COG - Final Flashcards
two main types of cells in the nervous system
glial cells
At the cellular level, information is transmitted in the nervous system by the conversion of what kind of energy?
electrical energy into chemical energy and then back into electrical
chemical cellular communication happens at the?
synaptic cleft
what does the neurotransmitter do?
chemical messengers that transmit a message from a nerve cell across the synapse to a target cell
What are the divisions of the nervous system?
Central nervous system (CNS)
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
What two structures make up the central nervous system?
spinal cord
Divisions of the peripheral nervous system
somatic nervous system (SNS)
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
What are the outer coverings of the brain?
Dura mater, arachnoid membrane, pia mater
The main components/structures in the brain include what?
Cerebrum (lobes)
subcortical structures
Grey matter is grey because it consists of
densely packed cell bodies
Name the 5 lobes of the brain
frontal temporal parietal occipital insula
Although there may be involvement across multiple lobes of the brain for cognition, the main lobe is believed to be the
frontal lobe
Which cortex of the frontal lobe is typically associated with executive function?
Prefrontal cortex
If you were to experience agnosia, or inability to recognize objects, this would likely be due to damage to the __ lobe of the brain.
Visual processing is believed to be involved with the __ lobe of the brain.
Balance is typically associated with this part of the brain
The brain’s subcortical structures include?
thalamus hypothalamus pituitary gland hippocampus basal ganglia amygdala
The subcortical structure believed to form and store memories associated with emotional events is the
The three parts of the brainstem from superior to inferior are the
The portion of the midbrain that produces the neurotransmitter dopamine is the
substantia nigra
T/F: Efferent nerves travel from the CNS to the body
T/F: Afferent nerves travel from the CNS to the body
Which type of tracts in the CNS provide intrahemispheric connection?
The two arterial systems in the brain are __ arteries, which provide posterior blood circulation, and the __ arteries, which provide anterior circulation
Vertebral; carotid
T/F: SLPs do not need to be familiar with neurology to be effective
Cognition is an umbrella term for all higher mental processes including:
executive function
According to Solhberg & Mateer (1987, 2001, 2010), the two broad component types of attention are
executive control of attention
The four types of attention under executive control are
working memory
Listening to a spoken passage in the presence of background noise requires intact attention of what kind?
The areas of the brain that are devoted to attention are
frontal lobe
temporal lobe
parietal lobe
__, __, and __ __ are the various stages of information processing described by the Stages Model of human memory
retrieval process
Delayed recall is associated with which state of human memory?
The early processing of material to be learned is associated with which stage of human memory?
As an SLP, your evaluation should include these parts
case history
physical exam
Give an example of vascular disease
cerebrovascular disease (stroke)
T/F: Presence/absence of impairment can be made using results of a single cognitive communication measure
List all types of executive functioning
Initiation planning judgment metacognition mental flexibility problem solving inhibition reasoning self-regulation
What area within the frontal lobe is believed to be most involved with executive function?
prefrontal cortex
Name a brain area believed to be important for the storage of new memories
temporal lobe
The memory retrieval process is believed to be mediated by the __ lobe and subcortical structures
Data collected on an individual client is a type of __ evidence
The 2 types of treatment are rehabilitative and __
T/F: A screen is used to identify presence of impairment and is usually a pass/fail.
What areas of the brain are most likely impacted when there is attention impairment?
temporal lobe
parietal lobe
frontal lobe
Which brain area is believed to be important for storage of new memories?
temporal lobe
Capacity limitation is the principle that says __ is a limited-capacity resource, whereas selection asserts that __ involves selection of relevant stimuli while others are ignored/filtered
attention; attention
Neuropsychologists are similar to SLPs in terms of assessing and treating cognition. However they differ from SLPs in that they treat __ disturbances and emotional functioning
Name three types of sensory neurons
Thermoreceptors baroreceptors chemoreceptors photoreceptors proprioceptors mechanoreceptors nociceptors
(type of attention under executive control)
ability to shift focus between tasks or stimuli
alternating or divided attention
(type of attention under executive control)
ability to control impulsive responding
suppression of attention
(type of attention under executive control)
ability to hold and manipulate information in mind
working memory
(type of attention under executive control)
selectively process information while inhibiting responses to nontarget information
selective attention
(type of executive function)
ability to change a course of action based on the shifting demands of a situation
mental flexibility
(type of executive function)
involves setting objectives and determining a course of action to achieve those objectives
(type of executive function)
involves being able to discern the good and harmful aspects of a situation
(type of executive function)
ability to select appropriate responses and suppress unwanted actions
Attention is always defined in relation to a
Katie has an appointment at 3:00 PM. It’s now 2:30 and she knows she should leave but she can’t seem to get going. This is an example of a deficit in which executive function component?
cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition
functional changes associated with or resulting from disease or injury
(think disease)
acute onset disease
(think disease)
disease of immunocompromise
(think disease)
relapsing/remitting disease
(think disease)
progressive diseases
Parkinson’s Disease
Cerebrovascular accidents associated with cognitive-linguistic deficits are most often the results of loss of blood flow in the
left middle cerebral artery
The two types of stroke are
Ischemic strokes account for nearly what percentage of all strokes?
