Cognitive Approach Flashcards
What are the assumptions of the cognitive approach?
•Behaviour is the result of internal mental processes, such as memory and perception.
• Internal mental processes can and should be studied scientifically.
• Internal mental processes cannot be observed directly so they are studied indirectly by making inferences based on behaviour which can be observed.
•Adopts information processing approach used to explain human thinking and behaviour (MSM)
what do cognitive psychologists do?
study what they can observe and measure (e.g. behaviour) and then make inferences (assumptions) about the internal mental processes that may have caused what they observed.
what is an inference?
-the act of drawing a conclusion from evidence and reasoning
-clues taken
from observable behaviour can suggest what is going on in the unobservable mind
what did the development of computers in the 1950s give cognitive psychology?
the terminology it needed to study human internal mental processing
what was adopted to model how human thought works?
an information processing model- information is received as an input; the information is processed within the system; and an output is produced.
What happens at input?
Information is received from the environment, e.g. sensory stimuli
What happens at processing?
Information is operated on, e.g. attention, transfer, storage, etc.
what happens at output?
Result of the processed information, e.g. behaviour
what does the cognitive approach use to study and make inferences about the human mind?
Computer models and theoretical models (information processing models)
what is an information for processing model?
General features common to humans and computers
what is the theoretical model?
A type of Information-Processing model with features relevant to humans.
what is the computer model?
A type of Information- Processing Model with features relevant to computers.
What do theoretical models do?
explains specific mental processes and are characterised by series of steps usually illustrated by a diagram
what are theoretical models used to do?
They are used to make inferences about unseen mental processes that are causing a particular behaviour
what do experimental findings provide? (theoretical models)
Experimental findings provide the basis for the construction of theoretical models. Further experimental findings can support the model or indicate revisions if needed.
What can theoretical models also be used to make?
Predictions, which are then tested empirically
What is one example of a theoretical model?
multi store model of memory
What does the multi-store model explain?
internal mental processing in human memory by depicting key storage components (e.g. STM and LTM) and key (e.g. attention and rehearsal) as arrows
Why do computers scientists construct computer models?
To simulate human internal mental processing
What is a computer programmed with?
an algorithm, which is a step-by-step set of instructions about how to process information.
What is the computer programme provided with?
Input i(likened to environmental stimuli); this information is processed according to the algorithm (likened to internal mental processes); which results in an output (likened to behaviour).
what is one example of a computer model used in virtual relationships?
the mobile dating App Tinder, which attempts to simulate the processes a human would go through when deciding on a potential romantic partner.
what does tinder use?
-an algorithm that accepts inputs such as a person’s personal interests, processes this information by matching users with similar interests and provides an output which returns a selection of potential partner matches.
what are the differences between the theoretical and computer models?
-TM- diagrams of internal mental processing whereas CM-simulations of internal mental processing
-TM- processes are developed naturally through experience whereas CM-processes requires direct programming through algorithms
what are the similarities between theoretical and computer models?
-both are used to make inferences about internal mental processing
-both adopt an information processing approach
what are schemas?
-A schema is a cognitive framework that helps organise and interpret information.
-They are packages’ of knowledge developed through experience.
why are schemas useful?
because they allow us to take quick short-cuts when interpreting the huge amounts of information we have to deal with every day.
what do schemas allow us to do?
to fill in the gaps in information, inform our expectations and enable us to behave ‘appropriately’ in a situation
However what do schemas also mean?
that we will ignore or minimise evidence that does not fit with our existing schema leading to distortion, bias and stereotyping. In these situations we wil look for infornaion.
to confirm pre-existing beliefs and ideas. For example, negative self-schemas in depression.
what is cognitive neuroscience?
the scientific study of the biological basis for mental processing, specifically how neurons behave during those processes.
Who was cognitive neuroscience labelled by?
by Miller and Gazzaniga (1971) and has grown considerably alongside the advancement of technology.
what have Brain imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans have allowed cognitive neuroscientists to do?
to systematically observe and describe the neurological basis of
mental processing.
What is an example of these brain imaging techniques?
-Tulving’s work on memory.
What is an example of these brain imaging techniques?
-Tulving’s work on memory.
What did tulving show?
that episodic and semantic memory (both types of long-term memory) seem to be located on opposite sides of the prefrontal cortex, thus disputing the long-term memory is a single unitary store
what participants often?
neurotypicals who are given cognitive tests while scanning takes place
what has the focus of cognitive neuroscience got expanded recently to do?
include the use of computer models