Cold War Crises (1958- 1970) Flashcards
Alexander Dubcek
He was a good friend of the Soviet leader (Leonid Brezhnev)
He was a communist and a supporter of the Warsaw Pact
His reforms resulted in the 1968 ‘Prague Spring’
Impact on Soviet rule in Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovakia’s economy and living standards declined
Any opposition to communism was crushed
Communist rule became unpopular
Bay of Bigs disadvantages (17th April 1961)
Most Cubans did not want their own leader back, (Batista)
US planes were photographed and recognised
Castro knew of the Bay of Pigs invasion in advance
Bay of Bigs Advantages (17th April 1961)
Most Cubans hate Castro
Castro’s control of Cuba is very weak
Invasion will look like a Cuban Revolt
USA and Fidel Castro
USA refused to recognise Castro’s Government
CIA tried to assassinate Castro with no success
CIA convinced J.F.K to invade Cuba
Vienna conference (June 1961)
Neither was willing to back down
Khrushchev saw Kennedy’s inexperience as a weakness
Reissued his ultimatum
Paris Summit (May 1960)-
Khrushchev stormed out because USSR had shot down a USA spy plane over Russia
Camp David (Sept 1959)-
A further meeting arranged in Paris
Geneva Summit (May 1959)-
No solution agreed but a further summit
scheduled in Camp David, USA
Khrushchev’s Berlin ultimatum
Stated that all of Berlin belonged to East Germany
Occupying troops must leave in 6 months
Series of summit meetings took place
Refugee Crisis in Berlin
1949- 1961 2.7 Million East Germans crossed into West Germany through West Berlin
Population of West Berlin increased dramatically
West Berlin (2)
Was deep inside Soviet-controlled Germany
Divided Berlin gave USA a foothold
Better jobs with high wages in West Berlin
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet Union saw Cuba as a fix to a key strategic problem
Cuba saw Soviet Missiles as a great way to Prevent the USA from invading Cuba
How should the USA respond?
Ignore the Cuban Missiles
Nuclear attack
Destroy Cuban Missile sites
Invade Cuba
Brezhnev’s response to Dubcek Reforms
August 1968, Soviet Union sent tanks to Prague and Dubcek was arrested
Czechoslovakia returned to being under strict Soviet control under Gustav Husak
Impact of the 1961 Berlin Wall
The wall solved the refugee problem
Number of military alerts in Berlin declined
The wall was a propaganda victory for the West
International relations on Czechoslovakia (West)
The USA and West Germany condemned the invasion
USA and West Germany offered no military support
International Relations on Czechoslovakia (East)
The invasion limited reforms in other Eastern Bloc countries
Invasion strengthened Soviet control as they could use military action