Cognitive practical Flashcards
What was the aim?
To investigate whether using the same or different slave systems in the working memory model effects the amounts of words being recalled
What was the sample?
23 males and females
What was the method?
- We used opportunity sampling to gather participants
- A task of looking at. trigrams list for 60 seconds
- Half of the participants were given a word search and the other half were given a spot the difference for 60 seconds
- Participants then had to write down as many trigrams that they could remember
- We then did a. Mann- Whitney u
What were the results?
Thee spot the difference achieved a higher average of words recalled 8.2 compared to the word search group of 5.5
Mann Whitney u found a U score of 26.5 which is lower than the critical value of 37
There is significance between those who did a word search and those who did a spot the difference and the amount of trigrams recalled.
What was the conclusion?
There is an effect on trigrams being recalled depending on the slave system being used
How is our sample generalisable?
Our sample is generalisable because it included males and females. This is a strength because it was no androcentric or gynocentric which means the results can be generalised to the target population.
However, our sample was aged 16-18 years old which means there is a high chance of shared characteristics which reduces the generalisability of the findings.
How is our practical reliable?
One strength of the cognitive practical is we used a standardised procedure because of the same trigrams, spot the difference and word search . this is a strength because it can be easily repeated which increases the reliability of the findings.
How is our practical applicable?
It is useful in revision by highlighting tasks have to be indifferent sub stores to be effective due to dual task abilities.
Howler it ignores individual differences such as people having ADHD.
How is our practical valid?
One strentgh of our practical is that it was a lab study which means it has high controls over extraneous variables such as loud noises in the background. This is a strength because it means we can establish cause and effect which increases validity.
However the task lacks mundane realism because recalling trigrams is not an everyday task to test memory.