COLD WAR Flashcards
Cold war
An Indirect fight( threats, propaganda, proxy wars, arms build-up etc.) between USA and USSR(Russia) for their ideologies( communism vs capitalism) to spread through the world
Why the Cold War started
After WW2, the world was left with 2 Superpowers - The United States and the Soviet Union
Each had different outcomes and goals after the war:
-United States: Wanted to spread out the way of living
-Soviet Union- Wanted to ensure this would never happen again
Did not trust each other/ kept secrets during WWII
how were USA and SOVIETS experience of WWII different?
USA- not destroyed/ lost very few people
SOVIETS- destroyed,Lost 40 million people and near-complete destruction/
Potsdam Conference
to end WWII- divided the world between the into the two superpowers) USA/ SOVIETS)
iron curtain
An invisible wall that divided Europe after WWII between soviet/communism and capitalist countries.
Arms race
Both the Soviets and the Americans were both worried the other would build superior weapons which could destroy whole countries
The United States and the Soviet Union began building more nuclear weapons and ways to deliver them
US had 32,000 warheads and the USSR had 45,000 warheads by the end of the buildup
-Arms race led to Mutually Assured Destruction(MAD)
If one country attacks the other, the response would ensure both sides are destroyed
Neither side wanted to attack because of this
Space race ( why started, who won)
The race to come up with ways to deliver the nuclear weapons led to the Space Race
The Space Race turned into a scientific battle = Missiles led to rockets that could reach space
The Soviets launched the first satellite “Sputnik” which set of a frenzy in the United States
Ended with the US landing on the moon
Effects of the space race
This race to led all sorts of new technology
pencils….GPS…tange…insulin pumps….artificial limbs….Lasik….cochlear implants
containment was
Our policy to combat the spread of Communism
why did containment start?
The Soviets were going to try and spread their ideas to other countries
We would try to prevent that spread by pushing back
We do NOT push them back into Russia, just stop it from growing.
How USSR viewed containment
As America surround them with enemies ( they needed to bubble wrap themselves then)
list examples of containment
marshall plan, Turman doctrine, Vietnam war, Cuban missile crisis, Berlin airlift, korean war, Iran, Guatemala
Marshall Plan
12.5 billion in foreign aid to 16 European countries to help rebuild after WWII
To help them not turn to communists
offered USSR money but they refused it
Successful containment
Truman Doctrine (1947)
Called for support of forces fighting Soviet-allied groups in civil wars in Greece and Turkey
$400 million in aid provided
Successful- kept them capitalist
Berlin airlift
Germany AND Berlin divided after WWII: West occupied by US/ GB, East by USSR
Berlin is the capital but was located in the Soviets section of Germany. The USA did not want to allow capital to fall to communism so divided capital(Berlin) as well.
USSR shut off-road access for USA to get to West Berlin
US used airlifts around the clock to supply city
327 days; 277,000 flights; 2.3 million tons of goods
USSR caved, reopened roads to Berlin
Berlin wall
Millions had fled East Germany for West Germany via divided Berlin.
Went to one side of the city since city was divided but still open to travel in and out where rest of Germany was not as easy to get to.
Severely crippled East Germany’s economy, society( everyone leaving!)
In matter of days, wall is built dividing East and West Berlin
Prevents flow of “refugees”
Berlin wall success or failure?
Failure- could not stop and lost east berlin to soviet complete control
NATO- why it was created
To protect each other after WWII
NATO stands for?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
What do all NATO countries have in common?
Democratic countries
What will NATO do for each other?
defend/ fight if one is attacked
Warsaw pact- why it was created
After NATO was created, soviets allies created one
How is the warsaw pact similar to NATO?
Also agreed to protect each other if one is attacked
What do all warsaw pact have in common?
Why is NATO called 1st world and warsaw called 2nd world?
capitalist= more “advanced” 1st world
2nd world= communists , less advanced because lacking competition
Who are the third-world countries in regard to the Cold war?
The ones USA and SOVIETS fought for control over indirectly fighting each other
Cuban missile crisis
President JFK found out USSR trying to place 40 missiles capable of carrying nukes on Cuba
Threat to US cities for first time
Fidel Castro was Cubas leader - viewed America as a threat because USA dominated economics there
USA tried to oust him in Bay of Pigs invasion that was unsuccessful
Castro turns country to communist/ friends with USSR
outcome of Cuban missile crisis
OUTCOME: USSR backs down, agrees to remove bases
US removes own missiles in Turkey
Hotline placed between US, USSR to allow for direct communication
In what ways did America try to contain communism? (3)
- Give money to developing countries
- Use of massive retaliation / fear of nukes
- Cia used to overthrow leaders
Guatemala hot spot
poor Central American country
leader Arbenz- decided to take back control of the the US-owned land
Falling victim to “international communism.”
