Cold War 1945-1972 Flashcards
What ideology did the USA follow?
What ideology did the USSR follow?
Who were the two main superpowers during 1945-1972?
USA and Russia
How did capitalism effect business and property?
Owned by individuals who make profits
How did communism effect business and property?
Owned and run by the government
Who did capitalism cause inequality between?
Rich and poor
What relationship did communism cause between the rich and poor?
Greater inequality
What is the political system in a capitalistic country?
Many political parties
What is the political system in a communistic country?
One party state, all candidates are from the Communist Party
What were capitalistic rights?
Personal freedom
What were communistic rights?
Control, individual rights were seen less important than the needs of the state. Personal freedom was limited
What is personal freedom?
Individual rights such as free speech or a free press valued
Who did the USA deport in the 1920’s?
Thousands of suspected communist
Why did the USSR mistrust Britain in the 1930’s?
The policy of appeasement
What was the policy of appeasement?
Britain policy of allowing Hitler to get away with certain foreign policy decisions in order to avoid a war in the 1930’s
What was the main disagreement at the Yalta conference?
Stalin wanted to move border of the USSR further into Poland.
The USA and Britain did not like this but felt they had to agree
When did the Yalta Conference take place?
February 1945
Who went to the Yalta Conference?
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill
Why did the Yalta Conference happen?
To agree what should happen after the war was over
Was was agreed Stalin would join when Germany surrendered?
Join the war against Japan
How was Germany divided at Yalta?
Into zones run by USSR, USA, Britain and France
At Yalta what was agreed about Nazi War Criminals?
They would be hunted and prosecuted
What organisation did USA, Britain and USSR decide to join at Yalta?
United Nations Organisation (UN)
What was decided about the election is Eastern Europe at Yalta?
Hold free elections once they were freed from Nazi occupation
During Yalta what was decided about the Soviet sphere of influence in Europe?
Agreed that Eastern Europe would be a soviet sphere of influence
What was the soviet sphere of influence?
An area which the USSR has some control over
When did the Potsdam Conference happen?
July 1945
What lead to disagreements at Potsdam?
Many things had changed
What leaders had changed at Potsdam?
Roosevelt = Truman Churchill = Attlee
What was the difference between Roosevelt and Truman?
Truman was more anti-communism than Roosevelt had been
How was Stalin’s armies advanced from Yalta to Potsdam?
They controlled most of Eastern Europe
How did Stalin’s control of Eastern Europe cause disagreements?
Caused tension
What government had Stalin created in Poland?
A communist government
What did Stalin want to set up at Potsdam?
Pro-Soviet government throughout Eastern Europe
How did the Communist government in Poland and the idea of a pro-Soviet government throughout Europe cause disagreements at Potsdam?
Truman saw this as evidence that Stalin wanted to build a Soviet Empire
What disagreements happened at Potsdam that involve Germany?
Stalin wanted to cripple Germany Truman didn’t.
What did Stalin demand at Potsdam that caused disagreements?
$10 billion compensation from Germany
What did the USA develop which deepened the mistrust between the two sides?
The atom bomb
Why did the development of the atom bomb cause tension between the USA and the USSR?
Developed in secret, even though it was an ally of the USSR in the war
When did Stalin find out about the atom bomb?
At Potsdam Conference
When was the first atom bomb dropped?
6th August 1945
What do some historians believe was a warning to Stalin?
The dropping of the atom bomb
How did the Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe between USA and USSR effect the Cold War?
Increased tension
What countries were under a communist government by 1946?
Poland, Romania, Hungary, Albania and Bulgaria
How did Churchill describe the border between Eastern and Western countries?
An Iron Curtain
What did Stalin use to tighten his control in Eastern Europe?
Secret police
What year was Cominform set up?
Why was Cominform set up?
To co-ordinate the work of the different Communist Parties
What did Western Europe accept that involve Eastern Europe?
Eastern Europe should be under a Soviet sphere of influence.
What did Western Powers expect after accepting Eastern Europe being under the Soviet sphere of influence?
Still allow democratic governments in Eastern Europe
How did Truman respond to Eastern Europe being communist?
Truman Doctrine
What is the Truman Doctrine?
