collocations Flashcards
به شدت اعتراض کرد
strongly object
به شدت استدلال میکنند
strongly argue
به شدت احساس میکند
strongly feel
به شدت پیشنهاد میکند
strongly suggest
به شدت محکوم میکند
strongly condemn
قویا حمایت میکند
strongly support
collocates with verbs, particularly verba that relate to having an opinion
به شدت توصیه میشود
strongly recommend
I would strongly recommend that you learn a foreign language.
به شدت تکذیب/انکار میکند
strongly deny
عمیقا اعتقاد داشتن
strongly believe
به شدت تاثیر میگذارد
strongly influence
collocates with verbs, particularly verba that relate to having an opinion
شدیدا مخالفت کنید
strongly oppose
collocates with verbs, particularly verba that relate to having an opinion
به طرز مسخره ای کوچک
ridiculously small
به طرز مسخره ای زود
ridiculously early
به طرز مسخره ای بزرگ
ridiculously lage
به طرز مسخره ای کوتاه
ridiqulously short
به طرز مسخره ای طولانی
ridiculously long
به طرز مسخره ای زیاد
ridiculously high
به طرز مسخره ای کم
ridiculously low
به طرز مسخره ای راحت
ridiculously easy
suggests something extreme, which seems unbelievable or unreasonable
به طرز مسخره ای گران
ridiculously expensive
The restaurant was ridiculously expensive. I’ll don’t think we’ll go there again.
به طرز مسخره ای ارزان
ridiculously cheap
suggests something extreme, which seems unbelievable or unreasonable
عمیقا ناراضی
deeply unhappy
عمیقا مذهبی
deeply religous
عمیقا مراقب و اهمیت دهنده
deeply care
عمیقا متاسف
deeply regret
عمیقا صدمه دیده
deeply hurt (of feeling)
عمیقا متاثر شده است
deeply affected
عمیقا جابجا شده-متحول شده
deeply moved
عمیقا متعهد
deeply committed
professor McDellvit was always deeply committed to her students.
عمیقا شوکه شده
deeply shocked
عمیقا نگران
deeply concerned
عمیقا شرمنده
deeply ashamed
collocates mainly with words associated with feelings; used slightly more in writing than in conversation
به شدت گریه کن
bitterly weep
گریه تلخ-شدید وسوزناک
bitterly cry
به شدت شکایت میکند
bitterly complain
پشیمانی تلخ-بسیار زیاد
bitterly regret
انتقاد تلخ
bitterly criticise
به شدت رنجیده
bitterly resent
به شدت ناامید کننده
به شدت ناامید شد
bitterly disappointing
bitterly disappointed
I was bitterly disappointed when I failed the exam.
کاملا بدبخت
absolutely(utterly) miserable
کاملا ویران شده
پس از زلزله کل منطقه کاملا ویران شد.
absolutely(utterly) devastated
the whole area was utterly devastated after the earthquake.
کاملا متقاعد شده
absolutely(utterly) convinced
کاملا وحشت زده
absolutely(utterly) appalled
کاملا تنها
absolutely(utterly) alone
کاملا اشتباه و غلط
absolutely(utterly) wrong
کاملا غیرممکن
absolutely(utterly) impossible
کاملا احمق
absolutely(utterly) stupid
کاملا مسخره
absolutely(utterly) ridiculous
absolutely is slightly more formal
they combine with very extreme meanings we can’t use very.
به شدت خسته ودرمونده
absolutely(utterly) exhausted
not very exhausted
whereas we can say very tired
not absolutely(utterly) tired.
بسیار غیر محتمل
بسیار محتمل
highly-extremely unlikely
highly-extremely likely
it is highly unlikely that i’ll finish my work on time.
بسیار غیرمعمول
highly-extremely unusual
Julia’s highly unusual behaviour began to worry her parents.
بسیار موفق
highly-extremely successful
بسیار رقابتی
highly-extremely competitive
بسیار سوداور
highly-extremely profitable
بسیار موثر
highly-extremely effective
بسیار بحث برانگیز
highly-extremely controversial
highly is used with some probability words.
they usually combine with very positive words.
