Colloquial language Flashcards
Me da gusto verte, hermano (bro)
It’s good to see you, bro
Esa fiesta estuvo buenísima (bomb)
That party was the bomb
Necesito algo de dinero (cash)
I need some cash
Me debes veinte dólares (bucks)
You owe me, twenty bucks
Está chevere ese sombrero, está genial (cool)
That’s cool hat
Genial, vamos. (cool)
Cool, let’s go
Hace fresco aquí. ¿Está la ventana abierta? (cool)
It’s cool in here. Is the window open.
Estamos en paz? (cool)
are we cool?
Emily tiene una idea genial para el proyecto (cool=
Emily has a cool idea for the project
es genial te perdono (cool)
It’s cool I forgive you
No hay problemas por resolver (cool)
I’m cool / we’re cool
Es una broma (kidding)
Just kidding !
Tiene que ser una broma (kidding)
You’ve got to be kidding
Estás bromeando? (kidding)
are you kidding me?
Era una broma (kidding / joke)
It was kidding / it was a joke
Tiene que estar bromeando (kidding)
She’s got to be kidding
Bromeas, verdad? (kidding)
You’re kidding, right?
Using bucks, cash and kidding in a conversation
How much money do you need?
- About two hundred bucks
oh, only two hundred
- Are you kidding me, It’s a lot of cash
Using cool in a conversation
I’m sorry about what I said
- It’s cool
Are you sure? I feel really bad
- Yeah, I’m sure. You said that you’re sorry, so we’re cool
Más vale prevenir que curar
Better safe than sorry
Es pan comido / es muy fácil
It’s a piece of cake
De tal palo tal astilla
Like father like son
La tercera es la vencida
Third time lucky
Hay algo que tienes que ver
There’s something you’ve got to see