The policy of the USA trying to stop the further spread of Communism
What was Cominform?
An organisation to co-ordinate the work of the various Communist parties in different countries
What was the aim of the Truman Doctrine?
Policy of containment
Who was in a civil war in Greece?
Monarchists and Communist
Why was there a civil war in Greece?
Monarchists who wanted to return of the King and Communist who didn’t
Who tried to take control of Turkey?
Why was the USA concerned when Stalin tried to take control of Turkey?
Because this would allow the USSR to spread communism in the Middle East
Why did USA think Turkey was important?
Fit it’s oil reserves
What did Truman persuade the US Congress to do that involves Greece?
Grant $400 million aid to Greece and Turkey
How did the $400 million grant improve the relationship between the Greece and Turkey?
This made Turkey an ally of the USA and helped monarchists in Greece
How did the $400 million grant to Turkey and Greece affect the relations with the USSR?
Harmed the relations, caused tension
What was the Marshall Aid aim?
To stop the spread of communism
What did General Marshall find in post-war situations when sent to access ?
Ruined economics and extreme shortages
How much did the Marshall Plan propose to help rebuild Europe?
$17 billion
What did Marshall believe will make it harder to spread communism?
Believe tackling poverty would make it harder for the spread of communism
What year did Truman go to congress to approve aid and failed?
What year did the Congress grant Marshall aid ?
What shocked the Congress into granting the aid?
Communist took control in Czechoslovakia
Who was suspicious of the Marshall aid?
Who did Stalin ban from Marshall Aid?
Communist countries
What was Stalin’s version of Marshall aid called?
What increased in the period 1946-1949?
Increased tension
What did the Berlin Blockade do to the relations of the West and East?
Brought the two sides close to war
What did Britain, USA and France do to recover Germany’s economy more quickly?
Combined their zones
What year did Britain, USA and France combined their German zones?
Why did Stalin worry when Britain, USA and France combine zones?
Worried Germany was being built up deliberately
What was Stalin’s response to Britain, USA and France combining their zones?
Berlin Blockade
What zone was Berlin in?
Deep in the Soviet zone
When did Stalin close links between Berlin and the West?
June 1948
How did the Berlin Blockade effect the West?
West which left West Berlin without supplies
Which way of responding to the Berlin Blockade would have been seen as a act of war?
Use of tanks to move roadblocks
What did the allies do instead?
Flew supplies to Berlin
What fear did the West have when flying to Berlin?
That the Soviets would shoot down planes which would start the war
How long did Stalin keep the links closed?
11 months
What two countries were formed after the Berlin Blockade?
Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic
What country that formed after Berlin Blockade was the West’s?
Federal republic of Germany
What country that formed after Berlin Blockade was the East’s?
German Democratic Republic
What year was Korea divided into North and South?
What year did China become a communist country?
What lead China to becoming a communist country?
A revolution
What year did the USSR sign a treaty with China?
Who originally controlled Vietnam?
What year did France withdraw from Vietnam?
What part of Vietnam did Communist control?
North Vietnam
Why did tension increase between superpowers in 1949?
China became communist
When did the Chinese occupation end?
In 1945
What happened when the Chinese occupation ended?
Civil war restarted between Nationalists and Communist in China
Who did the USA back in the Chinese Civil War?
The Nationalists
How was the Nationalists run in China ?
Unpopular and poorly led
Who was leading the Communist in China when they triumphed?
Mao Zedong
What country was the most populous country that was Communist?
When did the USSR sign a treaty of friendship with China?
February 1950
How did America feel about the USSR and China being allies?
Greater fear of communism
Was the Truman Doctrine successful in Asia?
What did the US influence in the United Nations?
Refused to recognise the new communist leaderships
Who represented China?
Chiang Kai-Shek in exile in Taiwan
How did the USSR protest to UN not recognising Communist leaderships?
Boycotting the UN Security Council
What is boycotting?
Refusing to take part or use something as a form of protest
What happened in Korea in 1948?
Korea divided into two countries
What control was North Korea under?
A communist dictatorship
Who supported North Korea?
USSR and China
What control was South Korea under?
Anti-Communist, Capitalism
Who supported South Korea?