مناقصه ارائه دهید
submit a tender
افزایش سرمایه
to raise capital
وارد شراکت شدن
to go into partnership with
شروع یک تجارت
start up a business
flu outbreak hits southern europe
شیوع انقولانزا به جنوب اروپا رسید
شیوع پیدا میکند
outbreak hits
پلیس سرکوب/مقابله میکند
police crack down
پلیس بازجویی میکند
police quiz
شرکت هواپیمایی قیمت ها را کاهش داد
airline slashes prices
cyclists get off their bicycles
cyclists must dismount here
get off the bus
alight the bus
متجاوزین تحت پیگرد قانونی قرار میگیرند
trespassers will be prosecuted
1 throw away
2 container used for storing or putting objects in
dispose of 1unwanted items in
the receptacle2
مقدمات را فراهم کنید برای
مدرسه می تواند مقدمات دانش آموزان با نیازهای ویژه را فراهم کند
make arrangements for
the school can make arrangements puplis with special needs
the basic meaning of make is about producing something
تغییر یا تغییرات ایجاد کردن
make change or changes
the new manager is planing to make some changes
انتخاب کردن
make a choice
Amelia had to make a choice between her career and her family
نظر دادن
نظر بدهید
make a comment / comments
would anyone like to make any comments on the talk?
مشارکت کردن
کمک کردن به
make a contribution to
she made a useful contribution to the discussion
تصمیم گیری کردن
make a decision
I’m glad it’s you who has to make the decision, not me.
تلاش کن
make an effort
Micheal is realy making an effort with his maths this term.
بهانه بیاور
توجیه کردن
make an excuse
I’m too tired to go out tonight.
let’s make an excuse and stay at home
دوست پیدا کردن
make friends
caroline is very good at making friends
بهبودی و پیشرفت ایجاد کردن
make an improvement
repainting the room has realy make an improvement
اشتباه کردن،کن
make a mistake
they’ve made a mistake in our bill
تماس تلفنی برقرار کن
make a phone call
I’ve got to make some phone calls before dinner
پیشرفت (کردن)
make progress
Holly is making progress with all her school work
بهترین کار خود را انجام دهید
do your best
All that matters in the exam is to do your best
the basic meaning of do is about performing an action
آسیب رساندن
do damage
the storm did some damage to our roof
یکازمایش انجام دهید
do an experiment
we are doing an experiment to test how the metal reacts with water
برای کسی یک نوبت خوب انجام بده/ یککار خوبانجامبده
به کسی لطفی کن
do someone a good turn
do someone a favour
could you do me a favour and pick me up some milk from the supermarket?
jess did me a good turn by lending me her car while mine was in the garage
صدمه زدن
do harm
changing the rules may do more harm than good
موهایت را درست کن
do your hair
no, i’m not ready. I haven’t done my hair yet.
تکالیف را انجام دادن
do your homework
my son has to do his homework straight after school
اتو انجام دادن
خرید انجام دادن
شستشو انجام دادن
do the ironing/shopping/washing
I’ll do the washing if you do the ironing
کاری انجامدادن
یه کاری انجام بده
do some work
we’ll do some work on our project and then we’ll go to the cinama
عصبانی شدن/کچل شدن/خاکستری شدن(پیرشدن) / کورشدن/ ناشنوا شدن
peaple go mad/bald/grey/blind/deaf
go is used for changes in peaple’s personality, apearance and physical abilities
خیلی خجالت کشید و صورتش قرمز شد
ناگهان آسمان بسیار تاریک شد و باران شروع شد
he was very embarrassed and his face went red
suddenly the sky went very dark and it started ro rain
go is often used for sudden/usually/negative changes
go can also be used for slower colour changes
the pages of the book had gone yellow over the years
turn often collocates with colours
the sky turned gold as the sun set
when the tomatoes turn red, the farmers pick them and sell them
the news gave his mother such a shock that her hair turned white overnight
get and become can often be used with the same sollocations, but become is more formal and is therefor more appropriate in essays
she gave up smoking when she became pregnant
I would like to become involved in raising money for charity
عصبانی شدن
become angry
become is true for collocations with adj
خسته شدن/حوصله سر رفتن
become bored
هیجان زده شدن
become excited
افسرده شدن
become depressed
ناراحت شدن
become upset
بی تاب شدن
become impatient
خشن شدن
become violent
مشهور شدن
become famous
مریض شدن
fall ill
ساکت شدن
fall silent
become silent
بالاتر رفتن سن
