Cold war Flashcards
soviet union?
USSR, ruled from moscow Russia
set of shared beliefs
not getting involved in the affairs of other countries
FRG (federal republic of Germany)
west Germany
GDR (German Democratic Republic)
East Germany
What is the nuclear deterrent?
People thought countries would be less likely to use nuclear weapons due to the fear that the other side would respond with an equal attack.
What is the nuclear deterrent?
People thought countries would be less likely to use nuclear weapons due to the fear that the other side would respond with an equal attack.
what is detente?
period of peace between 2 groups previously at war
what does perestroika mean?
Russian for reconstruction, part of new thinking, reorganising the structure of the soviet state and economy.
what does Glasnost mean?
Russian for openness, part of gorbachevs new thinking, allow more freedom of speech and openness in government and foreign relations
How were early tensions started?
during WW2, USSR, USA and Britain had a grand alliance against Germany, now Germany had been defeated tensions beging to increase
What ideological differences lead to tensions?
The USA and Britain had a democracy where as the soviet union was a single party ruling
USA and Britain was capitalist where USSR was communist
In the USSr the rights of all workers was more important than individual rights where as in USA individual freedoms were guaranteed.
How did the differences between leaders lead to tensions rising?
Franklin D. Roosevelt believed in democracy, was not as tough with stalin as Churchill wanted him to be.
Winston Churchill- conservative with traditional values, strong belief in democracy and British empire, was very suspicious of Stalin
Joseph Stalin- 1 party rule, cut back personal freedoms, convinced west wanted to destroy communism
How did a new world order lead to tensions rising?
After WW2, the old powers like Britain and France were less important but new superpowers like USA and USSR had rivalry due to their strong militaries and economies
How did the Grand Alliance lead to tensions rising?
they united against Germany and Japan but still suspicious of communist soviet union where as USSR had great distrust in the capitalist world.
What happened at the Tehran conference and who attended?
November 1943, Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
USA and Britain would attack Germany in Western Europe, helping soviets in east fighting
Stalin would declare war against Japan and help USA to defeat them once war in Europe was over.
Agreed aim of war was for Germany’s surrender and it should be kept weak after
Poland could take land from Germany, USSR can keep land taken from Poland
United Nations should be set
What happened at the Yalta conference and who attended?
February 1945, Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
Germany split into 4 zones
Half of $20 billion reparations would go to Soviet union
Nazi party would be banned
United Nations set up
Soviet Union joined war against Japan
Stalin agreed to free future elections
Polish borders agreed
What happened at the Potsdam conference and who attended?
July- August 1945, Truman, Attlee, Stalin
Germany split into 4 but economy ran all together
Berlin split into 4 zones
Each country would take its reparations from the zone in Germany it controlled (USSR owned poorest zone so could take 1/4 of the industrial equipment from other zones)
Truman objected soviet control over countries of Eastern Europe
Why did the USA created the atom bomb?
To win war against Japan, dropped over Hiroshima on 6th August 1945 and Nagasaki on 9th August 1945
120,000 Japanese civilians killed altogether
How did the creation of the atom bomb increase tensions?
Soviet union was determined to spread its influence in order to create buffer zone
Soviet union successfully tested an atom bomb 29th August 1949, 1964 Britain, France and China also had the atom bomb
both sides now had weapons capable of killing millions
How did the atom bomb decrease tensions?
Both sides were less willing to go to war as risks became higher as many more people would be killed.
What happened during the George Kennan Long Telegram to Washington?
Reported attitudes in Moscow as being hostile towards USA
Stalin held firm belief in destruction of capitalism
Kennan believed the soviet would back down if faced with tough resistance
What happened during the Nikolai Novikov’s telegram to Moscow?
believed US wanted to use their strong military to dominate the world
Told Moscow Americans no longer wanted to cooperate with the Soviets
What happened during Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech?
March 1946, visit to USA, made speech criticising the Soviet Union as a threat to world peace. Stalin took this as a reflection of American beliefs, encouraged USSR to strengthen forces, increased anti-western propaganda
What was the creation of the Soviet Satellite states in Eastern Europe?
countries that USSR freed from Nazi Germany became satellite states
Stalin refused to give up control of these countries as they were a useful buffer zone
Truman saw this as the Soviet Union wanting to spread communism worldwide
What was the Truman Doctrine? 12th March 1947
$400 million aid package to Greece and Turkey
voiced his opinions on evil communism
said he would use American troops to prevent the spread especially through vulnerable countries devistated by war
What was the Marshall Plan?
