Colorectal Disorders Flashcards
Constipation is a functional d/o. Name the 3 subtypes
- slow colonic transit
- obstructive defication
constipation ddx (etis)
- MC: low fiber, sed lifestyle, inadequate fluid intake
- systemic: ENDOCRINE (hypothyroid, hyperparathyroid, DM), METABOLIC (hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, uremia, porphyria), NEURO (Parkinson, MS, sacral nerve damage, paraplegia, autonomic neuropathy)
- meds: opioids, diuretics, CCB, anticholinergics, psychotorpics, Ca, Fe, NSAID, clonidine, cholestyramine)
- structural: anorectal, perineal descent, colonic mass/stricture, Hirschsprung
- slowed transit: idiopathic, psychogenic, eating d/o, chronic pseudoobstruction
- pelvic floor dyssynergia
constipation wu
- rectal & abd exam
- if alarm sx: CBC, TSH, BMP, ref for EGD or flex sig
constipation mgmt
- inc fiber intake gradually
- inc # of daily meals
- laxatives prn/chronically if refractory to lifestyle mods
Fiber laxatives
- bran powder (gassy), Metamucil, Citrucel, FiberCon (pill), Benefiber
osmotic laxatives
- onset w/in 24 hrs
- Mild of Mg, epsom salt, sorbitol/lactulose, Miralax,
- AVOID IN RENAL DYSFXN (for whatever eti)
stimulant laxatives
- onset in 6-12 hrs PO, 15-60 min rectal
- bisacodyl & senna (cramping, not daily)
opioid-receptor antagonists
- does NOT affect central analgesia (good for pain pts)
- methylnaltrexone
stool surfactants/emollients
- softens ONLY (avoid straining)
- mineral oil, docusate sodium (colace: marginal benefit)
definition of constipation (sx)
< 3 stools/wk, difficutl-to-pass stools, sense of incomplete evacuation, abd distension, bloating, pain
encopresis def
leaking of liquid stool around hard, impacted stool
pediatric constipation eti & s/s
- self-perpetuating (don’t want to go after initial episode b/c of pain) = chronic rectal distention = desensitized to urgency
- encopresis, UTIs, chronic abd pain, poor appetite, lethargy, rectal skin tags
pedi constipation ddx
- imperforate anus
- Hirschsprung
- Crohn’s
- tethered cord
- spina bifida
- anterior displacement of anus
- CF
- celiac
- lead intoxication
- botulism
- cow’s milk constipation
pedi constipation wu
- Rome III criteria: sx x 1 month in toddlers, 2 mos in older
- labs only if refractory
pedi constipation mgmt
- initially enema or Golytely, followed by Miralax (if > 2 yr)
- goal = 1 soft stool qd
- “rescue plan” = stimulant lax, enema, suppository if recurrence
- behavioral mod: sit on toilet x 5-10 min after q meal, keep logs
diverticulosis eti/epi, s/s, mgmt
- outpouching of sub/mucosa thru musc layer of wall
- 20th century dz assoc w/ Western diet (low fiber, red meat, obesity, inc age
- most asx/incidental, chronic C, abd pain, fluctuating bowel habits
- fiber supps may reduce comps
diverticulitis s/s
- LLQ or suprapubic pain +/- palpable mass
- acute GIB that’s painless & maroon
- F, malaise, C, D, cramps, bloating, N/V, dysuria/u freq
diverticulitis ddx
perf’d colonic CA, Crohn’s, appy, ischemic colitis, CDAD, ectopic preg, ovarian cyst/torsion
diverticulitis wu
- CBC: leukocytosis w/ left shift (inc prod due to inf/inflam)
- CT w/ contrast = IMG OF CHOICE to assess severity
- XR (free air, ileus, obstruction)
diverticulitis mgmt
- uncomplicated/simple: aerobic/anaerobic coverage (cipro + metro) x 7-10 days, clear liq diet until imp (2-3 d), surg consult if no imp/worsens in 3 d
- complicated (peritonitis, obstruction, perf, abscess, fistula): admit w/ IV abx (amp, gentamicin, metro), IVF, pain mgmt, antiemetics
when to follow up acute diverticulitis
ref for CSY, CT, colonography, or barium enema w/ flex sig 2-6 wks s/p recovery (eval extent of damages & exclude malignancy, time avoids risk of perf)
diverticulitis prognosis
- complications: lower GIB, intra-abdominal abscess/peritonitis (from perf), fistulas, obstruction
- 30% recurrence
- 30-40% will have episodic abd pain w/o inf
name both inflammatory bowel dz’s
- crohn’s dz
- ulcerative colitis
IBD overview
- autoimmune, runs in families
- incidence highest if 15-40, > 60 y.o.
- extraintestinal sx poss: eye, skin (erythema nodosum (tender subQ nodules), pyoderma gangrenosum (painful ulcers, lower legs)), liver, joints
- dx via combo of endoscopy, histology, radiography, labs, clinical data
- tx affected area (response 30-70%)
- use steroids sparingly (flares: WBC, H/H, f/u w/ endoscopy ref if no improvement)
Crohn’s dz eti
- ANY portion of GI tract (ileum = MC)
- transmural involvement
- skip lesions (skips parts of tracts)
- bouts of flares & remission
Crohn’s dz s/s
- prolonged D & abd pain, fatigue, wt loss
- obstructions, perianal dz, fistulas, abscesses
- worse w/ smoking
crohn’s wu
- 1st img = upper GI series w/ small bowel follow thru
- CSY shows cobblestoning & varying deg of ulceration
- labs NOT specific/reliable
crohn’s ddx
UC, IBS, appy, diverticulitis w/ abscess, enteritis, NSAID-induced colitis, perianal fistula (lymphogranuloma venereum, CA, rectal TB)