Cold war in Europe Flashcards
what was the situation like in 1917 Russia?
there were 6 million dead or captured Russians
economy was ruined
tensions was high
size was only thing preventing capitulation
what did the Bolsheviks do after October 1917?
nationalised industries
gave land back to peasants
drew up the Brest-Litovsk treaty
Romanovs executed July 1918
what was the international reaction over the Bolshevik takeover?
Britain,France and USA alarmed
the French,Japanese,British and Americans horrified by inspiration for proletariat revolution
what was relations like in the 1920s?
1.was attempts to normalise relations with the establishment of 2 Ford factories in Russia
2. USSR formally recognised by 1933 and France forged ties in 1935
What was the west’s reaction to Stalin’s ascension to power?
was scared due to the dictatorial role Stalin gave himself.
what happened to Leon Trotsky after his exile?
killed in 1940 NKVD by an ice pick.
when did the great purge begin and who was exectued?
began in 1934 with Sergei Kirkov’s execution.
opposition to Stalin’s regime were killed such as Lev Kamenev,Grigory Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin
what were the show trials?
they were trials orchestrated by Stalin against his opponents with predetermined outcomes
what was the Molotov Ribbentrop pact.
was a non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union. set spheres of influence in Eastern Europe. allowed Hitler to invade Poland without interference. Nazi’s betrayed the Soviets
what did the soviets do under the Molotov ribbentrop pact?
invaded the Baltic states and forcibly incorporated them into the soviet union
what happened after the Winter war?
Finland ceded land to the USSR to avoid annexation
what was the result of the continuation war 1941-44?
consolidated soviet rule in the Baltic states
finland gave more land to the USSR
what were the aims of Britain from the grand alliance
to keep suez canal open
to protect oil
what were the aims of the Soviet Union in the grand alliance?
creation of a buffer zone in eastern Europe
3 part Europe communist zone,capitalist and combination
takeover of the Baltic
reparations from Germany
what were the aims of the United States in the Grand Alliance?
security and protection
no longer isolationist
free trade and free enterprise economy
naval bases in both Atlantic and Pacific
Establishment of UN
when did the Tehran conference take place?
28th november and 1st December 1943
Why was the location of Tehran significant?
was in the sphere of influence of the USSR.
was in the soviet embassy.
this meant that Stalin had influence in the events of the conference.could intimidate other
what was the situation of 1943?
Werhmacht starting to be defeated in places such as Stalingrad and Kursk, these reinvigorated the red army.
the soft underbelly of Europe (Italy) invaded (extra pressure)
what was the cause of the Tehran conference?
needed to meet together to come with a well thought conclusion and be coherent to win the war.
Roosevelt wanted to better relations.
what was the nature of the Tehran conference?
discussed post war Europe
Roosevelt disagreed with Churchill’s plan to invade the Balkans
what were the consequences of the Tehran conference?
Churchill believed to be too suspicious of Stalin by Roosevelt. paved the way for subsequent conferences.
what were the issues discussed in the Tehran Conference
France and Britian agreed to open a new front in normandy by may 1944. would ease pressure on the Soviet Union. Stalin felt angered becuase he beleived that it was delayed to seriously damage or destroy the Soviet Union
the United Nations to be established. both FRG and GDR would join 1973
USSR would declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated. would declare war 1 day after the bomb was dropped
what did churchill think Stalin would do once he “liberated” eastern Europe?
believed that Stalin would continue to occupy the Eastern European nations. as he disliked communism and aided the white army.
what were the events of Hungary’s liberation?
was an ally with Nazi germany. Red army invaded sept 1944. Admiral Horthy ordered a cease fire but was deposed by a Hungarian facist leader Szalasi. after war occupied territories handed to a coalition with small holders having the most seats and occupation continued
what were the events of Czechoslovakia’s occupation
The Czechoslovak government in exile was willing to acquiesce in Soviet plans. Mistrusted the west Prepared to go along with Stalin for security met dec 1943. The treaty of friendship guaranteed that the Communist Party would have a primary position in the post war government . Main rival of the communists, the Czech Agrarian party, was banned. Ruthenia annexed by USSR. Czechoslovaks gained soviet support to expel ethnic germans from the sudetenland.
why was Czechoslakia different in it’s liberation
was one of the most pro soviet countries
what were the events of Poland’s liberation?