George Marshall, us secretary of state, USA would provide economic aid to the war-torn countries of Europe to help them recover and prevent them from turning to communism.
1948-1952 USA gave $12.7 billion in aid
What were consequences of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan?
‘Dollar imperialism’ Stalin saw it as a way for the USA to spread its own influence of capitalism, America’s way of splitting Europe in 2
Stalin grew suspicious of the USA
Rivalry properly begun
What was cominform? its purpose? its members? 22nd September 1947
Communist parties, soviet union, Bulgaria, Poland ect.
Purpose- political organisation, gave Stalin power to control governments of satallite states to follow Moscow orders
What was comecon? its members? its purpose? 25th January 1949
Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania
provide economic aid ( alternative to Marshall plan), organise industrial planning and encourage trade between members
What was the creation of NATO in response to?
Creation of cominform and comecon, USA and Western European countries created new military alliance.
what caused the 1948 Berlin crisis?
Western powers wanted to rebuild Germany’s economy but the USSR wanted to rebuild their own.
March 1948, Britain, France and USA combined zones to create Trizonia
3 months later created new single currency for this zone (Deutschmark)
Soviets were annoyed as Germany was now 2 countries East and West
What happened during the Berlin Blockade?
June 1948, Stalin shut off land routes across soviet controlled zone of Germany
Western zone of Berlin was cut off from Western Germany , no communication and food running out.
What was the Berlin Airlift?
Western powers launched operation vittles (Berlin airlift)
flew food, coal and other necessities into west zone of Berlin
a year later, 9th May 1949 soviets gave in and lifted blockade
Stalins attempt to provoke west had backfired, west responded peacefully, he was now seen as unwise and aggressive
What were consequences of the Berlin crisis?
3 days after blockade lifted, Britain, France, American came together to from a state (FRG)
democratic state, chancellor Konrad Adenauer elected 15 September 1949
FRG much larger than East Germany
October 1949 Stalin responded creating the GDR
Why was NATO and the Warsaw Pact created?
April 1949, USA, Britain, France, 9 other western countries formed NATO
military alliance intended to protect western countries from communism
all members agreed that if one was attacked all others would come to its aid
Stalin created the same but for the USSR called the Warsaw Pact
What were the key events of the arms race?
1945: Usa develops atomic bomb
1949: USSR develops the atomic bomb
1952: USA develops the hydrogen bomb
1953: USSR develops the hydrogen bomb
1957: USA develops the inter-continental ballistic missile
1956: USSR begins to test ICBMs
Why was a new leader reducing tensions?
January 1953, Dwight D, Eisenhower became new president of USA
Strongly anti-communist and were determined to prevent communist expansion
March 5th 1953 Stalin died, Khrushchev new leader 1956, criticised Stalins policies, called for peaceful co-existence
How did the end of the Korean war reduce tensions?
USA and Soviet Union supported different sides of Korean war but now it was over there was a reduction in tensions.
How was defence spending reducing tensions?
Both sides equally spending large amounts of money on military, reduction in tension was good for economy
How was the Geveva Summit good for reducing tensions?
July 1955, East and West reduced tensions as no agreements were reached over future of Germany but the atmosphere of cooperation had improved, agreement was reached on how Austria should be governed
How did the Hungarian Uprising increase tension?
1956, people began to protest against poor living conditions and shortages in 1956, Khrushchev sent soviet troops to restore order and replace Rakosi with former prime minister Nagy.
New leader introduced 1 party state, removal of soviet troops from Hungary
Khrushchev accepted these reforms as long as they calmed unrest
November 1956 announcement made that Hungary would be leaving Warsaw Pact
could have caused other countries to do the same
4th November soviet troops invaded and crushed uprising, killing 20,000 and installing pro-communist government under Kadar
Khrushchev hoped it would serve as a warning to satalite states.
What was the international reaction to Hungary?
Hungarians expected support from USA and the west but didn’t recieve it.
only prepared to send troops to stop communism spreading not to interfere with internal affairs of Warsaw pact
Strengthened Khrushchev’s positions as members knew they couldn’t rely on the west.
What was the refugee problem in Berlin 1958?
3 million years had left for west Germany, due to better standard of living.
Skilled workers left to earn more.
What was said during Khrushchev’s Berlin ultimatum?
November 27th 1050
Berlin should be demilitarised and western troops withdrawn
Berlin should become free city
gave them 6 months to agree or he would give all routes into Berlin to government of East Germany
What was said at Geneva?
no agreement reached over Berlin
What happened at Camp David?
