Cognitive linguistic disorders Flashcards
where does damage tend to be in aphasia and cognitive-linguistic disorders?
- Aphasia - focal damage
- cognitive-linguistic disorders- diffuse damage
what is the cognitive status of people with aphasia and people with cognitive-linguistic disorders?
- aphasia- usually good
- cognitive-linguistic disorders - impaired
what is the linguistic status like of people with aphasia and people with cognitive-linguistic disorders?
- aphasia - variable
- cognitive-linguistic disorder - impaired
what are the types if linguistic impairments contributing to communication difficulties for people with aphasia and people with cognitive-linguistic disorders??
- aphasia- lexical, semantiical, grammatical (not often pragmatic)
- cognitive linguistic - pragmatic
what is the role of naturalistic observation for people with aphasia and people with cognitive-linguistic disorders?
- aphasia - important for observing compesatory behaviour
- cognitive-linguistic - important for observing impairments and also compensatory behavoiurs
what is the behaviour like in people with aphasia and people with cognitive-linguistic disorders?
- aphaisa - generally appropriate
- cognitive-linguistic disorder - may be ‘inppopinappropriate
what are the two ways in which of people with aphasia and people with cognitive-linguistic disorders are tested ?
- tested in a lab/ clinic with a clinican
- naturalistic observation - in natural environment where client is observed with spouse/ significant other
what are the strengths and weaknesses of naturalistic observation?
- Strengths- include context to facilitate analysis of how client communicates with significant others and in real-time
- Weaknesses - week reliability and generalisability
What are the strengths and weaknesses of testing in a clinic or lab?
- Strengths - removes context, facilitate in-depth analysis of underlying deficits, allows standing presentation across different clients and different times
- Weaknesses - wake ecological validity