What was a flaw with the way South Korea was run?
Not run very democratically either
When was Korea invaded?
June 1950
What happened when Korea was invaded?
North Korea invaded South Korea, most of the South was quickly taken over
When did America propose a UN resolution to the Korean War?
July 1950
Who would had vetoed the resolution to American intervene?
USSR but they were boycotting
What was the UN Resolution for the Korean War?
The UN would intervene to help South Korea
When did the UN invade?
September 1950
Who in the UN invaded?
Mostly American troops but supported by other countries including Britain
Who led the UN forces?
American General MacArthur
How did the Korean War effect the relationship between the USSR and USA?
Worsened relationship, led to USSR to distrust the UN
When was the first time the divisions between East and West were played out in a physical conflict?
The Korean War
How did both sides use conflict to develop their weapons?
To test weapons such as advanced jet aircraft aircraft and faster tanks
What significant event happened in the Korean War?
Became stalemate quickly
What does stalemate mean?
Neither side could win
When was the Korean Peace treaty signed?
What had the UN proved during the Korean War?
That they could take effective action
Why was the UN able to make effective action?
The USSR had not been present
What did the USSR do after the UN invasion?
The USSR returned to its seat at the UN Security Council and was careful not to miss any other important votes
How were the superpowers relationships effected when the Vietnam War outbreak?
Further divided the superpowers
What time period did France rule Vietnam?
Who fought against the French rule in Vietnam?
Communist fighters called the Viet Cong
When did the French withdrew from Vietnam?
In 1954
What happened when France withdrew from Vietnam?
Vietnam temporarily divided into North and South Vietnam
Who supported the South Vietnam and how?
USA continued to send aid to the south which was capitalist
Who supported North Vietnam?
USSR and China
How did creating military alliances effect the USSRs and USAs relationship?
Increased tension
Why did Truman want European bases for US troops?
During Berlin Blockade Truman saw how easily Soviet troops could invade Western Europe bases for US troops across the Atlantic
When does NATO stand for?
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
When was NATO formed?
April 1949
What did NATO allow?
Allowed USA troops in Europe. Members agreed to defend each other if they were invaded
How did the USSR feel about USA developing a military bloc?
Furious and increased tension
When did West Germany join NATO?
When was West Germany allowed an army?
In 1955
Who was the new leader of the USSR?
What did Khrushchev do in response to the creation of NATO?
Created military bloc called the Warsaw Pact
What year was the Warsaw Pact created?
Who was included in the Warsaw Pact?
All communist countries in Eastern Europe except Yugoslavia
Why wasn’t Yugoslavia allowed to join the Warsaw Pact?
Yugoslavia reached out for aid from Marshall Aid from USA not the USSR. This was seen as betrayal
When did the USA and USSR lock in an arms race?
From 1949
What was the aim of the arms race?
To develop more powerful nuclear weapons to prove who was the best superpower
Who dropped the first atom bomb?
When did the USSR have its own atom bomb?
How did the USA feel about the USSR developing their first atom bomb?
Shocked, USA thought the USSR would take longer to develop its own atom bomb
What did the USA do as a response to the USSR developing an atom bomb?
Boosted its spending money on defence and military technology
Ho much of US spending money went to the Air Force during the Cold War?
What has the USA developed in the arms race by 1952?
A hydrogen bomb
What was the hydrogen more commonly known as?
How many more times more powerful was the hydrogen bomb that the atom bomb?
1000 times
When did the USSR develop a hydrogen bomb?
What did the USA develop by 1954 in the arms race?
An H-bomb that could be dropped from a plane
How long after the USA did the USSR create a H-bomb that was dropped from a plane?
A few months later
What else did superpower rivalry lead to?
A space race
Who announced US plans to make a satellite?
When did Eisenhower announce the US plans to make a satellite?
What did the USSR launch in 1957?
A satellite
What was the first satellite launch by USSR called?
What was launched later in 1957 by the USSR?
A second satellite
What was the second satellite made by the USSR called?
Sputnik 2
What did Sputnik 2 carry with it?
A dog
What did the USA increase funding to?
Space programmes
When did the USA launch their first satellite?
