Codes of Practice Flashcards
Can you tell me about codes of practices you might use when tendering a project?
JCT Practice Note 2017
What do you know about the JCT PN Notes 2017? Do you know of any other similar documents?
The Practice note provides a general commentary on tendering practices and procedures focusing on selective, single stage, two stage and competitive dialogue tendering procedures.
How would you select tenderers for a tender list (prior to issue of Preliminary enquiry)?
“Open Tendering : Expression of interest / advert
Selective tendering: Client may have a preference/ Design team put names forward that are appropriate for the project / have past experience with
What do we mean by the preliminary enquiry?
Letter sent to tenderers to confirm they are interested in tendering in the project - stops anytime wasting later on with with withdrawals from ITT etc
What documents need to be prepared during the preliminary enquiry?
Letter with the following appendicies;
1. Project informations Schedule and checklist
2. Pre Qualification Questionaire
What is a Project Information Schedule (PIS) and what should it include?
“1. the project and its estimated value
2. the Employer, the professional team and contact point
3. the tendering procedure to be used (single-stage, two-stage or competitive dialogue) and the medium (electronic or hardcopy)
4. the programme, including anticipated dates for pre selection interviews ,issue of tender documents and tender submission the requirements for Contractor’s design
5. any applicable BIM requirements
6. the Contract to be used
7. completed Contract Particulars (or their equivalent), showing the requirements (or likely requirements) for Collateral Warranties or Third Party Rights, bonds and Contractor’s insurances (including Professional Indemnity insurance, where there is Contractor’s design work)
8. any amendments or modifications of the Contractor its conditions
9. anyrequirementsforparentcompanyguaranteesorforperformanceorotherbondsthatarenotcoveredby
10. the Contract Particulars
11. mode of execution (as a deed or as a simple contract)
12. (if not specified in the Enquiry Letter) the basis and criteria for pre selection, including weightings or order of importance
13. the basis of contract award (lowest price or price and quality)
14. where award is to be based on price and quality (i.e. the ‘best value’ or ‘most economically advantageous’ tender) and where established prior to issue of the Invitation (or public notice),a list or general statement of the quality criteria and the relative weightings that will be applied to each of those criteria and to price
15. in relation to errors in priced tender documents (in a private sector procurement ) whether Alternative 1 or Alternative 2will apply”
What is the importance of a Project Information Schedule (PIS)?
It clearly sets out important information to potential tenderers including a description of the work, the location of the project, estimated cost range etc. The information provided will determine if the project is appropriate for them and if they would like to submit a tender. Having the potential tenderers know this information increases the chance of a more successful tender process.
What is a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire and what should it include?
“A Questionnaire is to establish the suitability of prospective tenderers on their record and technical capacity. It should include questions relating to the following;
1. Company Particulars
2. Financial / good standing / convictions
3. Regulatory and Compliance
4.Technical capacity, capabilities, skills and past performance”
What is the importance of a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire?
To ensure the correct contractors are tendering for a project, based on experience, financial standing and capabilities
Give some specific examples of questions you might include in a pre-qualification questionnaire.
“Corporate Particulars
- Full company name and registration number
- Principal place of business
- Contact Details
-VAT Registrations
Financial Standing
- Audited Accounts (2/3 years)
- Statement of turnover
Management and Personnel
- Companies Management Structure
- Proposed Team
- Company Policies
- H&S
- Details of existing insurance policies / additional cover / contact details
Sub Contractors / Supply chain
- Selection and quality assurance procedures
- Supply chain management
Technical capability and record
- Recent experience and record
-Contact details for references
-Particular technical skills
Good Standing
- Confirmation that neither the compna nor any of its past or present directors etc have been convicted of any offence involvig coructions, bribery , fraud, etc.
- no material litigation or other proceedings pending
- no breaches of H&S”
“Generally, what time allowances would you allow as a minimum response to pre-qualification
“30 days from date of dispatch of OJEU notice ( Public Procurement) This reduces to 15 days in urgent cases
For straight forward projects without contractors design 14-21 Days”
How many different contractors might we go out to during the prequal?
5-10 for prequal. With a view to tender with no more than 4
What do we mean by the invitation to tender and tender stage?
Where the shortlist of pre-qualified contractors are invited to submit a tender for a project following completion of design documentation (depending on procurement route)
What are the different types of pricing schedules that may be issued at Invitation to Tender?
“Bill of Quantities
Schedule of Works
CSA ??”
How might tender documents be different if we are using a Design & Build procurement route?
The documents will only include a concept design (if pure design and build)
What would we include in an Invitation to Tender Letter?
“Tender documents
return date / adrdress / transmission
Contracts (for tender queries/ site visit)
Marking criteria, weighting etc.
Document contractor to submit;
- signed envelopes
-Form of Tender
-Contract Phase H&S Plan (CDM)
- any CP / CDP
- Master Programme
- Documents relating to contractural matters
What would we include in a Tender Form?
“confirmation they have examined the documents within the form of tender and the following details to fill in:
-Tender sum
- weeks (from acceptance to Date of pocession
-weeks (from dated of possession and completion)
For CDM purposes what document do you need to send out at ITT stage?
Pre Construction Information
What is included within the pre-construction information? Who produces it?
“PCI is produced by the Principal Designer.
The PCI should include the following information about;
1.The project.
2.Planning and management of the project.
3. Health and safety hazards, including design and construction hazards and how they will be addressed.
Information in any existing health and safety file’.
4. Any surveys completed”
What is a preliminaries document? Why do we need to issue this at ITT stage?
A Preliminaries Document desccribes the Project as a whole including any general conditions and requirements for its execution, subcontracting, approvals, testing and completion. We need to issue the preliminaries document at ITT stage as it contains items for pricing, that are general items needed by the contractor to carry out the works that cannot be attributed to specific items of work.
Why do we include a return envelope in the tender pack?
So that the returned tender is recognised when recieved and not opened premeturely.
In a private sector tender, what is the minimum period recommended for and return of tenders?
Depends on the complexity of the project or tendering procedure applied