Most problematic country Poles suspicious of Stalin after 1939. Hoped that with western support they could resurrect the polish republic. believed to be the most important country in the buffer zone. between USSR and Germany. Stalin wanted a soviet friendly government. Communist party unpopular and party leadership largely executed on his orders while in exile in the USSR during the 1930s. General Sikorski was appointed as its prime minister while in exile. seen as legitimate. After the Nazi invasion of the USSR in 1941, relations were established with the Soviet Union military alliance signed in august. The London Poles were reluctant to be ruled by a dictator who had been just as ruthless in the East as the Germans had been . 1.5 million poles transported to the Gulag. Churchill convinced Sikorski that nazism was the greater evil and that territorial questions would be answered after the war. Stalin agreed to release thousands of Poles who had been imprisoned by the soviets in 1939. This group Under General Anders left the soviet union in 1942 and fought with the British for 3 years.
what were the events of Yugoslavia’s liberation?
Soviet influence was limited due to the liberation by communist partisans. Bypassed the country to liberate Hungary and Austria. Stalin was initially happy to allow a fellow communist to rule. Happy to see Albania move into the Yugoslav sphere.
what were the events of Finland’s liberation?
After they left the Axis they accepted the provisions of the treaty of moscow from 1940. Gave Soviet Union large areas of Finnish territory. Communist party legalised. Finnish prime minister conducted a foreign policy taht was in line with soviet interest.
what were the event’s of Bulgaria’s liberation?
Didn’t fight against the Soviet Union although Axis. September 1944 capital city sofia liberated by communist partisans. The Red army generally welcomed by the population. In the subsequent armistice, Soviet troops occupied the country. Territories of Bessarabia and northern Bukovina annexed by the USSR.
What were the events of Romania’s liberation?
Was a German ally and occupied territory in the Crimea after 1941. In 1944 a coup d’etat by King Micheal ousted the fascist regime and negotiated an armistice. The Soviets promoted the interests of the Romanian communist party. In Feb 1945 the king was forced to appoint pro-soviet Dr Groza as prime minister. Military presence ensured Stalin’s wishes were fulfilled.
What increased tensions between Poland and the USSR?
events such as the Katyn Forest incident in 1943 were thousands of Polish officers went missing.
the home guard of Poland aided the USSR when recapturing the east but then were arrested NKVD
actions during the warsaw uprising(august 1st to October), Stalin halted the advance of the Red Army, refused to allow allied planes to deliver supplies and disarmed Polish units on their way to Warsaw. This allowed the Nazis to regroup and crush the rising. The hopes of Polish independence practically destroyed in October when Warsaw was systematically destroyed by the Wehrmacht
What was the nature of the war by 1945
February-Germany had been pushed back into prewar borders. The japanese took a vital blow when Iwo Jima was captured by the Americans
where was Yalta located?
located in the Crimean peninsula which had been controlled by the Soviet’s for 10 months.
where were the delegates located for Yalta?
the Americans were located in Lividia Palace. the soviets were located in the nearby Yusupov Palace and the British were located 5 miles away at Voronstov Palace.
when did the Yalta conference take place?
Feb 1945
what was Stalin embarking on in Crimea
a cultural genocide of the native population
what were the things decided on at yalta?
the creation of the UN: this would be a place were everyone would have representation.
Splitting of Germany into 4 zones
the declaration of a liberated Eurrope
war criminals to be tried at Nuremburg
what was happening at the time of Potsdam?
unconditional german surrender
Europe liberated by the allies
UN established
Roosevelt died Truman anti communist
nuclear bomb tested
when did the Potsdam conference occur?
july 1945
what were aims of potsdam?
Aims have stayed relatively similar for Britain. The USA realised that the idea of isolationism was not viable, an establishment of the UN for political use. The USSR wanted the control of a buffer zone, and baltic states Reparations from a defeated Germany, as and when
what was the impact of events of the grand alliance
Unconditional German surrender
Meant that no common enemy was present would soon go against each other
Liberation of the West
UK and USA would work together
Liberation of the East
May cause tensions due to Stalin’s intentions
Death of Franklin D Roosevelt
Stalin and Churchill share sincere grief at the loss of President Roosevelt
The Election of Harry S Truman
Would worsen relations due to his stance on Communism
The Manhattan Project
This would terrify the Soviet union and increase tensions due to Stalin not being consulted
The United Nations
Cooperation due to the Grand Alliance making up part of the security council
what decisions were made at Potsdam
Germany divided into 4
All remnants of Nazism and the Nazi government eradicated.
Education to eliminate Nazi and Militarist doctrine.
Nazi war criminals brought to trial
A polish provisional government of national unity was to be established and to “hold free and unfettered elections as soon as possible”
what was the percentages agreement
A secret informal agreement between Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin during the Fourth Moscow Conference during October 1944. It gave the percentage division of control over Eastern European countries, dividing them into distinct spheres of influence. Known by Churchill as his ‘naughty document’.
what was the nature of may and august 1945
Nazi Germany unconditionally surrendered.
Europe is fully liberated by the Allies.
Harry Truman takes office, replacing the late Franklin D. Roosevelt. Clement Attlee takes office as Prime Minister after Labour’s victory in the General Election of 1945.