Soviets agreed to withdraw Berlin ultimatum
What happened at Paris?
Khrushchev walked out of meeting due to frustration at USA for refusing to apologise for sending spy to soviet union (soviets shot down american spy plane)
What happened at Vienna?
Khrushchev renewed Berlin Ultimatum as he believed John F Kennedy was young and inexperienced, Kennedy refused to make concessions and the meeting ended with no agreement.
What happened with the building of the Berlin wall?
More East Germans fled to the west as tensions rose
August 1961, 40,000 East Germans crossed to west
12th August 1961 East German troops built a barbed wire fence around Berlin
Soon a concrete wall was built to separate them
What was the impact of the Berlin wall?
Spilt apart friends and families who could no longer visit each other
estimated 130 people killed by East German police trying to cross wall into west
How was the Berlin wall a negative outcome for the USA?
Soviet union closed border between East and West without consulting USA
people in East couldn’t escape from communism if they wanted to
What were the positive outcomes for the USA about the Berlin wall?
Khrushchev forced to accept Western control in Berlin
Popularity of West Berlin for East Berliners became a symbol of defiance against communism
What was a negative outcome of the Berlin wall for the soviets?
Khrushchev had to abandon plans to unite Germany
Wall showed the only wall soviets could control their zone was to lock people in
What was a positive outcome of the Berlin wall for the Soviet Union?
Wall stopped people leaving East Berlin, preventing further economic damage
Showed West that communism would remain in East and Germany wasn’t united under Western control
What was the Cuban Revolution?
January 1959, group of revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro toppled pro-American Cuban Government
Castro was a nationalist, not happy with amount of American control in Cuba
American investments in Cuba gave them lots of influence
Castro and Khrushchev made a deal, soviet union would buy Cuban sugar and provide economic aid
Cuba would recieve weapons from USSR
What was the Bay of Pigs?
1961, Kennedy supported plan to overthrow Cuban regime
17th April 1961, USA sent 1400 Cuban exiles to Bay of Pigs, so that USA could deny involvement.
Failed and was a huge embarrassment
Castro and Khrushchev became closer.
What was the Cuban Missile crisis?
1962, American spy planes took pictures of nuclear weapons in Cuba
Why did Khrushchev break his promise on nuclear weapons to the USA?
NATO had missiles in Turkey
Khrushchev wanted to prove his strength to Kennedy after Berlin wall humiliation
To try and prevent USA from attacking Cuba and removing communism
What were the Thirteen Days?
Kennedy and his team deliberated over response to USSR
decided not to attack Cuba but to set up a naval blockade around country
Soviets arrived at blockade but turned around
What were the 4 major outcomes due to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
1963 Hotline set up between Moscow and Washington
August, test ban treaty signed by US USSR and Britain
1967 Outer space Treaty signed (no nuclear weapons in outer space)
1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty signed. stop spread of nuclear weapons
What happened during Prague Spring?
less censorship
more powers for trade unions
more power for czech regional governments
trade with west increased
more freedom to travel abroad for czechs
eventual multi-party electons
who was elected the new Czech leader?
1968, Dubcek elected as new leader of Czech government
Soviet Union trusted him to regain public favour
Committed communist but believed in citizens being free to express themselves and criticise government
What were the Soviet reactions to Dubcek?
Told by Brezhnev to not go too far with his reforms
ordered Warsaw Pact countries to place troops in Czechoslovakia to scare them for not listening to Moscow
500,000 war saw pact troops invaded 1968 ending prague spring
Dubcek arrested, sent to Moscow, reversed his reforms.
What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
1968, actions of any individual communist country affected all communist countries. If one countries actions threaten the survival of communism the others must take action to prevent this
What was the impact of the Soviet Invasion on Czech like on the relations between other communist countries?
Romania condemned the actions
Italy and France cut all ties to Moscow
Poland welcomed Moscow’s actions, made them feel more secure.
Soviet’s gained better control over satellite states
How did the invasion of Czech impact the relations between USA and Soviet Union?
USA was outraged, no direct action made, suggested to Moscow it wouldn’t be challenged for using violence.
How did the invasion of czech impact the USA’s international reputation?
other countries noticed USA lack of envolvment in protection
Why did USA follow a period of detente with USSR?
The Vietnam war had costs billions of dollars and thousands of deaths
large scale protests against war in Vietnam
facing social problems like inequality of rich and poor and races
urban riots on a massive scale, triggered by Martin Luther King
USA was criticised for ignoring its own domestic issues in favour of international conflicts
Why did the USSR agree to a period of detente?
