Age of turmoil Flashcards
Civil rights are
the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.
Human rights
Rights all get for being alive
Johnson’s Great Society was:
President after JFK was assassinated
Johnson’s plan to end poverty and discrimination
Continuation of JFK vision
Warren courts importance
Liberal Supreme court during the civil rights era
Rulings: Brown vs Board , Expanded free speech rights , Miranda laws
Why did WWII fuel the civil rights era?
1948: President Truman desegregated military
African American Soldiers fought with whites and then all returned home to segregated towns
Also ends discrimination in hiring of govt. Employees during war to encourage more workers join the war efforts
-Job opportunities=economic empowerment, fighting job discrimination
-During war needed workers= moved to North
Segregation in the south was legal because of what supreme court case:
Separate but equal. ( had separate everything for blacks and whites. Drinking fountains, schools, bus siting etc.)
Brown vs board of education ended what?
Ended plessy vs ferguson ruling of schools
Legal segregation of schools. (separate but equal schools) Now had integrated schools of students
Little rock nine importance
Showed the violence and difficulties for black students faced when integrated schools started. Had to have the military escort the 9 black students around the school
Emmett till-what it was/ importance.
Brutal Murder of a young African American by whites in Mississippi. The jury let the killed off, and the event was international news that brought race relations to the frontline during the cold war when America was fighting communists who were using race relations as a reason why America was wrong/bad,
Montgomery bus boycotts - what they were fighting for and outcome.
-Rosa parks: refused to give up her seat at front of bus to protest bus segregation. ( African americans supposed to be in back)
-Boycott succeeded after 381 days
-1956: Warren Supreme Court declared bus segregation unconstitutional
Freedom riders were trying to do what? What happened to them?
-desegregate interstate buses, facilities
-May 1961: riders going from TN to MS viciously attacked
-Widely televised, led to action by federal government
Sit ins trying to accomplish? Meet with what?
-desegregate restaurants, public facilities
-Began February 1960 @ Woolworth’s in Greensboro, NC
-Often confrontational, even if nonviolent
Birmingham : importance of the city for the civil rights movement?
“Most segregated city in the US”
SCLC leads demonstrations, including 2 “children’s crusades”
MLK arrested, writes “Letter From A Birmingham Jail”
Response to critics calling for patience, end to protests
Nonviolent protests violently broken up by police
Images on TV, in newspapers lead to large public outcry
What happened to Birmingham after civil rights marches occurred there?
*Birmingham ends legal discrimination
March on washington: what was it in support of?
To show support for Civil Rights Bill
August 28, 1963, Over 250,000 in attendance
MLK, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech becomes highlight
Passed civil rights bill : Prohibited discrimination based on race, gender, religion, national origin, Desegregated public facilities and privates ones that require support of general public: hotels, restaurants
24th amendment ended what?
ended poll taxes
Focus now shifted to voter registration, voting rights in the South
Freedom summer 1964: what they wanted, why started when they did?
After 24th amendment, focus to get African Americans registered to vote
Voting rights act 1965 did what?
Ended literacy tests, expanded federal supervision of voter registration
% of African Americans registered to vote in South tripled
How was northern civil rights activism different? Why
“De facto segregation”: by custom, not by law
Police forces, elected officials majority white,
Poverty, limited economic opportunities for African Americans
White flight= suburbs
What did Malcolm X argue for?
Called for separation of blacks and whites by choice
Advocated for armed self-defense
Black Panthers wanted what?
Promoted self-sufficiency, housing, jobs for black community/ ghettos
Carried weapons openly for self-defense
Outlined views in “Ten Point Program”
Operated daycare centers, breakfast programs for kids, medical clinics
1968- why was it an important year for civil rights?
MLK and robert Kennedy assassinated
Civil Rights Act of 1968- Ended housing discrimination, strengthened anti-lynching laws, criminalized hurting civil rights workers
How was Motown used to fight for civil rights?