What was the USAs first satellite called?
Explorer 1
When was NASA set up?
How did the USSR shock the USA a second time?
The USSR sent the first man into space
What year did the USSR send the first man into space?
In 1961
Who was the first man in space?
Yuri Gagarin
Who set up the Apollo programme?
President Kennedy
What was the Apollo programme aim?
To put a man on the moon
When was the Apollo programme achieved?
July 1969
What happened as an effect of the space race?
Led to more dangerous missiles
What is a reason the superpowers spent so much money on their space programmes?
The technology that sent rockets into space also launch nuclear missiles
What did Khrushchev build?
A top secret rocket base
What was Khrushchev top secret rock base called?
What did the USSR test in 1957?
Worlds first intercontinental ballistic missile
What was the intercontinental ballistic missile commonly known as?
What was the intercontinental ballistic missile?
A missile which can be fired into space and then brought down on a target
How large was the area of attack on the ICBM?
Anywhere in the world
When did USA develop their own ICBM system?
What did America develop in 1960?
Polaris missiles
Where could the Polaris missiles be fired from?
Why was Polaris missiles mor useful than regular missiles?
They were harder to detect
What was reported in the USA media?
A ‘Missile Gap’
When was the ‘missile gap’ reported in the media?
How did American citizens response to the ‘missile gap’?
Caused panic
How did Eisenhower respond to the ‘missile gap’?
Knew there was no missile gap
Why couldn’t Eisenhower tell public it was false information?
Because he knew from secret intelligence
What is a ‘missile gap’?
The fear in the USA that the USSR has a greater number of nuclear missiles
What does NASA stand for?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
What does NASA do?
Oversees the USA’s space programmes
What’s a dictatorship?
A system of government where one leader has almost total control
Who was the new Soviet leader?
Nikita Khrushchev
When did Stalin die?
How many people thought Stalin was a hero?
Millions of people
How long did it take for Khrushchev to emerge as the new leader of the USSR?
2 years
What did Khrushchev talk about and believe was possible?
Peaceful coexistence with the West
What is peaceful coexistence?
Two countries or beliefs living peaceful together
What did Khrushchev plan to do?
Reduce the spending on military
What policy did Khrushchev follow?
What is de-Stalinisation?
The process of addressing some of the problems of Stalin rule
Who began de-Stalinisation?
What did the rebellion against Soviet rule in Hungary lead to?
An attempt to reform communism
What did Khrushchev’s apparent relaxation of control in the USSR led to what in Hungary?
To opposition to the communist regime in Hungary
What did many Hungarians hate?
Soviet troops in their country and restrictions imposed by their hard-line Communist leaders
What happened in a protest in Budapest?
A statue of Stalin was pulled down
Who were the majority of the people taking part in the Budapest protest?
When did the protest in Hungary take place?
October 1956
Who did the USSR allow to form a new government?
Moderate leader Imre Nagy
What happened when Nagy formed a new government?
Soviets started to withdrew from Hungary
What was set up to replace Soviet power in Hungary?
Local councils
How many Hungarian soldiers joined the rebels?
What did Nagy announce publicly about the Warsaw Pact?
Planned to leave Warsaw Pact
What did Nagy want to reinforce?
Private ownership of farms
What did Nagy declare publicly?
Hungary neutral in the Cold War
What lead to Khrushchev crushing the Hungarian uprising?
Once Nagy threatened to leave the Warsaw Pact
What did Khrushchev accept in Hungary?
The changes
What was Khrushchev not willing to let happen in Hungary?
To let them leave Warsaw Pact
When did Soviet tanks move into Hungary?
November 1956
Where did the Soviet troops move in?
How many Hungarians fled to Austria?
What happened to Hungarian leaders?
They were executed
What happened to Nagy?
Who was the new leader of Hungary?
How many people did Kádár arrest?
Why did Kádár arrest 35,000 people?
For anti-communist activities
What did Khrushchev force Hungarians to do once sent extra Soviet troops?
Pay for them
Why did Western powers only condemn the actions of the USSR in Hungary?
Too distracted by the Suez crisis
What led in the U-2 crisis in 1960?
The capture of a US pilot
When did the USA start flying spy planes over the USSR?