The USA successfully test the Atomic Bomb, it is used in anger against the industrial cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August.
The United Nations is established as a ‘police force’ to ensure international diplomacy.
Japan unconditionally surrenders in August.
how did Churchill cause tensions
Churchill’s relationship with Stalin longest of all leaders. Despite his strong anti-communist views, Churchill had been quick to reach an alliance with the Soviet Union in 1941 after the German invasion. Churchill would worry about the post war world once victory achieved. suspicious of Stalin
how did Stalin cause tensions
Would abandon treaties if they didn’t suit his prioritise. His insistence on having conferences in the USSR worsened Roosevelts condition
The red army did most of the work to liberate europe this allowed him to ignore the west’s wishes of free and fair elections
how did roosevelt cause tensions
Felt that he had a special relationship with stalin and believed that he could persuade the soviet leader to compromise. Trusted stalin to deliver on promises for a democratic future of europe. Convinced Stalin to join the UN and convinced Churchill to open up a second front
How did Atlee cause tensions
More sympathetic but believed the USSR was expanisonist
what was soviet expansionism like in Poland between 1945-7
Stalin formed a provisional government of National Unity (june 1945) included former leader in exile Stanislas Mikolajczyk.
A communist dominated electoral bloc was created but Stanislas refused to join.
The UK and USA didn;t intervene as they saw Poland as being in the soviet sphere of influence.
1947 elections, using terror and electoral rigging the communist party gained 394 seats and Stanislas’ peasant’s party won just 28
what was soviet expansionism like in Czechoslavakia between 1945-7
A social revolution had been carried out by an alliance of socialists and communist. Soviet troops had left by Dec 1945.
Communist won by 38% no manipulation or violence
Worsening tensions (marshall plan and the response of cominform) tighter grip from the communists. Jan Masaryk, foreign minister, said he would return a “lackey of the soviet government.
Feb 1948 communist party seized power
what was soviet expansionism like in Bulgaria between 1945-7
Similar to Romania to please the west the Communist’s were urged to form a Labour party to try and win broader appeals and be a “mask for the present period”. Told to please the west until the Paris Peace Treaty.
1946 october, in elections opposition parties won ⅓ of all the votes. This,combined with US intervention in Greece, encouraged Stalin to allow the communist’s to liquidate the opposition
what was soviet expansionism like in Yugoslavia between 1945-7
Won power independently of soviets
The peoples front won 90% of votes in the 1945 elections. Tito allowed to smoothly implement a communist revolution
Tito assisted the Greek communists in the civil war (no encouragement from Stalin) and would demand control of areas such as Trieste and Vene Giulia.
USSR sympathised with this claims but didn’t want to risk confrontation with the west. Trieste eventually split into joint Anglo-American and Yugoslav control
what was soviet expansionism like in Romania between 1945-7
King Micheal called on the UK and USA to not recognise the soviet established government which was established in 1945.
The PM, Groza told by Stalin to add two non-communists to please the west
. Groza’s national democratic front party merged with the socialists,national popular party and the national peasants party, along with communist trade unions,youth and women’s groups.
1946 communist front won 80% of votes (terror used).
1947 King Micheal forced to abdicate and communist republic formed in april 1948
what was soviet expansionism like in France between 1945-7
De Gaulle fell from power in 1946. Coalition between communists,socialists and the Christian Democrats formed a government
In March 1946, socialist leader, Leon Blum, went to Washington to negotiate an American loan that would lead to inclusion in the western world.
March 1947, the communists were expelled from the coalition, after violent strikes(against marshall plan). The socialists would distance themselves from the communists and accept pro-USA policy.
what was soviet expansionism like in Finland between 1945-7
Weak communist party given little help from USSR as seen as little threat by Stalin
Remained neutral emphasised in 1947 when it refused to join the Paris Conference on the marshall plan as it wished to remain “outside of world political conflicts”, wouldn’t become part of cominform but received aid from USA outside of marshall plan
what was soviet expansionism like in Italy between 1945-7
Initially similar to France with communists being part of a governing coalition. As Stalin conceded, it would be a part of the capitalist west as it was liberated by them.
May 1947, communists dismissed from government
what was soviet expansionism like in Hungary between 1945-7
Nov 1945 elections free along with the press parliamentary debate and borders with the west for up to 2 years
However, the soviet dominant ACC allowed stalin to insist Communists being the in coalition government.
1947 the main opposition leader was arrested. However, the communists still only won 45%
End of the year friendship treaty with Yugoslavia and mutual aid treaty with USSR
1948 communist and socialist merged due to soviet pressure. Feb 1949 the Hungarian people’s independence front formed who was dominated by the Communists.
In may 1948 in the elections only candidates from this party could stand