Cold War Flashcards
What was the Truman Doctrine?
Its the way in which the Us conducted their affairs towards The USSR. This involved containing communsim and were prepared to aid countries which soldiers, supllies and economic aid to prevent countrys from catching the communist virus.
Effects of the Marshall plan?
Saved European Industry, therefore stopping many european countries such as Italy from turning communist.
The Us said they were prepared to back allied, democratic nations with soldiers to stop the soread of comsm
Causes of the Truman Doctrine?
Long and Novikov Telegram
President of Hungary during 1956?
Imram Nagy
Who was the Cruel President of Hungary before Imram who was partially responsible for the Hungarian uprising and was just before nagy?
Matias Rakosi, who killed 2k and imprisoned 387k
Causes for the Hungarian Uprising?
Krushchevs “secret Speech”
These 2 factors gave Hungarians hope for a better tommorow and to be set free of the chain of communsim
Effects of Hungary 1956?
USA apparead weak as they doubled down on their pledge to help free countries and stop the spread of communism with troops and aid.
Hungary remianed communsit and the execution of Nagy Told Warsaw Pact members that disloyalty would be met with harsh repurcussions
Causes of the cuban Missle Crisis?
The Bay of Pigs incident - This provoked Cuba into allowing for missles of the USSR to be placed in their territory therefore dettering an invasion from the US
Cuban Revolution - Tensions would always be a major issue with a communist state on the doorstep of the Worlds leading democratic Country who was both pledged to stop and contain the spread of communism.
Why did The USSR place missles in Cuba
The US has missle bases in Europe such as in Turkey (very close proximity to USSR) and UK so wanted an insurance policy to ensure that In the event of a war they had means of threatening America with nuclear weapons.
Cuba saw the missles as a detterent to prevent the US from invading them
Both the USSR and Cuba were natural allies (mutual communism)
What happened on the 16th October 1956?
Missles were found
What did JFK and his council decide on the 20th October?
To blockade Cuba
24th October?
USSR protest against the blockade and refuses to acknowledge it
25th October?
Both sides prepare for nuclear war
27th october? (3 events)
Cuba prepares for an american invasion
Kurushchev propses mutual disarmament in both Cuba and Turkey
Kenedy Agrees but only on the basis the removal of missles in Turkey and Italy is kept secret
28th October
The proposal is agreed and America is forced to never attack cuba again
Short term impacts of The cuban missle crisis?
Cuba survives but feels let down by its communist allies
USSR looks weak on the world stage as US removal of missles is done anonymously / secretly
US peace advisors (the Doves) look good as they avoided War
Long term impacts of the Cuban Missle crisis?
Showed how easily nuclear war could break out
More communication and thus cordiality was negotiation and informally agreed
Nuclear testing above ground was banned
JFK’s “Common Interests Speech”
Krushchevs eventual joustment from power.
What caused the Olympic Boycotts?
The olympic boycotts were a direct response to the unjust invasion of Afganistan
Effects of the Olympic Boycotts?
Made the games look “second rate” and ensured the failure of the soviets plan to elevate their status on the world stage.
Following this, The Soviets boycotted the LA games of 1984
Meant that American Atheletes could not perform
What provoked Gorbachev to introduce his “New Thinking”?
The loss of confidence in the communist party that the population of the USSR and wider Eastern Europe were beggining to grasp.
The economy was in a dire state and need revitilasing or it would risk a complete collapse.
What were the 2 beliefs Gorbachev brought about in his New Thinking?
Glasnost (openess): The relaxation of press censorship and allowed for the public critisism of both communism the state as a whole.
Perestroika (restructuring): the Soviet system needed not just a complete overhaul, but required the restruction of everyday systems so this idea was implemented to help the struggling economy and diligently morph it into extreme efficientcy.
Gorbachev belived these 2 ideas would bring about growth and prosperity, and in turn strengthen his beloved country.
What happened during the breakup of the Warsaw Pact?
It was due to the dissolution of the Eastern Block countries which was a direct effect of the GLASNOST that was introduced during Gorbachev’s new thinking as it allowed for countries to express their opinion on the way they being run both by the Soviet Union but also their opinions of communism which led directly to elections being held and many countries deciding to leave communism behind.
Why did the Fall of the Berlin wall signify so much?
Throughout the summer of 1989, demand for change grew in many East German cities. With the protests escalating, the Berlin Wall was eventually brought down. This was a symbolic marker of communist collapse.
What are the effects of Gorbachevs new thinking?
This led to the breakup of Eastern europe (Eastern Block) and the Warsaw Pact. Eventually as well the Warsaw Pact
Causes of the Berlin Crisis?
Refugee crissis
4 summits?
Camp David
Paris (went badly wrong Khrushchev stormed out and kennedy refused to apologise about U2 Spy plane
Was the Berlin Wall a succesful resolution to the Berlin crisis?
Yes: stopped refugee crisis, avoided war, propoganda victory for west. Krushchev admitted they cannot get west out of berlin.
Cuban Crisis (3 events)
1959 - Cuban Revolution - Castro
1961 - Bay of Pigs - Cuban Exiles trained and supported by CIA
1962 - Missle Crisis - naval blockade - secret deal (Turkey)
Anotnonin novotny?
No political opposition allowed
Economic problems and poor living standards
Alexander Dubcek?
Friend of Brezhnev
Socialism with a human face
Opposition allowed, less cencorship and some aspects of capitlaism was allowed
Effects of Czech Invasion?
Further revealed the unpopularity of soviet style control
Condemned by us but no help
Soviet would help eastern block
Helsinki baskets
Human rights (freedom of speech and religion)
European borders (improved security)
International cooperation (economy and trade)
Why did soviets invade afganistan
Extend influence in oil rich middle east
Keep communist government under Kumael
Fear that muslims in ussr may form their own state