Cognition, Learning, Memory Flashcards
Premack Principle
First and then principle
Reinforce less desirable bx through positive reinforcements or incentives
(first eat your broccoli, then you can have ice cream)
Latent Learning
Unconscious, learning with no specific training
Not readily apparent unless necessary
(When you’re 16 you already know how to drive home)
Observational Learning
Learning through observing and imitating
Strengthened by reinforcement or response
Episodic Memory
(spacial/temporal context) When and where, single event
Consciously recall
Acquired in single exposure, certain pieces may fade (trauma)
Long term
Semantic Memory
Available for conscious recall, can dynamically be talked about
Repeatedly acquired (learning throughout school, facts and concepts)
Long term
Not tied to when/where
Echoic Memory
Momentary sensory memory of an auditory stimuli
Short term
(Digit span)
Iconic Memory
Immediate brief memory of visual stimuli
Short term
Retroactive Interference
When you come across new information, it interferes with old memories and can result in “filling in the blanks” (semantic memory)
Procedural Memory
Part of long term memory that is responsible for knowing HOW to do things
(Motor skills, riding a bike)
Explicit Memory
Conscious recollection of previous episodes, as in recall or recognition (episodic, semantic)
Implicit Memory
Long term, automatic, strengthened through re-exposure, unconscious retrieval (priming, procedural)
Process of providing consequences for a behavior that increases the probability of that bx
Positive Reinforcement
Adding reward to increase behaviors
(Allowance = more chores)
Negative Reinforcement
Remove adverse stimuli to increase behaviors
(remove curfew when chores are completed)
Positive Punishment
Adding undesired stimuli to decrease behaviors
(getting spanked to decrease bad bx)
Negative Punishment
Taking away desired outcome to decrease bx
(taking away phone to decrease bad bx)
Classical Extinction
When the conditioned response ceases to exist if the conditioned stimulus is presented alone w/o an unconditioned stimulus for a period of time
When a reinforced behavior is extinguished entirely. This occurs at some point after reinforcement stops, speed at which this happens depends on the reinforcement schedule
Operant Extinction
Extinction occurs when a response is no longer reinforced
Operant/Instrumental Conditioning
Pairs certain bx with a response with pos/neg consequence
Associative learning process (through which strength of bx is modified by reinforced punishment)
Peripheral nervous system
Classical Conditioning
Participant receives consequence regardless of response (pairs two stimuli, forms associations)
Automatic nervous system