Economic problems, needed to reduce spending money on weapons to improve standards of living
felt equal with the USA in nuclear capability.
what was SALT I?
Anti-ballistic Missiles treaty- ABMS only allowed at 2 sits, 100 missiles per site
Interim Treaty- each country needed restricted number of ICBMs and SLBMs until 1977
Basic Principles Agreement- set out steps for avoiding nuclear war
How did SALT 1 reduce tensions?
improved relations, countries negoitating limits to control nuclear weapons but both developed weapons around treaty
what were the Helsinki agreements?
Europe’s borders recognised
USSr accepts existence of West Germany
agreed to respect human rights
What was SALT 2?
limit 2400 nuclear deliver vehicles
limit MIRVs
ban construction of new land based ICBM launchers
Limits on deployment of new stratigic offensive arms
What were causes of the soviet invasion of Afghanistan?
April 1978, communist revolution overthrew government
Taraki became president
imposed communist style reforms
changed marriage customs
thousands joined Mujahedeen
Soviets assisted with military but amin didnt want to become too reliant on the USSR and wanted better relations with USA
What was the soviet Invasion of Afghanistan?
1979, 50,000 soviet troops sent to restore order and protect PDPA from Mujahideen
27 December Amin shot and replaced with Karmal
many soilders deserted
What were the consequences of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan?
Carter asked senate to delay passing of SALT II
war dragged on for 9 years, effected soviet morale
US grain shipments to USSR cancelled
US companies would sell tech to USSR
USA boycotts 1980s Moscow Olympics with 61 other countries
what was the Carter Docterine?
USA would use military force to defend national interests in Persian gulf
US military aid to all countries bordering Afghanistan
What did the Boycotting of the Moscow Olympics do?
divided the world again
caused boycotters to hold even called liberty bell classic
What were Ronald Reagans attitudes?
wanted to win cold war
hated communism
dismissed detente
placed less emphasis on human rights
keen to increase US defence spending
What was the second cold war?
period of new lows, renewed arms race, end of detente, increased tension
What was Reagans Defence Policy?
Increased defence spending, developing nuclear submarines
NUTS (nuclear utilization target)
What was Reagans evil empire speech?
claimed cold war was battle between good (USA) and evil (USSR)
What was the SDI (strategic Defence Initiative)
star wars, nuclear umbrella to stop soviet nuclear bombs from reaching USA
release satellites with powerful lasers to destory missiles from space
Soviets lacked technology to keep up
What were the changing relations between Reagan and Gorbachev?
Chernenko died 1984, Gorbachev new Soviet leader
this ended cold war
tensions eased
Gorbachev was younger and would adopt new policies
wanted to be saviour of communism
What were problems facing the USSR in mid 1980s
poor standard of living, disaffected youth that desired a western lifestyle, spiraliling cost of arms race, lagged behind USA with technology
What happened at the Summit Conference?
1985- Geneva face to face talks
relationship developed
ended arms race
eased tensions
work towards abolition of chemical weapons
what was the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty?
Eliminated nuclear and ground based missiles within rages 500-5500
ended arms race
reduced nuclear stockpile of both countries
both were allowed to inspect eachothers military installations
What was the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe treaty?
reduced number of tanks, missiles, aircrafts and other forms of non=nuclear military hardware
What was the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty? (1990-91)
1990- washing summit bush and gorbachev discussed START
July 1991 treaty signed
both sides needed to reduce nuclear forces to 1600 delivery vehicles
6000 war heads
limit of 4900 missiles
What was Glasnost?
Openness- censorship relaxed, local government elections held, banned books published
What was Perestroika?
Restructuring- economic reforms to make economy more efficient, capitalist views introduced
What happened when the Soviet Union was loosening its control in Eastern Europe?
made countries free
break up of satellite states
Brezhnev Doctrine replaced with Sinatra Doctrine
(Warsaw pact countries had freedom of political choice)
What happened during the fall of the Berlin Wall?
Demonstrations occurred, demanding free elections,
9th November East German government accounced opening borders
What happened during the break-up of the Warsaw Pact?
Dissolved in July 1991
Poland, Hungary exc. deposed communist governments
What happened during the Collapse of the Soviet Union?
1990 Baltic States, Lativia declared themselves independent
25th December 1991 Gorbachev announced formal dissolution of Soviet Union and resigned
When did the Cold war officially end?
1989 and in 1991 only 1 super power remained (USA)
Gorbachev wont a nobel peace prize