Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Flashcards
What is the view of human nature in CBT?
- assumption that people have predispositions for self-preservation, happiness, growth and self-actualisation
- But people also have propensities for self-destruction, self-blame, perfectionism and avoidance of actualising growth potentials
- Neuroplasticity: the brain has the ability to learn, grow and heal –> belief that client can learn
What is a common perception of anxiety? What function does anxiety serve? What happens when anxiety is disordered?
- the idea that anxiety is “bad”
- it’s uncomfortable but it serves a function - it helps us avoid danger and motivates us to take action
- anxiety is disordered when (1) you feel in danger when you’re actually safe (perceived vs actual anxiety) (2) when it interferes with your functioning
- avoidance feeds disordered anxiety
What are characteristics of Beck’s cognitive theory?
- directive
- empirical
- collaborative
- time-limited
- structured
- problem-oriented
- present-centered
Where do psychological problems stem from?
psychological problems stem from faulty thinking, incorrect inferences based on inadequate/incorrect information, inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality
What are the basic principles of cognitive theory?
- negative automatic thoughts that are contrary to objective evidence
- cognitive distortions are faulty assumptions and misconceptions that stem from systematic errors in reasoning
What is the basic framework for CBT?
What are the therapeutic goals of CBT?
- identify and modify cognitive distortions
- critically examine automatic thoughts and core beliefs
- expand their internal locus of control and develop self-help
- support themselves in unconditional acceptance of themselves
- ultimately provide symptom relief and assist in resolving their problems
What is the therapeutic relationship like in CBT?
- collaborative
- non-judgemental
- warm relationship is essential in Beck’s CT - combine empathy and sensitivity with technical competence
What is the therapeutic process like for CT?
- Therapist educates client about the nature of their problem, and how thoughts influence behaviour
- Collaboratively design homework assignment to practice helpful cognitive behavioural skills
What are CT techniques?
- skills training
- role playing
- Homework (e.g. thought journal)
- exposure therapy
What is cognitive restructuring?
Helping clients to replace negative cognitions with positive, self-enhancing thoughts and actions. This is done by:
* identify client’s thoughts during problem situations
* introduce and practice coping thoughts
* introduce and practice reinforcing self-statements
therapeutic technique
What are example questions of cognitive restructuring?
- Setting goals: what is the opposite state of what you’re experiencing now you wish to achieve?
- Clarifying: what are you afraid of? what do you worry would happen when [something] happens?
- What is the worst case scenario you think would happen? How likely would the worst case scenario happen? If it happens, how would you cope with it?
therapeutic technique
What are examples of socratic questioning?
- I wonder if that person really said those things to you?
- I wonder if there is any evidence to show the worst case scenario would happen?
What does Socratic questioning aim to do?
Gets clients to reflect on their own issues and arrive at their own conclusions
What are examples of cognitive restructuring?
- Reframing: Gently restating the situation differently
- Stress innoculation: Rehearse in the mind to handle stress and incorporate other techniques like relaxation
- Meditation: Concentrating the mind on something
What are the strengths of CBT?
- Can be completed in a shorter period of time
- highly structured
- teaches useful and practical strategies that can be used after treatment ends
What are the limitations of CBT?
- may not be suitable for people with complex mental health problems
- may not be suitable for people who are not comfortable with being challenged
- does not address wider issues that may be contributing to person’s problem