who are the two key psychologists when explaining depression cognitively?
Beck’s cognitive theory
Ellis’ ABC model
what did Beck say made more people prone to depression?
faulty information processing
why does faulty information processing lead to depression?
depressed people attend to the negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positives, blow small problems out of proportion
what do depressed people have about themselves?
a negative self-schema
what is a negative self-schema?
someone interpreting ideas and information about themselves negatively
what are the three elements of the negative triad?
negatives view of the self, the world and the future
who conducted research to support Beck’s cognitive theory?
Grazioli and Terry
what did Grazioli and Terry find to support Beck’s theory?
assessed 65 pregnant women with a cognitive vulnerability for depression before and after birth, those high in CV more likely to suffer post-natal depression
Grazioli and Terry’s research shows…
cognitions can be seen before depression develops so Beck is correct that cognition can cause depression sometimes
Beck’s theory has high…
practical application
why does Beck’s theory have high practical application?
forms the basis of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), translates into successful therapy
what can be identified and challenged in CBT, supporting Beck’s theory?
the components of the negative triad, patient can test whether these are true
what does Beck’s theory not explain?
doesn’t explain all aspects of depression, only focuses on one aspect of the disorder
what are some aspects of depression that Beck doesn’t explore?
deep anger
bizarre beliefs
what does Ellis’ ABC model stand for?
activating event
Ellis believed that depression stems from…
irrational thoughts
what is the activating event according to Ellis?
when we experience negative events
what does the activating event lead to ?
irrational beliefs
what do the irrational beliefs lead to?
what are the consequences in Ellis’ ABC model?
emotional and behavioural consequences
Ellis’ explanation is only a…
partial explanation of depression, called ‘reactive depression’
what does Ellis’ ABC model not explain?
doesn’t explain depression that doesn’t have a cause