Since 1950
Why were spy planes flown over the USSR?
To gather intelligence about their nuclear weapons
What did the U-2 planes carry?
Powerful cameras
How strong was the U-2 plane camera?
Could read a newspaper on the ground from 23Km
Why didn’t the USSR shoot U-2 planes down?
Didn’t have technology to shoot them down
What year did the USSR manage to shoot down a U-2 plane?
In 1960
Who did the USSR capture from the U-2 plane?
Gary Powers
What major meeting did Gary Powers get captured before it happened?
Paris Peace Summit
Who was going to the Paris Peace Summit?
USSR and Western Powers
What did the USA finally admit to?
Gary Powers was on a spying mission
What did Khrushchev do when the USA admitted to a spying mission?
Pulled out of Paris Peace Summit Conference
What happened to Powers?
He was jailed but was soon swapped for a captured Soviet spy
Who did Khrushchev dismiss as apart of de-Stalinisation?
Who was Molotov?
Stalin’s controversial Foreign Minister
What did Khrushchev’s de-Stalinisation close down?
What did Khrushchev talk about in a speech in 1956?
Criticised Stalin especially the Purges
What was the purges?
Mass murders of apparent enemies by Stalin’s regime
Where was a key area of conflict between Western Powers and USSR?
How was Berlin divided?
East Berlin and West Berlin
Who controlled East Berlin?
Who controlled West Berlin?
Western Powers
What was the system in West Berlin?
Free, capitalist state
What was in West Berlin?
US troops
Who ruled East Germany?
Walter Ulbricht
What did the public think of Ulbricht?
Hard-line Communist, many hated his rule
What did many people realise once Khrushchev crushed the Hungarian uprising?
No way to end the Soviet control over their countries
Why did many East Germans travel to West Germany?
To escape Soviet control
Who was a large portion of people who left East Germany?
Skilled workers
How did skilled workers leaving East Germany have a effect?
Significant economic impact
How did people moving from East to West Germany effecting views on the ideologies?
Life under communism look bad compared to life under capitalism
What year did Khrushchev build the Berlin Wall?
What was the Berlin Wall built for?
To stop anyone travelling from East Berlin to West Berlin
How did the Berlin Wall begin?
Bared wire fence
What was the barbed wire fence in Berlin soon replaced with?
Thick concrete and Soviet soldiers
What were the Soviet soldiers ordered to do?
Shoot anyone who tried to cross the wall
Where could people cross between East and West Berlin?
Checkpoint Charlie
What was Checkpoint Charlie?
The only place where people could cross between East and West Berlin after construction of the Berlin Wall
How did the Berlin Wall effect many peoples lives?
People were divided from families or their workplaces
What did building of the wall nearly lead to?
Armed conflict between US and Soviet tanks
What are US diplomats?
Government representatives who deal with other countries
What did US diplomats and soldiers do after the building of the Berlin Wall?
Continued to cross into East Berlin
When did the USSR refuse to allow anyone to cross the border at Checkpoint Charlie?
October 1961
What technique did the USSR use to block Checkpoint Charlie in 1961?
Soviet tanks
How did the USA respond to the blocked Checkpoint Charlie?
US tanks pulled up to the border
How long were US tanks at Checkpoint Charlie in 1961?
18 hours
When Soviet and US tanks were stationed at Checkpoint Charlie what was a real risk?
One of the tanks would fire and cause a war
What eventually happened at Checkpoint Charlie in 1961?
Tanks slowly retreated
What happened as a result of Checkpoint Charlie being blocked off?
Wall stayed
When did the Berlin Wall come down?
How long did the Berlin Wall stand for?
27 years
What year did the Cuban revolution happen?
What did the Cuban revolution create?
A communist country just off the coast of the USA
How many Km from the coast of the USA is Cuba?
Where did rich Americans go on holiday?
What did the USA have located in Cuba?
What did the USA give to Cuba?
Economic and military support
Who was Cuban leader?
How was Batista seen by public?
Corrupt and unpopular
What year was Batista’s army defeated?
Who defeated Batista’s army?
Who led the rebels in Cuba?
Fidel Castro
When did Castro become the Cuban leader?