CIA-piloted warplanes, the 150 paid “liberators” crossed the border into Guatemala and
forced Arbenz Guzman into exile in Mexico
United States then installed a new ruler in Guatemala who eliminated all political opposition.
Iran hot spot
A fierce nationalist, Mosaddeq in power CIA believed was leaning towards soviets Worked to overthrow him pro-Sha forces and the Iranian military, backed by street protests organized and financed by the CIA, overthrew Mossaddeq Put in place friendly USA leader
Korean war (1950-1953)
Communist People’s Republic (North) invades Democratic Republic (South) korea
UN sends in troops, 90% from US
China supports North w/ supplies, troops( importance because China is Communists at this time)
Back-and-forth until armistice signed in 1953
Divided at 38th Parallel, same as before war
korean war outcome
FAILURE- north communists/ success?- south capitalist
Vietnam war
France controlled Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in what was called French Indochina
Japan took control of Vietnam during WWII- US sent aid to free it and gave aid to independence leader Ho Chi Minh
USA gives France aid because do not want Vietnam to fall to communist
Ho Chi Minh was communist and incontrol of the north region
USA appointed south was Diem
South lost= ho chi minh wins= vietnam falls
China and Taiwan
Chinese civil war : Nationalist vs communists
Nationalists fled to Taiwan when lost
USA -Nonintervention at first
Just refused to acknowledge “red china-prc”
1979 when finally do recognized red china
During korean war - “intervened”
Promised to use force to defend Taiwan with military
Why did the economy experience a post-war boom?( 3)
- increase in defense spending, demand for US-produced goods
- Government: Increased minimum wage, extended SS/ unemployment benefits
- GI Bill (1944): provided $ to veterans for education, job training, loans for homes, small businesses
Interstate highway act -
Gov’t build roads across the country
Evacuation routes from bombs/ Military ship equipment
41,000 miles of roads built
Effect- now had roads to get to suburbs and across the country. Small towns disappeared.
Why do suburbs grow at this time?
Housing is limited in cities-grow outwards after GI bill since demand is higher
-cold war( get people out of cities
More people had money after the war with GI Bill = cheaper manufactured homes created
Baby boom- why
Soldiers home from war= had more money= babies
the preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods
More money= more stuff during the 1950s. ( TVS/ HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES/ CARS)
Why did tv go through its golden age during the 1950s
In the ‘50s as more families moved from cities to suburbs, TV offered suburban families a cheap & convenient form of entertainment. TV offered something for everyone in the family.
Became cheaper to buy a tv so more families could get one in the home.
Mickey mouse club, Leave it to Beaver, I love Lucy
Red scare
Fear of communism in America because of the use of spies in the cold war by both sides
Thought it could be anyone -Did not trust anyone
This “threat” consumed society
The federal government and many states passed laws making advocating for the violent overthrow of government illegal
Senator Joe McCarthy witch hunt to find communists.
Organized televised hearings to investigate communism in US government
contributed to fear of communist plans to overthrow the government
Accusations against Army having communists in it led to his downfall
-House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC): investigate communist influence in and out of government
used the subpoena power as a weapon and called citizens to testify in high-profile hearings before Congress.
Citizens asked to give names of other communists
If did not talk= send to jail or blacklisted from work
Why did rock and roll grow in popularity at this time? (3 reasons)
- White teens started to secretly listen to black radio stations to hear rock & roll( since separated stations)
- White artists began to make their own covers of black rock & roll songs.
- Speed up-tempo / changed lyrics - White radio stations (facing increased competition from TV) began to play the new music (rock & roll) to attract new listeners
The jazz ambassadors
US Government sent Jazz bands on tour around the Eastern Bloc , Asia, Africa to places where Independence movements/new countries/ persuaded those on the fence to align with the US.
Cultural exchange=cultural competition
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
A famous case of HUAC. found guilty of selling atomic secrets to Soviets, executed in 1953.
why the federal government picked jazz for jazz ambassadors
Picked Jazz-
Race relations: America’s Achilles heel
Rescue the image of America- (more inclusive than it really was!)
Freedom achieved in the US!
Basics of communism
workers rise up
equality for all
no motivation to work
basics of capitalism
freedom of choice
not equal
money is motivation to work