cognition midterm 1 EXPERIMENTS Flashcards
tolman’s rat maze
latent learning; cognitive maps; that learning is not just a change in behavior but a change in mental representations and acquiring new knowledge. the rate at which the rats that were presented with food at day 3 learned the map was far faster than those who were presented with food on the first day; behavior does not explain what was going on internally
beep vs boop (erp)
evidence for early selection; couting targets in one ear and ignoring them in the other ear; attention influenced N1 ERP component (auditory info) which is early on; much larger signal for attended vs unattended at N1 which indicates that attention influences early on
able to look at cost vs benefit (by type of signal: neutral, primed, misled) as well as repetition priming vs expectation-driven priming (by high or low validity); found bigger cost for expectation driven priming than for rep. priming, showing limited capacity
multiple attention systems
gave profile on alerting, orienting, and executive control
shows con to automatic/uncontrolled behavior- slower reaction time when you break the habit of simply identifying words
dichotic listening
used to measure selective attention; participants can usually shadow 100% of unattended channel but are very insensitive to unattended channel; personally relevant info might “leak through”
ponzo and muller-lyer illusions
evidence for late selection; when dots were arranged in the illusion pattern, participants were more likely to say the top lines were longer (going along w illusions) even though they couldn’t remember/report what the dots looked like; therefore, it was unconsciously processed and attention only affected what they remembered, not processed
artifact vs natural experiment
evidence for late selection; task was to say whether target word was an artifact or a natural thing; even though they could not remember/report the prime, participants still had higher accuracy on artifact vs natural if the prime was the same word or category
instantaneous measure of when things happen in the brain; use brain waves or ERPs; as soon as they close their eyes, it shows alpha activity