Collagen Flashcards
What are some characteristics of collagen?
Family of fibrous proteins found in all multicellular organisms.
28 types in humans, coded by 42 genes
Major proteins in bone, tendon and skin and the most abundant protein at 25% protein mass
How does the alignment of collagen fibres change from skin to mature bone and cornea?
Skin - layers at right angles to each other
Bone/cornea -same arrangement
Each collagen molecule comprises of three (a) chains forming a (b)
can be composed of one or more (a) chains such as (c) and (d)
a - alpha
b - triple helix
c - homotrymer
d - heterotymer
What is the composition of Type I collagen?
Chains from 2 different genes:
[ alpha 1 (I)] 2 and
[alpha 2 (I)]
What is the composition of Type II and Type III collagen respectively?
Both only have one chain type.
[alpha 1 (II)]3
[alpha 1 (III)]3
What is the characteristic collagen triple helix structure?
Three alpha chains form it.
Glycine, proline, hydroxyproline repeat
(glycine is small so occupies the interior of the helix - H side chain)
How are Collagen fibres assembles, smallest unit to largest?
One alpha chain
Three alpha chains
Collagen fibril (10-200nm)
Collagen fibre (0.5-3um)
(check histology for transverse and cross section)
What is procollagen?
Collagen with non-collagenous areas at N and C termini. (left and right ends)
these are removed after secretion for fibrillar collagens but remain for others
What gives collagen fibrils their tensile strength?
covalent crosslinks using lysine and hyodroxy lysine. between collagen helixes.
The regularity and extent of crosslinks changes with age
Why does Vitamin C deficiency compromise tissue stability?
VC and Fe2+ needed for prolyl and lysis hydroxylases.
Lysine and proline hydroxylation contributes to interchain hydrogen bond formation fformation
What post translational modification happens for lysine and hyroxylysine?
Modified in formation of covalent crosslinkages once collagen has been secreted.
Where is Collagen made?
mainly in the fibroblast cells
Once procollagens; the growing peptide chains are co-translationally transported into the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
What are Ehlers- Danlos syndromes?
EDS are inherited connective tissue disorders. stretchy skin and loose joints
mutations in collagen usually, affect production, structure or processing
e.g. brittle bone
What are some Fibril associated collagens?
IX and XII. will form fibrils and regulate the organisation of collagen fibrils
Collagen type IV is non-fibrillar, describe its assembly?
Collagen monomer forms a dimer, self assembles into tetramer and soon creates a supramolecular aggregate. Used in basement membranes
it is a network - forming collagen ! present in all basement membranes, though its arrangement moleculary can vary