The two types of TBIs are
closed brain injury
penetrating brain injury
Inflammation in the brain can cause neuronal communication to quicket
Which disease can be characterized as demyelinating?
Neuronal communication is __ in demyelinating diseases
decreased, declined, slowed, slow, slower
How much of all dementia is the result of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)?
What is the hallmark cognitive symptom of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)?
memory impairment
Parkinson’s disease is caused by a loss of __-producing nerve cells in the part of the brain called the substantia nigra.
What is the hallmark cognitive symptom in frontotemporal dementia (FTD)?
executive function impairment
Which of the types of dementia is typically associated with attention impairment, appearing early in the disease progression?
Lewy Body dementia
(think training)
Use of decontextualized tasks to train attention in a specific context
direct training
(think training)
training cognitive skills in the context of everyday activities
training in specific skills
(think training)
intended to minimize impairment while waiting for function to return or if function does not return
compensatory strategies
T/F: There is insufficient evidence that direct training on its own is effective, and therefore should be combined with other approaches
Which type of cognitive impairment is the most common deficit observed in patients with acquired cognitive communication disorders?
The three treatment types under the rehabilitative approach for memory include
rehearsal, retrieval cues, and metamemory
Name one treatment example type for rehearsal
Interference rehearsing numbers spatial rehearsal spatial interference rehearsal rehearsing instructions spaced retrieval
An “alphabet search” is an example of a __ for the treatment for memory
Which type of cognitive impairment is the most enduring following TBI?
executive function
Selection of therapy approach in patients with TBI depends on
support available to patient
time since injury
patient’s level of awareness
protocols that are intended to treat executive function impairment
T/F: Time management pressure is a common complain amongst patients with dementia
Environmental supports used to compensate for executive function deficits include modification of __ demands, organization of __ __, cueing and __, and manipulation of __ factors
physical space
T/F: Unilateral neglect is a visual deficit
T/F: left unilateral neglect is more common than right
Unilateral visuospatial neglect can be viewer centered, __ centered, or both
Although there is a paucity of treatment efficacy for disorders associated with right hemisphere damage, the exception is
unilateral visuospatial neglect
RHD-CCD (right hemisphere damage) can affect both cognition and communication, including executive function, awareness, __, comprehension, production, and __
RHD damage most frequently impacts which of the following types of attention
alternating attention
selective attention
sustain attention
Define anosognosia
reduced awareness or recognition of deficit
Name one type of treatment for affective aprosodia. Indicate whether your above listed treatment is intended for expressive affective aprosodia or receptive affective aprosodia
Motoric-imitative treatment, cognitive affective treatment
__ is a treatment for neglect that can be categorized as a “bottom-up”
left side anchors, external sensory stimulation, prism adaptation, border around stimuli, adding characters to words
__ is a treatment for neglect that can be categorized as a “top-down”
limb activation training
visuospatial motor treatments
lighthouse strategy
visual scanning
Which category of treatments for neglect currently has better evidentiary support in the literature?
T/F: Mild cognitive impairment is a preclinical condition suggesting risk for developing dementia
Which type of dementia has an onset typically occurring before 65 years of age?
frontotemporal dementia (FTD)
Which type of dementia has accompanying sleep disturbances and hallucinations?
dementia with Lewy Bodies
The second most common cause of dementia is
vascular dementia
Name one screen for cognitive impairment
Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test Plus Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test Montreal Cognitive Assessment Mini-Mental State Examination Saint Louis University Mental Status Exam Clock Drawing Test
Name one measure to assess dementia across cognitive domains
Arizona Batter for Cognitive Communication Disorders
Dementia Rating Scale
Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
Treatment for cognitive-communication disorders for dementia includes behavioral and __ treatment
Medical, surgical, pharmacological
Name one feature of successful interventions for persons with dementia
- repeated presentation of targeted information
- provided contexts for learning-by-doing & multiple opportunities to generate target responses
- task formats that reduce error likelihood during initial learning
- capitalize on relatively spared sustained attention during intervention
- exposure to meaningful sensory stimuli
- opportunities for meaningful social engagement
Write one evidence-based behavioral treatment for cognition for persons with dementia
Spaced retrieval
memory books/wallets
reading roundtable
Which type of behavioral treatment is this?
patients with dementia undergo treatment
Direct behavioral treatment
Which type of behavioral treatment is this?
family members undergo training
indirect behavioral treatment