Cognition Test Flashcards
Neisser & Harsch (1992)
Aimed to study memory accuracy of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion; questioned 24 hrs and 2.5 yrs after; participants were confident, but 40% of memory had been distorted; other information must have seeped in altering the memories.
Yuille & Cutshall (1986)
Aimed to study whether leading questions would affect the memory of an eyewitness; 13 interviewed around 4 months after a real crime; asked 2 leading Q’s among others; they had no effect; the activation of emotional memory is more reliable; biological examples confirm this (through the amygdala.)
Rosser et al. (2007)
Studied laparoscopic surgeons & video gaming; found that those who played video games for > 3 hrs a week made 37% fewer errors and were 27% faster; EVALUATION - correlation doesn’t = causation.
Rosen et al. (2011)
Students watched videotaped lectures; they received small, medium or large numbers of text messages requiring a response; those who responded immediately did worse on exams; those who waited did better (knwon as response delay).