What is cointegration?
Cointegration is when a regression of one non-stationary series on another does not result in spurious regression. If two-time series have a stochastic trend they will cancel each other our which suggests a long-run equilibrium.
How is it non-formally detected?
Graphically. If you have two drunks walking aimlessly together than it is a long-run E.
“Even though the two trends are stochastic, they do not drift apart substantially.
How do we detect spurious regression?
What is the formal test?
Engle-Granger test
How is the formal test performed?
- Get the ECM and perform the cointegration
- Estimate the cointegrating equation:
LC= cons + B1ly + error (reg ly lc)
- Generate the ECM term:
error = lc - constant - B1ly
error = lc - 0.180 - 0.990ly - Identify whether the equation is for consumption or income?
- The function where EMC1 (lagged error) that is negative and stat significant indicates the variable that should be the dependent. reg dlc emc1 and reg dly on emc1. - Specify the ARDL
-General model equation = Yt = B0 + B1Xt + B2Xt-1 + BqXt-q + B4Yt + B5Yt-1 + BpYt-p - Search for parsimonious ARDL
- Estimate the first difference model without E correction term.
How do you identify whether the equation is for consumption or income?
The function where emc1 (lagged error term) is negative and statistically significant indicates the variable that should be the dependent.
reg dlc emc1 = emc1 (-0.072) (p=0.008)
reg dly emc1 = emc1 (0.0315) (p=0.118)
So, consumption is the independent variable.
What is the ARDL model? Includes the general equation.
ARDL is the auto-regressive distributive lag model.
General equation = Yt = B0 + B2Xt + B3Xt-1 + BqXt-q + B5Yt-1 + B6Yt-2 + BpYt-p + Ut.
What is AR
Only dependent
What is DL
Only independent
What is the cointegrating equation?
Lc = cons + ly + error
What test is used in the Engle-Granger test
Cointegrating regression augmented Dickey-Fuller test, it is a modified version of ADF.
What is the null of CRADF?
Null: H0: Unit root - no cointegration
Alternative: H1: Stationarity - Cointegrating relationshipo
What does a unit root mean in terms of cointegration?
Means that there is no cointegration