What did Castro do to opponents?
Arrested or exile them
What does exile mean?
Forced to leave a country as a punishment
What did many of Castro’s opponents do?
Fled to the USA
What did the USA back in Cuba?
A failed invasion at the Bay of Pigs
Who did the USA initially recognise as the Cuban leader after Batista?
How did the USA’s relationship with Cuba change from 1959 to 1961?
Got worse
What did Castro do that worsened the relationship with the USA?
Took over American-owned businesses in Cuba
What did Eisenhower give the CIA permission to do in Cuba?
Overthrow Castro
When did Eisenhower give the CIA permission to overthrow Castro?
June 1960
How did the CIA try o overthrow Castro?
Funded exiles who were trying to get rid of Castro
What did the USA investigate in June 1960?
Ways to damage the Cuban economy
What way would the USA damage the Cuban economy?
Damaging Cuban farms
What did Castro promise in the summer 1960?
To protect Americans living in Cuba and to allow the USA to keep its navel base
When did Castro sign an agreement with the Soviet Union?
Summer 1960
What did President Kennedy brake off?
Diplomatic relations
What are diplomatic relations?
The relationship between two countries who have representatives to communicate between their governments
When did Kennedy brake off diplomatic relations?
January 1961
What diplomatic relations did Kennedy brake off?
With Cuba and USA
What did some Americans argue about, that involves Cuba?
A US invasion
What did the USA supply Cuban exiles in January 1961?
Weapons and equipment
How many Cuban exiles were supplied with equipment and weapons from the USA?
1400 Cuban’s
Where did the Cuban exiles invade?
Bay of Pigs
How did the Bay of Pigs invasion go?
A disaster
How many Cuban troops did the Cuban exiles face?
What did the Cuban troops have?
What happened to all the exiles?
Captured or killed
How did the USA and Kennedy feel about the Bay of Pigs invasion?
Major embarrassment
Why did tension rise in 1962 in the Cold War?
The USSR supplied weapons to Cuba
When did the USSR announced it was supplying weapons to Cuba?
May 1962
When did Cuba have the best-supplied military in the region?
September 1962
What was supplied to Cuba by September 1962?
Missiles, tanks, jet fighters and 5,000 Soviet technicians
What did the US seem to allow in Cuba?
Conventional Soviet arms on Cuba
What was the USA worried about involving missiles?
USSR placing nuclear missiles on Cuba
What is conventional weapons?
Weapons that’s aren’t nuclear
What happened when the USSR sent nuclear missiles to Cuba?
Tension turned into crisis
When did the USSR send the nuclear missiles to Cuba?
October 1962
What did an American spy plane photograph in Cuba?
Nuclear missile sites being built
When did the nuclear missile sites in Cuba get photographed from an American spy plane?
October 1962
What did American spy planes report from Cuba?
Soviet ships on their way to Cuba carrying nuclear missiles
What did some of Kennedy’s advisors propose?
Invasion of Cuba or air strikes to destroy missiles sites
What did Kennedy decide to do about the USSR giving Cuba nuclear missiles?
Naval blockade
What is naval blockade?
Using ships to block access to a port or country or to stop the movement of supplies
Why did the naval blockade in Cuba cause fear?
If USSR ships tried to break blockade nuclear war could outbreak
How did the USSR respond to the navy blockade is Cuba?
Ships didn’t try to break blockade
How did Khrushchev respond to the naval blockade?
Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba
How long did the naval blockade in Cuba last?
4 tense days
What did Kennedy secretly agree to?
Removing US missiles from Turkey
How did the removing nuclear missiles from Cuba and Turkey effect the Superpowers relationships?
Improved and relived some tension
What lead to the Prague Spring?
Growing opposition to communist rule in Czechoslovakia
When did the growing opposition to communist rule in Czechoslovakia happen?
What was one of the most important countries in the Warsaw Pact?
Why was Czechoslovakia important in the Warsaw Pact?
In centre of Eastern Europe and most developed industry
What year did the old communist leader resign in Czechoslovakia?
Who replaced the old communist leader in Czechoslovakia?
Reformer called Alexander Dubček
What did Dubček want to create?
