Cohesion, Leadership, Group Developmetn/Norms, Team Building Flashcards
Cohesion comes from the word
Cohaesus (to cleave or stick together)
What is the most important small group variable
Most Widely Used Definition
Coheison is a dynamic process which is reflected in the tendency for a group to stick stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its instrumental objecctives and or for the satisfaction of member affective needs.
Simplified Defiiton of Cohesion
Dynamic Process in which a team sticks together in the pursuit of the same goal and to satisfy the needs of members.
Charcteristics of Cohesion (5)
Multidimensional - variety of factors to cause a group to stick together
Dynamic - change over time
Instrumental - groups stick together for task purposes
Affective - stick together because they enjoy eachothers company
Emergent State - sum of the groups characteristics and behaviours are not the same as the indivduals
Carron Widemeyer and Brawley 1985 looked at and used what
used the GEQ to look at percptions of cohesion via
Group Integration Task
Group Integration Social
Inidvidual Attarction to the Group - social
Individual attractions to the Group - Task
18 items
members personal attraction to the group personally
Group Integration
members perception of the group as a whole (do we stick together?)
Questionnaire to Assess Cohesion for Kids
only focusses on task and social
because kids cannot think well enought ot understand GEQ
Types of Factors in Group Cohesion
Situational Factors
the nautre of the situation influences cohesion
contracted obligations
social pressures against quitting
group size
Personal Factors
choesion influenccing individual beahviour
adherence (absenteeism, workoutput,dropout behaviour)
social loafing
sacrifice behaviour
the poor/ bad Personal Factors decrease when cohesion increases
Leadership Factors
leadership behaviour influences cohesion
decision style ( democratic or delagative)
Leadership behaviour
(training instructions, social support, positive feedback, democratic behaviour)
Team Factors
team factors are related to cohesion
tesam performance
shared negative experiences
team stability
team goals
team roles
- clarity, acceptance atarting status
collective efficacy
Cohesion affects on perfomance was foudn to be
moderate and significant
Task Cohesion or Social cohesion better for performance
equally important
does performacne lead to better cohesion? or vice versa
cohesion leads ot performacne and perforamce lead to coheison
they are the same
but in practicality we can contol cohesion but not performance
Cohesion/performance better in individual sports or team sports
they are the saem
cohesion in individual sports is still created in triaing and practice
doesnt mattter what type of team it is
male or female benefit more from cohesion/performacne?
female show a stornger relationship, no evidence why
but male is alos important jsut not to the same degree as females
level of comp affect cohesion/ performance?
no good for all levels
does the expectation norm of productivity affect cohesion performacne?
yes, high cohesion teams contribute high performance with high productivity
hihg productivity wont lead to high perfomacne if there is low norm for producitivyt
Can Choesion disadvantage Performance?
1/3 saw disadvantgages to high task cohesion
2/3 saw disadvantages to high social cohesion
Disadvantages to Task Cohesion
at a team level
- too focused on task decrease social relationships
- too focuse on task communication can be misitnerpted and cause problems
Disadvantages of task coheison at the individual level
- take away personal enjoyment
-poor attitidue if taken too seriously
-increase percieved pressure
Disadvantages of social cohesion at a team level
- too goofy and silly ( waste time)
- forget the goal lose focus
- hard to give constructive crittisism
Disadvantasges to social cohesion at individual level
- decerase focus
- social isolation
- party too much ( affective state)
- no cimmitment
what is group development
cohesion over time to build a structure within the group
Definitioon of Group Development
the degree of maturiyy and cohesion a group acheives ofer time as members interact, learn about one another and structrue relationship and roles within the group.
2 theories of group development
Sequential (Linear) (incremental progress and logical sequence) Theroy and Pedular Theory ( resolution being temporry adn we have to reoccuringly resolve problems)
both are precitable and look at change over time
Tuckmans Model of Linear group developmetn
Cohesion on Y axis
Time on X axis
Starting bottom left up to top right Linearly
+ Adjourning added later
“orientation phase”
-developing bonds
-littel agreement
-unclear puprose
Conflict and Tension
- finghting to take on roles
- increased clarity of purpose
- power struggles
more agrreement and consensus, increasing cohesion, clearer roles and cooperation
- relationshipps are stable
clear vidson, goals adn purpose - focus on chieving goal
seasons over, taskis complete,
feelings of acheivement member contact is decreasing
Pendular Model
Says that at the begining when the team is created (Orientation Phase), cohesion is high and team is working together. then (Differnetiation and COnflict Phase) occurs and group subdivides conflict is high adn cohesion is low. Then you have a resoultion and coehsion phase where eveyrone puts away their quams as they face a common threat, then anothe diffentiantion adn conflict phase occurs decreasing team unity then the season ends (TERMINATION PHSE ) the termination phase could be high or low depending how the season ends.
Memebrship Turnover Advantages
new perspectives, specific resources recruited (traing for players), influence member motivation
Membership turnove DisAdvantages
-time consuming
- problem wiht gorup commnunication is affected
- routines disrupted
- productivity and performance suffer
Coach turnover found
better experience when new coach is same gender of athletes
better experience when coach change is slow and gradual
Depending on the coahc or experience
- c onfidence anxiety cohesion communication
leadership opportunities and relationship can be affected negattively or positively
Coach turnoveer for each sport
- baseball - decrease in wiining after change
- hockey - small imporvemtn shorterm in perfomracne
- Soccer - signigficant shorter imporovement but then decrease in effect over time
Athlete turnover Stats/ Examples to know
- medalling teams at olympics had lower turnoveer 48% compared to 57%
- same in nfl - more turnover lower performance
Norms are:
Descriptive - reperesent teams beleifs
Evaluative - establish priorities for various behaviours
Informal - not neceesarily rules or laid out
Unobstrusive - taken for granted unnitl you violate them
Flexible - miinor deviations are permited
Internalized - adherenance happends cause players want to
Stable - only slowly change over time
Emergence of Group Norms via
Team Interactions and Reinforcement
team interaction to allows group norms to emerge by
helps calrify tadnarda dn decrease variation in behaviours
reinforcemnet allows group norms to emerge by
better understadning waht the norms are ( calling peropl out)
Factors that influence norms and conformity
Personal and Situational Factors
Hihger status in the team
higher impact on norms
Personality and Group norms
personality (Introversion adn Extraversion) minimmaly related to conformity of norms
Style of Behaviour and Norms
a consitstne tadherent behaviour from a small minority of the group can change the team norms (even if its a cancer)
Situational Factors of Team Norms (5)
Number supporting
Leadership style
Person factors of Norms ( 3)
- personal status
- personality
- style of behaviour