Cognitive Psychology- Moray and Simons and Chabris Flashcards
What is selective attention
Presented with 2 or more simultaneous messages and are instructured to process and respond to one of them
What is a shadowing message
A message that is attended to and repeated out loud
What is a rejected message
The message sent to the ear that is not being shadowed so is left unattended
What is dichotic listening
Presenting participants with 2 different auditory stimuli simultaneously
Different stimuli are directed into different ears over headphones. Instructed to shadow one and reject another
What is the background of Moray
Selective attention is when people are presented with two or more simultaneous ‘messages’, and process or attend to only one of them by tuning out the others. This is measured using dichotic listening tasks. Broadbent investigated the aviation industry, raising awareness of the importance of air traffic controllers to be able to selectively attend to important messages whilst rejecting others. Cherry was interested in conducting experiments on this topic. He created dichotic listening tasks, asking participants to listen to two different messages, one in each ear, and shadow one of them, thus setting up a block to the rejected message. Cherry found that very little could be remembered from the unattended message. Moray was keen to replicate Cherry’s work and extend knowledge of selective attention and dichotic listening
What is the aim of Morays study
To test Cherrys dichotic listening findings in relation to the amount of information recognised in the rejected message
The effect of hearing ones name in an unattended message
The effect of instructions to identify a specific target in the rejected message
What is the research method of Morays study
Consisted of 3 experiments
All lab based had high controls over the IV and DV so all were lab experimens
What were the materials used in Morays study
A Brenall Mark IV stereophonic tape recorder modified with 2 amplifiers
What was the sample in experiment 1 for Morays study
Male and female research workers and undergraduate
What was the research method in experiment 1 for Morays study
Repeated measures design
IV- Dichotic listening task and recognition test
DV- Number of words recognised correctly in the rejected message
What was the procedure for experiment 1 of Morays study
Particpants were given 4 passages of prose to shadow for practice. All passages recorded by one male speaker
A short list of spoken words was spoken 35 times as the rejected message. After the participants were asked to recall all the could remeber off of the rejected message
30 seconds after the completion of the shadowing task paritipcnats were given a recognition test of 21 words Seven from the shadowed Seven from the rejected and seven words similar but not present in the passage which acted as a control
What were the results for Morays study in experiment 1
Significantly more words were recalled in the shadowed message than the rejected message
7 words in shadowed- 4.9/7
7 words in rejected- 1.9/7
7 words in control - 2.6/7
What was the conclusion of Moray
In a situation where a subject directs his attention to the reception of a message from one ear and rejects the message from the other ear almost none of the content of the rejected message is able to penetrate the block set up
What was the sample in Morays study for experiment 2
Participants were male and female undergraduate and resarch workers
What was the research method in Morays study for experiment 2
A repeated measures design was used
IV- Whether or not instructions were prefixed by the participants own name
DV- Number of affective instructions
What were the results of experiment 2 in Morays study
In he affective condition 20 out of 36 messages were heard while in the non affective condition 4 out of 36 messages were heard
What was the purpose of experiment 3
A third experiment was conducted to see if the instructions given at the start to listen out for digits woudl make a difference and penetrate the block of the rejected message . In order to test the validity of experiment 2 and assess with the affective cue of a name is what really penetrates the block
What was the sample used in experiment 3
14 Males and females of research workers and undergraduates
What was the research method used in experiment 3
Independent measures design
What was the procedure of Morays study experiment 3
To see if the instructions given at the start to listen out for digits would make a difference and break the block some were told to listen for digits and others were not
What were the results of experiment 3
No significant difference was shown in the mean scores of digits recalled between the 2 set conditions
What were the overrall conclusions of Morays study
In a situation where a participant directs his attention to the reception of a message from one ear and rejects a message from the other ear almost none of the verbal content of the rejected message is able to penetrate the block set up
A short list of simple words presented as the rejected message show no trace of being remembered even when being presented many times
While perhaps not impossible it is very difficult to make “neutral” material important enough to break through the block set up in dichotic shadowing
Outline how the study by Moray links to the cognitive area [4]
The cognitive approach assumes the mind works like a computer; we input information from our environment, process it using internal mental processes like schemas and then output a behaviour. Moray investigated selective attention in undergraduate students and research workers asking them to listen to 2 simultaneous messages, recalling information from one. Moray found in the majority of experiments that very little could be remembered from the rejected message. This links to the cognitive area as the information inputted from the rejected message is not being processed and attended to in the mind, therefore, the information is not outputted in memory as the students could not remember the information.
Explain how Moray’s study links to the key theme of attention [4]
Moray measured selective auditory attention in male and female undergraduate students and research workers by asking them to do a series of dichotic listening tasks. The participants had to shadow one message (such as a piece of light fiction) and reject another (a list of words). Moray used a number of cues e.g. their name to see how much information, if any, could be remembered from the rejected message and to see if their attention could be drawn to the rejected message. Moray found in the majority of experiments that very little could be remembered from the rejected message, however, the only thing that could break the block in the rejected message is an affective cue such as someone’s name. This links to the key theme of attention as it demonstrates that in a situation where lots of messages are being heard, we attend to the one we are focussing on and can remember very little from ones we are not attending to.