Collocations Flashcards
Adj + N
tính từ chỉ sắc thái làm nổi bật ý muốn nói
Parents need to take appropriate action as quickly as possible
take appropriate action/ solution
Effective and action will be taken to tackle this issue
stringent action/ steps/ guidelines/ measures/ punishment
Today relentless enthusiasm towards your children is deemed theonly appropriate parenting method.
relentless hard word/ spirit/ zest/ enthusiasm
Studying abroad can give you fruitful results
fruitful results
Playing computer games has adverse effects on children.
The lack of rain has a devastating effect on the crops
Adverse/ undersirable/ devastating effect
Some young people might commit the most shocking and ruthless crimes.
commit shocking and ruthless crimes
In some cases, playing video games can yield unwanted consequences.
yeild unwanted/ unexpected consequences
Misleading advertisements could have huge benefits for the companies and dire consequences for consumers
dire consequences
Lung cancer is the inevitable consequence of smoking
inevitable consequence
Adv + adj
Cụm tính từ: trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ
The culture and lifestyle in a foreign country might be entirely different
Entirely different
The public should be fully aware of the dangers of drunk driving
fully aware
Whether should students wear uniforms to school is a highly controversial topic
highly controversial/ critical
A well developed paragraph leaves the reader feeling that the information given is thorough and complete.
Highly/ fully/ well developed
If we do not take action, the environment will be severely damaged
seriously/ severely damaged
With a mobile phone, students can talk with their friends at home, school or campus - virtually everywhere
virtually everywhere
China has introduced measures to limit the number of motorists in heavily polluted cities.
heavily polluted
It is a widely held belief that technology has revolutionized our way of life
widely held belief
Students should be actively involved in voluntary activities
actively/ deeply/ heavily involved in
It is highly likely that computer will replace teachers in the future.
highly/ hardly likely
Teachers who meet these requirements are considered “Highly Qualified”
highly/ fully/ suitably/ well qualified
V + N
bắt buộc phải đi với nhau
Statistics indicate that men are more likely to commit crime than woman
commit crime
Women are expected to devote most of their time to their family.
devote time
Poverty cannot be eradicated without addressing the inequalities in incomes
eradicate poverty
There are several ways to mitigate this problem
mitigate a problem
Fortunately, cultivating good habits can help you to avoid weight problems.
cultivating good habits
The motor industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the recovery. children who have the benefit of a stable home background
enjoy/ have benefit
The company derived substantial benefit from the deal. I reaped the benefits of all my early training.
derive, gain, get, obtain, reap, receive benefit
The new factory will bring considerable benefits to the area. This deal will offer major benefits to industrialists and investors.
bring, offer, provide benefit
the benefits that accrue from a good education
benefit accrue
The move from TV to film was a logical development in her career.
logical development
small businesses that are involved with emerging technologies
emerging technologies
Governments should promote local film-making by subsidising the industry
promote local film-making
The rising cost of living has meant that both marriage partners usually need to work and save money before starting a family
rising cost of living
Pupils also learn to behave sensibly in lessons, regardless of the distractions around them, and to follow instructions given to them by teaching staff.
follow instructions
By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth
natural balance of all life
While I understand that critics may see this as an invasion of privacy, I believe that there are more benefits than drawbacks.
more benefits than drawbacks
In the worst cases, they may even face prison sentences
face prison sentences
Many children dream of becoming doctors, but to realize this ambition they need to gain the relevant qualifications and undertake years of training
realize an ambition