grow older
بلند تر شدن صدا
grow louder
دچار حمله قلبی شد
had/suffered a heart attack
بچه دار شدن
have a child
دیوانه شدن
going crazy
منقرض شدن
become extinct
درگیر شدن
become involve
بی خانمان شدن
become homeless
پیر شدن
grow older
حمام گرفتن
run a bath
مطالبات در مورد
making demands on
طلاق گرفتن
getting divorced
به شدت حسود
desperately jealous
زندگی رهبری کرد
life led
راه او را باز کرد
made her way
بالا بردن
giving lift
make an effort
تلاش کردن
استراحت کردن
had a rest
خرید کردن
do some shopping
پیشرفت کردن
making good progress
مهمانی گرفتن
having a party
ارائه یک سخنرانی
giving a lecture
انجامدادن وظایف
duing her duty
ورود دانشگاه
university entry
took/had a look
تاثیر خوبی گذاشتن
make a good impression
هیئت اعزامی را رهبری کنید
lead the expedition
بحث را هدایت کنید
lead the discussion
رسیدگیبه آسیب(فیزیکی
leading the injury
به شدت میخواهند
به شدت نیاز دارند
desperately want/need
به شدت خسته/مریض/فقیر
desperately tired/ill/poor
به شدت ناراحت/تنها/نگران
desperately unhappy/lonely/worried
درد جسمی
physical pain
درد داشتن
have a pain
یک درد خفیف
a slight pain
یک درد شدید
a sharp pain
درد وحشتناک
terrible/awful pain
چندین درد شدید
several intense pain
تصمیم عاقلانه
wise decision
حرکت هوشمندانه
wise action
حس عاقلانه
wise sensible
مبتنی بر عاقلانه
wise based
عاقل باش
عاقل شدن
be wise
get wise
دویدن برروی چیزی
دویدن درمقابل کسی
run across sth/sb
دنبال کسی یا چیزی رفتن
run after sb/sth
دنبال چیزی یا کسی بدوید
run around after sb/sth
با چیزی یا کسی بدوید
run around with sb/sth
فرار کردن
run off
رفتن در میان
run through
اجرا کردن
run down
جان خود را به خطر انداختن
he risked his life
risk life
نشان دهنده شجاعت کسی بودن
was brave of him
was brave of somebody
تحریم و تهدید علیه کشور ها
threatening and imposing sanctions against other countries
وضع نوینجهان
the new world order
نشان دهنده عدم شناخت انها
proof of thier poor judgment
جای خود را به کسی دادن
give up your seat to someone else
نشان داد ادم با ملاحظه ای بود
ادم با ملاحظه ای نشان دادن
was considerate of her/him
considerate of someone
have an accident
تصادف کردن
یک استدلال داشته باشید
have an argument/ a row
یک تایم کوتاه استراحت کردن
have a break
یک صحبتی داشته باشیم
have a conversation / a chat
مشکل داشتن(در چیزی
have difficulty
رویا یا کابوس دیدن
have a dream or nightmare
تجربه داشتن
have an experience
I had a deightening experience the other day
احساس داشتن
have a feeling
I have a feeling that sth in wrong
خوش بگذره
اوقات خوبی داشته باشی
have fun/ a good time
I’m sure you’ll have fun on the school trip
یک نگاهی انداختن
have a look
the manager wanted to have a look at what we were doing
پارتی گرفتن
have a party
Let’s have a party at the end of term
مشکلیا مشکلاتی داشتن
have a problem/problems
Ask the teacher if you have problems with the exercise
امتحان کن
have a try/ a go
I’ll explain what to do and then you can have a go/try
رفتن به تعطیلات
take a holiday
we decided to take a holiday here
take a trip
we took a trip to the mountains yesterday
قطار گرفتن
اتوبوس گرفتن
take a train
take a bus
first we took a train to a little town and then we took a bus going to various villages
we saw one that we took a liking to
کسی را دیدم که ان را دوست میداشتیم
take a liking to
ریسک کردن
take a risk
we were taking a risk as we didn’t know what we’d find there
علاقه مند شدن به
take an interest in
عکس گرفتن
take photo
we took a lot of photos
شانست را امتحان کن
take a chance
I’d take a chance and leave if I were you
بیزاری داشتن به چیزی
از چیزی یا کسی خوشت نمی اید
take a dislike to
the boss has taken a dislike to you!
بهره بردن از چیزی
take advantage of
take advantage of being in london
کاری بکن
اقدام به
take action
توجه کردن
توجه کنید
pay attention
you must pay attention to the teacher
تعریف وتمجید کردن
pay a compliment
I was trying to pay her a compliment but she misunderstood
احترام خود را نکه دارید/ادا کنید
pay your (last) respect
at a funeral peaple pay their last respects to the person who has died
ستایش کردن
pay tribute (formal)
when Jack retired, his boss made a speech paying tribute to all he had done for the company
charge my phone
used for batteries and electrical items
loaded the lorry
کامیون را بارگیری کرد
injured peaple
افراد مجروح
damaged sofa
مبل اسیب دیده
grow crops
رشد محصولات
collocates with crops, plants