‘Socialism with a human face’
What did the Dubček promise Brezhnev?
Czechoslovakia would not try to leave the Warsaw Pact
Who was Brezhnev?
New Soviet leader
What did Dubček reduce?
Censorship and the role of the secret police
What did the reductions in Czechoslovakia lead to?
Increasing criticism of Communism by Czechs. Communist leaders were questioned in newspapers and TV
What was Prague Spring?
A period of increasing hostility in Czechoslovakia towards rule by the USSR in 1968
Where was Prague?
Capital of Czechoslovakia
Why was it called Prague Spring?
Because of the new mood and ideas
What happened by the summer of 1967 in Czechoslovakia?
Plans to allow another political party
When did the Social Democratic Party start?
Summer 1967
How did Brezhnev respond to events in Czechoslovakia?
Increasingly harshly
What pressures did the other Warsaw Pact leaders put on Brezhnev?
To stop the changes taking place in Czechoslovakia
How did Soviet troops threaten Czechoslovakia?
Performing training exercises on the border
What economic action did the USSR take in Czechoslovakia?
Cancelling wheat supplies the Czechs depended on
What did the other leaders call on Czechoslovakia in a Warsaw Pact meeting ?
To ‘maintain stability’
What did Dubček allow political?
Social Democratic Party
What did Dubček keep on doing after he allowed the Social Democratic Party?
Kept on with his reform
How did the Soviets respond to the Social Democratic Party?
Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia
When did the Soviet tanks move into Czechoslovakia?
20th August
Did the USSR give any warning signs about moving in to Czechoslovakia with tanks?
No warning signs
How did Czechoslovakia respond to the Soviet tanks?
No fighting or armed resistance
What happened after the Prague Springs?
Brezhnev set clear rules for Communist governments in Eastern Europe
What were the rules for Communist governments called?
Brezhnev Doctrine
What rule in the Brezhnev Doctrine involves politics?
Had one-party system
What rule in the Brezhnev Doctrine involves the Warsaw Pact?
Had to be members
What happened to Dubček after the Prague Springs?
Removed from power, not killed but taken from Czechoslovakia. Images of him as a leader were censored
What did the Brezhnev Doctrine impact the Western Powers and the USSR?
Led to more tension
What ideology was becoming increasingly hated in Czechoslovakia?
What did the Cuban Missile Crisis lead to?
Attempts to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons
What did both leaders of the Cold War realise?
How close to a nuclear war they were
When was the treaty to ban further tests of nuclear weapons signed?
How did Cuba remain after Cuban Missile Crisis?
Highly armed
How did the Cuban Missile Crisis seems to Khrushchev and Soviet?
A victory
How did the USA see the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Kennedy was respected for handling the crisis
When was there a period of Détnte?
Late 1960s and early 1970s
What does Détente mean?
Attempts to reduce tension in the Cold War from the late 1960’s
When was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed?
Who signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
USSR, USA and Britain
What is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
An agreement to reduce the spread of nuclear weapons
How did the huge cost of the Vietnam War for USA cause détente?
Leading to inflation
What’s inflation mean?
Rising prices
How did declining living standards in the USSR cause détente?
The solution was better relationship with other countries to increase trade
How did new leaders cause détente?
More willing to talk to reduce tension
Who was the new leader of the USA?
President Nixon
How did worries about the growing power of China cause détente?
Threatened USA and USSR
How did conflicts in Middle East cause détente?
Disrupt crucial oil supplies for both Powers
What further reduced hostility?
The SALT treaties
What did SALT treaty stand for?
Strategic Arms Limitations Talks
What was the SALT treaties?
Talks between the USA and USSR to agree limits on the number of nuclear weapons on each side
How long was the SALT treaties talk?
3 years
What did the SALT treaties limit to the USA and the USSR?
What is an ABM?
Anti-ballistic Missile
What were the USA and the USSR allowed to do that was discussed at the SALT negotiations?
Allowed to use spy satellites to check each side was keeping to agreement
How long did the SALT agreement last for?
5 years
Was the SALT treaties a success?
How was the SALT treaty seen?
Major achievement
What does MAD stand for?
Mutual Assured Destruction