Colloquium 2 Version 3 Sidra Flashcards
1. Which of the next is a masticatory muscle? a) m. orbicularis oris; b) m. levator labii superioris; c) m. temporalis
c. temporalis
- What is the structure of a
a) Renal Corpuscle and Renal Tubule
b) m. levator labii superioris;
c) m. temporalis
a) Renal Corpuscle and Renal Tubule
Which of the next decrease the volume of the thorax ? a) mm. intercostales interni; b) diaphragma; c)Both answers are correct.
c)Both answers are correct.
Which of the next is in between the lungs
and the ribs ?
a) pleura
b) pleural cavity
c) both
Which of the next takes the tongue out ?
a) m. buccinator;
b) m. styloglossus;
c) m. genioglossus.
c) m. genioglossus.
- Which of the next takes the tongue up and down ?
a) m. styloglossus;
b) m. digastricus;
c) m. sternocleidomastoideus.
- Which of the next, is at the anterior part of the abdomen ?:
a) canalis cruropopliteus;
b) canalis inguinalis;
c) canalis adductorius.(middle thigh)
b. Canlais inquinalis
Prefix of what muscle is for increasing ?
Name of the muscle, indicating that this muscle increasing lumen openings :
a) sphincter;
b) levator;
c) dilatator.
b) levator;
Hollow visceral inner lining called the :
a) muscle, muscular tunica ;
b) mucosa Tunica mucosus ;
c)connective tissue, adventitia, or serous, se
rosa .
c)connective tissue, adventitia, or serous, se
Visceral muscle layer of the
wall :
a) only involuntary (smooth) muscles;
b) only willful (striated) muscles;
c) are both smooth and striated muscle.
a) only involuntary (smooth) muscles;
Tunica serosa is covering all this parts :
a) the throat, tongue;
b) the larynx, throat;
c) the lungs, stomach,
c)the lungs, stomach,
Which of the next opens to the
vestibulum oris?
a) the ductus sublingualis;
b) the ductus submandibularis;
c) the ductus parotideus.
c. Ductus parotideus
The deepest part of the
tongue in the mouth is called
a) corpus linguae;
b) radix linguae;
c) apex linguae.
c. Apex linguae
Which of the next takes the tongue backwards
and downwards ?
a) m.longitudinalis superior;
b) m.palatoglossus;
c) m.transversus linguae.
b) m.palatoglossus;
Which of the next are for taste ? : a) papillae filiformes; b) papillae vallatae; c) papillae conicae.
b) papillae vallatae;
Where is the parotid gland?
a) the bistro in the pit;
b) pažandinėje pit;
c) along the root of the tongue
located on the face, near the outer ear
Duct opens to mouth vestibule
Mandibular and sublingual salivary glands opens:
a) oral cavity depth, near the root of the tongue;
b) the oral vestibule;
c) the oral cavity under the tongue.
c) the oral cavity under the tongue.
Pharyngeal cavity of the
upper part is called :
a) Mouth part;
b) the nasopharynx
c) part of the guttural.
Which of the next opens to
the nasopharynx ?
a) choanae, ostium pharyngeum tubae;
b) fauces;
c) aditus laryngis.
a) choanae, ostium pharyngeum tubae;
- Longitudinal fold
of duodenum mucosa found
a) the upper intestine;
b) in nusileidžiamojoje;
c) in the lower intestine.
d) Descending part of duodenum
Descending part of duodenum
Anatomical parts of the large intestine : a) rectum, colon, tiesioji; b) rectum, klubinė, colon; c) cecum, colon, rectum.
Akloji= cecum; tiesoji= rectum gaubtinė=colon
c) cecum, colon, rectum.
Hepatic triad found in the
a) lig.hepatogastricum;
b) lig.hepatorenale;
c) lig.hepatoduodenale.
c) lig.hepatoduodenale.
Peritoneum surrounding the
stomach :
a) Extraperitoneally
b) Mezoperitoneally
c) Intraperitonially located
c)Intraperitonially located
The main mass of each tooth :
a) cementas;
b) dentinas;
c) emalis.
b) dentinas;
The formula of permanent teeth is : a) 2 1 0 2; b) 2 1 2 2; c) 2 1 2 3.
c) 2 1 2 3.
Olfactory areas are located:
a) the lower part of the nasal cavity;
b) the central part of the nasal cavity;
c) the nasal cavity of the upper part.
c) the nasal cavity of the upper part.
What defines the entrance
to the throat :
a) the tongue, palatal pharyngeal arches;
b) vedeginės epiglottis folds;
c) throat, tongue, vertebrae.
A) The tongue, palatal pharyngeal arch
What is the mechanism of voice : a) prieanginės creases and cracks; b) voice slot and folds; c) the epiglottis folds vedeginės
b) how is voice produced , probably by muscular
movement of the pelica vocalis and pelica vastibularis
Throat found at the end:
a) the Th 6 vertebra;
b) the vertebra Th 4-5;
c) the 7 th vertebra.
a) the Th 6 vertebra;
The the lowest part of the
dexter pulmune as compared
to the ribs ?
a) at the VII - their ribs;
b) at the VIII - their ribs;
c) at the IX - their cut.
Right lung 4-6, 7-11
Left lung 4, 7-12
In case of a damage in the pleura which of the next is true ? a) the major respirato ry organ does not change; b) affected side is not participating in lung breath; c) the breath is not participating in both lungs
The lung stops working.
Parts of the urinary bladder are: a) the upper, lower, middle; b) the apex, body, bottom, neck; c) front, lower, the pelvic floor.
b) the apex, body, bottom, neck;
Parts of the uterus :
a) the tip body, the foundation;
b) abdominal, dubeninė, perineal;
c) the body bottom and neck.
fundus, corpus, cervic, cavity uteri
cervical canal, canalis cervices
uteri, ostium uteri
Parts of the ureter :
a) abdominal, dubeninė, vidusieninė;
b) užpilvaplėvinė, pilvaplėvinė, perineal;
c) the upper, middle, bottom
d) abdominal, pelvic, intramural part
d) abdominal, pelvic, intramural part
Segments of the testicles
Parts of the seminary glands
are :
a) balzganasis mater, blood vessels, Straight tubules;
b) vingiuotieji tubules;
c) network segments, ištekamieji kanaliukai.
d) Seminal gland-ductus excretorius, ductus
Testis-Lobules, tubuli seminiferi contori, efferent duct
d) Seminal gland-ductus excretorius, ductus
Male internal sex organs
are :
a) the penis, scrotum, hip-bone;
b) the testis, seminal
vesicles, prostate gland;
c) the spongy tissue, foreskin, urethra.
d) Internal- Testis, Epididymis, Ductus
deferen,vesiculae seminales, prostata
d) Internal- Testis, Epididymis, Ductus
deferen,vesiculae seminales, prostata
Parts of the ovary are :
cortex of ovary :
a) muscle and adipose tissue;
b) vesicles (follicles), corpus
c) kanaliukai sex, blood vessels
d) Cortex-Connective tissue and
many bubbles of folicles
d) Cortex-Connective tissue and
many bubbles of folicles