition
lie in main points and show the reader what is ahead
alert the audience to the exact location in the presentation (in summary, the first cause, the most important point)
reveal things about how we’re feeling and our internal state, could convey anxiety, excitement, etc
ex: twiddling thumbs
Enablers of communication are those entities that facilitate the effective communication between sender and receiver. Some of the enablers of communication are empathy, active listening, respect of the speaker’s culture and clarity.
gestures that can be directly translated into verbal language (peace sign, thumbs up, etc)
most common, are used to enhance and accompany the verbal message, but can’t be used without words
For example, you might use hand gestures to indicate the size or shape of an object.
question of fact ex
Who scored the most points in the NBA last season?