What is AC?
One of the CLRM assumptions is that error terms are not correlated, that is there is no covariance between error terms Cov(Ut, ut-1)=0. Autocorrelation violates this assumption because the error term in time series t, is correlated with the error term in time series t-1. This occurs mostly in time series data and is due to the strong correlation in the shock in t and shock in time period t-1.
Non-formal detection of AC?
Graphical method:
- Plot the residuals, et, chronologically.
- Plot the residual et against et-1.
If a noticeable pattern occurs then AC may be present.
The two formal detections of AC?
- Durbin-Watson Test
2. Breusch-Godfrey Test
What is the DW test? What does it test for?
The Durbin-Watson test, tests for the first-order autocorrelation which means it tests if consecutive error terms are correlated.
D stat is defined as …
The sum of (et - et-1)^2/sum of et^2
No autocorrelation exists
If d less than DL
Have positive first-order autocorrelation - REJECT THE NULL
If D is between DL and DU
If 4-DL less than D less than 4
Then negative first-order autocorrelation
What D test can we reject the null?
D less than DL
What are the assumptions of the Durbin-Watson Test?
1) Regression model must include an intercept in the OG model.
2) Variables are fixed in repeated sampling.
3) The error term, ut, follows an AR(1) scheme:
Ut = put-1 + Vt where P is the coefficient of AC and -1<=P<=1. This assumption means only the current error term and one period lagged error term is included.
4) Error terms follow a normal distribution
5) The regressors do not include lagged values of dependent variables. No Yt-1, Yt-2.
The null hypothesis of the Durbin-Watson Test
H0: RESIDUALS from OLS regression are not AC.
H1: Residuals have a first order (normally positive) AC
What is the BG test?
The BG test is a more general test for AC as it allows for more higher order AC schemes such as AR (2) and AR(3) so Ut-2 and Ut-3.
Ut = p1ut-1 + p2ut-2 + pput-p + Vt - current error term depends on the previous error term up to p-lags.
BG test also allows for lagged dependent variables.
How to run BG test?
- Run OLS and obtain residuals.
- Regress et on the regressors and the p auto-regressive terms:
et = A1 + A2lnDPIt + A3Dt + c1et-1 + C2et-2 - Obtain R2 from above.
What is the null hypothesis for the BG test?
Null H0:p1=p2=p3=pp=0 that is there is no AC
Alternative H1: Higher-order AC present