Column 10 Flashcards
indelible in·del·i·ble | \in-ˈde-lə-bəl \
: that cannot be removed, washed away, or erased
b : making marks that cannot easily be removed
an indelible pencil
cologne co·logne | \kə-ˈlōn \
: a perfumed liquid composed of alcohol and fragrant oils
2 : a cream or paste of cologne sometimes formed into a semisolid stick
gondolier gon·do·lier | \ˌgän-də-ˈlir \
one who propels a Venetian gondola
mut·ton·chops | \ˈmə-tᵊn-ˌchäps \
side-whiskers that are narrow at the temple and broad and round by the lower jaws
— called also muttonchop whiskers
cliches cli·ché | \klē-ˈshā, ˈklē-ˌ, kli-ˈ\
a trite phrase or expression
also : the idea expressed by it
im·preg·na·ble | \im-ˈpreg-nə-bəl \
incapable of being taken by assault : UNCONQUERABLE
an impregnable fortress
trenchant tren·chant | \ˈtren-chənt \
2 : vigorously effective and articulate
a trenchant analysis
catacombs cat·a·comb | \ˈka-tə-ˌkōm \
a subterranean cemetery of galleries with recesses for tombs —usually used in plural
2 : something resembling a catacomb: such as
a : an underground passageway or group of passageways
b : a complex set of interrelated things
sal·u·ta·tion | \ˌsal-yə-ˈtā-shən \
: an expression of greeting, goodwill, or courtesy by word, gesture, or ceremony
b salutations plural : REGARDS
der·vish | \ˈdər-vish \
a member of a Muslim religious order noted for devotional exercises (such as bodily movements leading to a trance)
2 : one that whirls or dances with or as if with the abandonment of a dervish
con·so·nant | \ˈkän(t)-s(ə-)nənt \
being in agreement or harmony : free from elements making for discord
The decision was consonant with the company’s usual practice.
2 : marked by musical consonances
consonant chords
3 : having similar sounds
consonant words
vel·ve·teen | \ˌvel-və-ˈtēn \
: a clothing fabric usually of cotton in twill or plain weaves made with a short close weft pile in imitation of velvet
2 velveteens plural : clothes made of velveteen
gal·le·on | \ˈga-lē-ən \
a heavy square-rigged sailing ship of the 15th to early 18th centuries used for war or commerce especially by the Spanish
wast·rel | \ˈwā-strəl
2 : one who expends resources foolishly and self-indulgently : PROFLIGATE
re·dun·dan·cy | \ri-ˈdən-dən(t)-sē \
: the quality or state of being redundant : SUPERFLUITY
b : the use of redundant components
also : such components
c chiefly British : dismissal from a job especially by layoff
in·er·tia | \i-ˈnər-shə, -shē-ə\
: a property of matter by which it remains at rest or in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force
b : an analogous property of other physical quantities (such as electricity)