coherence Flashcards
*assists in the navigation, sense of consistency across the text, directs the reader at a discourse level,signposts different sections/focuses within the text
formatting + layout features
briefly outline the proceeding content and help direct the reader.
formatting + layout features
briefly outline the proceeding content and help direct the reader. provide additional info to specific sections of text
dot points
formatting + layout features
form a structured list that more clearly sets out the ‘information’ related to the overall sentence/subheading/idea.
formatting + layout features
can provide clearer presentation of information, easily located by the audience.
formatting + layout features
can present related information or present information side-by-side for a specific purpose, eg contrast, pairing etc.
bolding, italics, underline
formatting + layout features
if this occurs more than once in the text then there is a consistency in the way something is presented and aids the understanding of a particular point.
discourse markers
formatting + layout features
Specific to written texts (like formatting and layout), a range of discourse markers may be used to assist the reader in understanding a text.
logical order
usually, texts begin generally/in past tense then move into more detai/present tense then into a related idea/future tense.
sequencing of content
what readers assumed to already know. avoids unnecessary repetition as writer implies and readers infer. allows readers to understand and fully comprehend/appreciate a text
consistency of tense
this grounds the discourse within a certain time frame from which we understand all elements referred to in the text.
consistency of semantic field
the use of lexemes (jargon, synonymy) that provide a consistent understanding of the domain throughout the text. Eg parboil the potatoes, season and dice.
consistency of person
maintaining a consistent perspective assists the reader in understanding the text. Eg. You should feel free to ask us any questions you may have about our service.
what readers and listeners expect from texts
- Heading and byline in an article
- Salutation and closure in a letter
- Heading, subheadings and bullet points in a recipe