Collocations and Word Formation Flashcards
dati franšizu
award a franchise
grant a franchise
dobiti franšizu
be awarded a franchise
be granted a franchise
kupiti franšizu
acquire franchise
buy franchise
purchase franchise
poslovati sa franšizom
operate franchise
hold a franchise
produžiti franšizu
extend franchise
renegotiate franchise
renew franchise
osvojiti franšizu
win franchise
izgubiti franšizu
lose a franchise
dogovor u vezi franšize
franchise agreement
franchise deal
ponuda za franšizu
franchise bid
nakanda za franšizu
franchise fee
ugovor o franšizi
franchise contract
nosilac franšize
franchise holder
pokušati dobiti ugovor
apply for contract
bid for contract
compete for contract
tender for contract
dobiti ugovor
secure a contract
win a contract
diskutovati o ugovoru, pripremati ugovor
draft a contract
negotiate a contract
renegotiate a contract
dati nekome ugovor
award contract
potpisati ugovor
conclude contract
enter into contract
sign a contract
prekršiti ugovor
breach contract
default on contract
poništiti ugovor
annual contract
void contract
cancel contract
terminate contract
ugovor (o zaposlenju, usluzi, izgradnji)
employment contract
contract of service
construction contract
uslovi ugovora
terms of a contract
prekršaj ugovora
breach of contract
obavezujući ugovor
binding contract
unosan ugovor
lucrative contract
trajni ugovor
permanent contract
kratkoročni ugovor
short-term contract
privremeni ugovor
temporary contract
pismeni ugovor
written contract
(biti) pod ugovorom
under a contract
ugovorna obaveza
contractual obligation
ugovorna strana
contracting party
veliki dug
crippling debt
crushing debt
heavy debt
massive debt
mounting debt
akumulirati dug
run up debt
ući u dugove
get into debt
isplatiti dug
clear debt
settle debt
isplatiti dug
clear debt
settle debt
platiti kamatu na dug
service debt
uterivanje dugova
debt collection