cog explan - gender schema theory Flashcards
what is the gender schema theory (what does it propose)
- a cognitive approach to explaining gender
- proposes gender development lies in seeking to acquire information about ones gender
who proposed the gender schema theory
martin and halverson
what were the 2 key factors proposed by martin and halverson making it different from kohlbergs regarding gender schema theory
- theory states process of acquiring gender relevant info happens before gender constancy is achieved
- claim basic gender identity is sufficient for child to identify selves as boy/girl and take interest in what behaviours are appropriate for their gender (kohlberg argued this did not happen until after gender constancy was achieved) - martin and halverson suggest how acquisition of stereotypes/schemas affect later behaviour (memory/ attention)
define what is meant by the term schema
mental representation of an aspect of actual world (cluster of related items that together represent a concept)
do children learn schemas related to gender
yes, children learn schemas related to gender from interactions with others alongside TV and video games
what are gender schemas
gender schemas organised and structure information thats presented to children
what hinders gender schemas upon creation
children learn about toys that are appropriate for each gender and what clothes to wear
define what an ingroup schema is
ingroup schemas are the group in which a person identifiers to (being a girl/footballer)
what occurs once child has identified with a group
once identified with any group it leads to them positively evaluating their own group and avoiding behaviours of outgroups (enhances self esteem)
why do children use evaluation to avoid behaviors of outgroups
- evaluation motivates children to be like their own group and avoid behaviours of other groups
how do ingroup schemas affect a childs gender development
schemas (ingroup and outgroup) will affect the gender development of a child as it leads them to seek information about what their ingroup does - from early age children focus on ingroup schemas and avoid behaviours belonging to others
what does the gender schema theory explain in terms of gender beliefs
- gender schema theory explains the power of gender beliefs
what do gender beliefs lead to
lead to child holding fixed gender attitudes as they ignore information they encounter which isnt consistent with ingroup info
- example - if boy sees male nurse in film, info is ignored because man is not behaving consistently with boys ingroup schema so the boy doesnt alter his existing schema
what do gender schemas have a huge effect on
gender schemas have huge effect on what is remembered + perceptions of world around us
how do peer relationships affect development of gender
- playing with other children leads children to believe all girls share same schema + same interests (same with boys)
- this leads to avoidance of opposite sex because ‘they’re not like me’ or less fun to play with whereas same sex peers are ‘like me’ so are more fun to play with whatever they’re doing.
- children develop knowledge of potential consequences associated with different social relationships
what do gender schemas influence
gender schemas influence childs likelihood of developing social relationships with same and opposite sex
evaluation points for gender schema theory
(+) gender schemas organised memory
(-) gender identity labelled earlier on
(+) gender schemas distort information
expand on eval point (+) gender schemas organise memory
- research to support how children pay attention to recalling info which is best in line with their gender schemas
- would expect children to pay greater attention to information consistent with gender schemas due to them being important in acquiring info about ingroup gender stereotypes
- martin and halverson found when children were asked to recall pictures of people - children under 6 recalled more of gender consistent ones than gender inconsistent ones (children appear to pay greater attention to ingroup rather than outgroup schemas)
- bradbard told 4-9 year olds that certain gender neutral items were girl or boy items - found participants took greater interest in toys labelled as ingroup
- shows importance of schemas in memory organisation and how it relates to gender
expand on eval point (-) gender identity is labelled earlier on
- there is evidence that children can label their gender group earlier than indicated in previous studies
- zosuls recorded samples of children’s language and observed them at play to identify when they first start labelling themselves as boy or girl - concluded children were using labels by age 19 months
- more evidence that children show gender type preferences even earlier which can be seen as challenge to gender schema theory
- therefore alternative evidence may mean GST is inaccurate in predicting age that children become aware of their gender identity.
expand on eval point (+) gender schemas distort information
- research to support for children distorting gender inconsistent information due to their schemas
- martin and halverson found when children were shown consistent and inconsistent pictures (they distorted info such as remembering girl holding doll when actually it was a boy)
- shows children have strong understanding of gender consistent/inconsistent behaviour that their schemas will distort info in their memory to ensure it fits their understanding.
- shows how fundamental schemas are to childrens development of their understanding for gender