Coding, Capacity and Duration Flashcards
Who did research into coding?
What was Baddelys procedure?
4 groups of PPS had to recall words in the correct order.
the word lists were either semantically or acoustically similar/ dissimilar.
What did Baddely find?
PPS worst with acoustically similar words.
found that LTM is coded semantically
STM coded acoustically
Who did research into capacity (digit span)?
What did Jacobs find about digit span?
for letters= 7.3
for numbers= 9.3
Who did research into capacity (chunking)?
What did Miller find about chunking?
things come in 7s.
found the capacity of STM to be 7 +or- 2
when items are chunked it extends STM
Who did research into duration of STM?
peterson and peterson
What was peterson and petersons procedure?
gave PPS a trigram of letters and a three digit number to count back from. (preventing rehearsal)
What did peterson and peterson find?
as the retrieval interval increased, the percentage of correct responses decreased.
Who did research into STM duration?
what was Bahricks procedure?
Used yearbooks from different highschools and tested recall and recognition
Explain Bahricks findings
faces 90% recognition and 60% recall after 15 years.
after 48 years recognition dropped to 70%
Describe one limitation of coding research (AO3)
artificial stimuli used in Baddelys study. the word lists had no personal meaning.
be cautious when generalizing findings to different memory tasks
Describe two limitations of capacity research (AO3)
jacobs: lacking validity as research conducted a long time ago lacking adequate control cofounding variables)
miller: Cowan reviewed other research and found it was only 4 chunks not 7.
Describe one limitation of STM Duration research (AO3)
material used was artificial and did not reflect everyday real life memories. lacks external validity.
Describe one strength of LTM Duration research (AO3)
real life meaningful memories studied. high external validity.