Put African Americans in a positive light on national media/ sound of music unified americans together
Counterculture definition
a way of life that goes against the mainstream culture (values/norms)
What did the counterculture believe( 3 things)
That 1950s culture placed too much emphasis on being “normal”
That society was too focused on the arms race & competition.
Rejected their parents’ middle-class values (monogamy, consumerism, conformity, etc.)
Why did they experiment with certain drugs?
Hippies saw marijuana & LSD as good
drug use was a way to rebel against mainstream society.
substance expand your consciousness=good
Reprogram mind
uppers/downers and prescription drugs as bad ( the ones mainstream society used in 50s)
dulled your senses and merely helped you get through the day= bad
What did they value?
Wanted to create an alternative lifestyle/culture that focused on love, peace, diversity and connection.
What are the two ways the counterculture “protested”
protests social problems through activism
Demonstrations, laws, marches etc.
Protest culture through creation own
choice of clothing /hairstyle, the music, experimenting with drugs, live in communes
What is a hippie?
A member of the counterculture movement of the 1960s. “Tune in, turn on, drop out”
Left middle class, materialist world to create communities of peace, love
Grew hair out( seen as disrespectful) , Dressed in jeans, tie-dye, fray, moccasins, flowers, Experimented with new drugs
How was protest music used during the civil rights era?
Protest songs- song that is designed to protest economic, political or social problems
Musician protested during this time every social movement by making songs to encourage others to stand up or change the issues.
How did the counterculture movement change music and art?
Psychedelic rock and art/ pop art
What are the reasons why the counterculture movement ended? ( 3)
- LSD decline: Numerous LSD mental breakdowns and deaths began to change what the public thought about LSD & drugs. Deaths of a number of famous people/ Increasing number of overdoses on pills and/or heroin
-Congress investigation published: Repeated LSD use revealed a “loss of cultural values, a loss of feeling right and wrong, of good and bad. These people lead a valueless life, without motivation, without ambition… they are de-cultured, lost to society, lost to themselves.” Government/ manufacturer stopped producing and made it illegal in 1968 - Altamont Free Festival: music concert sponsored by the Rolling Stones. meant to carry on the legacy of Woodstock but from the start it did NOT go as planned…
hired the violent biker gang, the Hell’s Angels, as security…and paid them in beer
assaulted fans and murdered Meredith Hunter (a black teen) while the Rolling Stones were playing – the entire episode was caught on film. - Manson and his followers lived together in a series of communal living situations.
Manson used psychedelic drugs to control/influence his followers.
Manson was obsessed with “Helter Skelter”, a term he was believed to have taken from the song of the same name by the Beatles.
Forced his “followers” to commit a brutal killing of 7 people to start a race war.
Lasting impacts on the counterculture movement on society
Rebellious “ do your own thing” attitudes
Social movements impacts
Art, Musics, Fashion
What were women fighting for during the civil rights era?
Unequal pay, not allowed to open bank accounts or credit, not allowed to work certain jobs, serve on jurys(in some states), reproductive rights
What accomplishments did the women’s movement make?
Made more people enforce civil rights act of 1964 which includes “prohibits employment discrimination based on race and sex”
Griswold vs connecticut
What were UFW want? How did they get it?
Better working conditions
What were environmentalists fighting for civil rights?
Protection of the air, water, land
How did Rachel Carson help with this fight?
Wrote a book “silent spring” that informed americans about the dangers of pesticides on the environment. ( idea that is a fish eats pesticides and then humans eat that fish, humans are eating pesticides)
What were LGBTQ+ fighting for? ( how were they not treated equal in society)
Imprisonment, loss of employment, fines, considered to have a “medical disease”
What is the importance of the Stonewall riots for LGBTQ+?
Regualr raid on a safe spot of LGBTQ in NYC. fought back against it. Caused LGBTTQ rights to be in news/ others to come to defense. Got rid of the medical disease diagnosis after and spark of lgbtq rights movement.
What were AIM fighting for?
Government to respect treaties made/ to be given their land back/ reservations to improve
What methods did AIM use?
Took over famous landmarks to demand change/ get their word out
Alcatraz and mount rushmore