Cognitive SAQ Terminology Flashcards
The mental process of encoding, storing and retrieving information.
Memory model
A hypothesized representation of memory
Multi store model
Atkinson and Shiffrin, three types of memory: sensory, short-term, long-term. Sensory -> short term is attention and rehearsal, short term -> long term is consolidation, long term -> short term is retrieval.
Working memory model
STM has four main components: central executive (controls attention), phonological loop (for sounds), visuospatial sketchpad (for images), episodic buffer (temporary memory storage until needed)
A cluster of knowledge or memory that is stored in the mind in fragments that allows individuals to interpret and understand the world around them.
Schemas operate by selectively organizing the on-going experience of each person into subjectively meaningful patterns.
An imperfect replica of a situation or memory formed by the piecing together of schemas and other fragments of memories.
The process of using knowledge and information to make plans, interpret the world, and make predictions about the world in general
The process of identifying and choosing between alternatives.
Dual process theory
Assumes we think in two ways, rational thinking and automatic thinking.
Controlled thinking
Also known as System 2 thinking. More analytical and goal-directed thinking are requires time and effort
Automatic thinking
Also known as System 1 thinking. It is fast, automatic and requires little to no thought.
A mental shortcut that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently.
Internal validity
The extent to which a study actually demonstrates the relationship that it intended to.
External validity
The extent to which the results can be generalized to other contexts.