COF/HR Flashcards
Learn the COF definition
Aerobic Endurance
Ability of the cardiorespiratory system to work efficiently. Supplying nutrients and oxygen to working muscles during sustained physical activity”
Muscular Endurance
Ability of the muscular system to work efficiently, where a muscle can continue contracting over a period of time against a light to moderate fixed resistance workload
Adequate range of motion in all joints of the body ; the ability to move a joint fluidly through it’s complete range of movement”
Distance divided by time taken
Acclerative speed
Covering a distance of up to 30 metres
Distance up to 60 me
Speed Endurance
Short recovery periods in-between sprints
Muscular Strength
Maximum force (Kg or N) that can be generated by a muscle or muscle group
Body Composition
Relative ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass (vital organs, muscle and bone) in the body”
Ability of a sports performer to quickly and precisely move or change direction without losing balance or time
Ability to maintain centre of mass over a base of support
Smooth flow of movement needed to perform a motor task efficiently and accurately”