Cognitive/Behavior Therapy Flashcards
what is cognitive therapy
approaches that attempt to modify existing or anticipated disorders by virtue of altering cognitions
what is the cognitive model
our emotions, behavior, and physiological responses are powerfully influenced by our cognitions
who was the first cognitive “therapist”
what were freuds contributions to CBT
talk therapy, free association, transference/countertransference, dream work, secondary gain, neurological basis, defense mechanisms
what are primary defense mechanisms
repression, denial, projection, displacement, regression, sublimation
other contributing psychologists
adler, horney, piaget
what is the preconscious
(INTERMEDIATE BELIEFS/CORE/SCHEMA) not in awareness but easily accessible in thoughts, from early childhood events,
first wave
behaviorism - conditioning, stimulus response model, pavlov, three term contingency model
second wave
cognitive wave - cognitions maintain maladaptive behavior so focus on thoughts was necessary
who did the evolution of cognitive therapy begin with
albert bandura - social learning theory, self-efficacy
triadic reciprocal determinism
environment, person, behavior
whose dick do we suck related to the evolution of CBT
third wave
Steven Hays (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), Marsha Linehan (DBT), Zindel Siegel (Mindfulness), Adrian Wells (Metacognitive CT), jeff young (schema focused therapy)
fourth wave
neuro factors, CBT and medical disorders, bipolar treatment, schizophrenia treatment
purpose of evidence based
to promote effective psychological practice and to enhance public health
cognitive case conceptualization
evolving framework to understand past, explain present, predict future - what are the consequences of thoughts/emotions/behaviors/symptoms
core beliefs (schema) -> immediate beliefs (attitudes, rules, assumptions), compensatory strategies (coping styles)
beck’s cognitive triad of depression
yourself, the world, your future
cognitive distortion
overgeneralization, magical thinking, comparative thinking, all or nothing, shoulds/musts, mind reading, magnification, maladaptive imagery, emotional reasoning, mental filter, disqualifying the positive, jumping to conclusions, labeling/mislabeling, personalization, perfectionism
CT Checklist
cognitive conceptualization, strong alliance, goal setting, agenda, homework, problem solving, evaluation of thoughts and beliefs, behavioral change, relapse prevention
therapy session 1 structure
mood check, agenda, update, discuss diagnosis/psychoed, reinforce cognitive model, ask for feedback
dysfunctional thought record
event, emotion, automatic thoughts, physical sensatoin
DTR goals
alleviate distress through cognitive behavioral techniques, teach how to generalize techniques, motivate to use in future
three maladaptive coping styles
overcompensation, avoidance, surrender
treating maladaptive coping
uncovering techniques, techniques for treating automatic thoughts, guided imagery